I Choked On A French Fry And Now My Back Hurts

If my dog eats a bunch of cooked chicken-wing bones, should I induce vomiting?

Just went through this with my dog! From calling her vet and googling, this is what we learned:- Most of the risk is actually to the throat/esophagus, not the intestinal area, so do NOT induce vomiting.- There's a chance of injury to the abdominal area, but it's not likely: keep an eye on him/her and watch for an arched back when walking or other signs of discomfort. If in doubt, call the vet.Our dog was totally fine (in fact, rather pleased with herself). Good luck!

I need help with Jokes!?

3 people are held hostage by cannibals.the cannibals tell them to bring 10 of the same fruit.the first guy brings 10 apples.the cannibals tell him to shove the apples up his @ss without a problem if his able to do it they let him the time he gets to the 4th apple he is having trouble,so the cannibals eat him.the second guy comes with 10 cherries.cannibals tell him to shove the cherries up his @ss.he shove nine and when his about to shove the 10th,he brust into laughter,so the cannibals eat him.the first two hostage are dead and are talking in hell.the 1st hostage says"dude you were so close,why did you start laughing?".the second hostage then says"O i saw the other hostage coming with ten pinapples".
2nd joke
There was this kid named jon who went to school in florida but he was from his 3rd grade class the students are learning how to count to 100.jon was the only kid who can count to 100.jon goes to his dad and ask why is he the only kid that can count to 100.the dad says"its because your from alabama son".the next day the students learn their ABC's.jon is the only one who makes it to Z.jon goes to his dad and ask why am i the only one who can make it to Z."its cause your from alabama son"the dad says.the next day in gym class jon notices his penis is alot bigger than the other kids.he goes to his dad and ask why is his penis bigger than the other kids.his dad says "its because your eighteen son"

I choked on a French fry and now my back hurts?

No, no, no. Both of these fools are wrong. Were you able to cough the french fry back up? If not, the french fry is likely lodged in your spine. This can happen when you cough while hunched over, opening up you spine. 65% chance this will take care of itself with in 2-3 months. If it doesn't I would recommend spinal surgery.

Is this acid reflux or just temporary sour burps?


Stomach cramps (But I always get this before my period and that's the only time I got it)
Uncomfortable burning sensation in throat and kind of like a burp
NO unable to swallow feeling - only in the beginning because I was so anxious about what the hell was wrong with me.
I kind of have a bit of saliva in my mouth, but not exactly so much that it's excessive.

This has only happened to me one time - which is right now. Please tell me it's nothing.

Vegetables and Fruits for Toddlers - myths that they are bad for you?

If any of your parents in general have a problem with digesting raw veggies, then they may have some validity to their concerns. (You'd be surprised, in this society where "veggies are healthy for you" being a biggie, that there are actually some people who have bad reactions to those very "healthful" foods. for some people they just aren't.) so first find out if any of them have bad reactions to raw veggies. if not, then just do things your way when you take care of the baby, and accept the fact that when you leave your baby with them to take charge, they will do it their way.
to make life easy on you, just agree to disagree, and don't make it an issue either way. what they don't see, can't hurt, and if they do see, because they're watching you feed him just say "yeah, when I do this at home, there are no negative results, so as long as I'm the one feeding him, I'll do it my way. Thanks for your input though."

Anything I eat, every single day, feels like it's getting stuck in my throat.?

I have been having the following problem for the past 9 months. I am 25 years old and a female in good health besides this problem.

Any solid food I eat such as chicken, french fries, hot dog etc... gets stuck on the upper right side of my throat. It isn't painful but, it feels very annoying and feels as if I will choke on it. I drink liquids to try and get it down but, it just sits there. Sometimes I feel it move toward the bottom of my neck or to the upper left side of my neck. Liquids don't help push down the food and I do not not choke on the liquid.

I am constantly annoyed every day and night with this problem. It is hard for me to sleep at night because I am scard I will choke on the food in my throat. Then, I try not to speak because I am scared when I talk I will choke on the food.

This problem is only getting worse and no doctors can figure out what my problem is. I have had two barrium swallows, PH Motility Test, and an endoscopy and all that was found was a hiatial hernia which doesn't explain the food stuck in my throat.

I am always touching my throat to try and push the food down but, no it doesn't work. I don't know how much longer I can live with this problem. I had an thyroid ultrasound and I am waiting for the resaults. I am working on getting an MRI done. The insurance just won't pay for my MRI for some reason.....

Please help me out. If you know what this could be...Please let me know... I am begging you...... It has come to a point where not only do I feel like I'm not going to last much longer, it's completely affecting both my life + my husbands. I can't talk to my husband at night after work, mainly because my throat feels like it's got food stuck in it. I worry that I will end up choking on any possible food that could be stuck. I am taking Prevacid Solutabs 30 mg twice a day...... They don't seem to help. I have taken Zegerid in the past with no luck of helping either....

I've seen at least 5 doctors about this already (so please don't reply "You should see a doctor"). None of them had a solid definitive answer. I just feel like I'm getting the old run-around by a guy who needs to make money too and is wasting both of our time.

** Do these symptoms sound familiar to anyone? If you have something similar or the same, I think it would be comforting to know that I won't live the rest of my life DAY AFTER DAY like this.