I Consume 1500-2000 Calories How Many Calories Should I Lose A Day

How many calories a day should I consume? SO CONFUSED HELP PLEASE!?

Two things: One, I'm pretty sure with that caloric intake and the cardio you're getting you will lose weight. However, you are not overweight now so it might be a slow process (as it should be). Don't expect miracles. You will probably feel thinner before the scale actually says you are (as the result of toning).

Two - I am a little concerned about your motives for losing weight. You are at a healthy weight right now, and at only 14, I worry that dieting is a bad idea. You need fat and calories to grow to your potential. Whatever you do, don't skimp on vitamins and healthy stuff in your diet. It's great to be more active and eat better, I just hope you aren't being sucked in by the media telling you that you aren't good enough because you aren't rail-thin. As a female, development at your age is very important.

If I eat 1500 calories a day and burn 2000 calories a day, will I lose weight?

Yes, in theory anyway. If you run a deficit of 500 calories a day, you will lose 1 pound a week.
Burning up 3500 calories a day while eatng only 1500 is brutal, but it can be done. Not recommended though. This ends up being a daily deficit of 2000 calories, or 14000 per week Equal to 4 pounds per week. Ouch.

If I consume 1,700 calories a day, then do I have to burn off more than 1,700 calories a day to lose weight?

Hey Jeremy,Great question!In order for your body to lose weight each week, you will of course have to make a calorie deficit. Now, your body needs some of those calories each day for normal function, walking, talking, thinking, digesting all that good stuff.Your resting metabolic rate is what it means your body uses while at rest without you doing anything in your day. Say if your resting metabolic rate was 1600 then anything you eat over and above that is for your body to determine what to do with it… as fat….use for exercise that is above just sitting all day.My mim for men to eat is 1600 calories per day and 1200 for women. If men eat lower than this, they get into dieting territory and your body may eat some of your muscle tissue for food.If you are exercising you need to add in how many calories you burn to keep your weight maintained. Eat higher than that and you gain weight.Say you need a min 1600 calories at rest, your workout is 500 calories being burned off, if you wanted to maintain your weight, you would have to eat 2100 calories.If you wanted to lose weight then you could eat 1600 calories and be burning 500 calories a day with exercise.If that continued in the week each day you would burn 3500 calories which equals to a loss of a pound of pure fat each week.Bethany GettisCertified Holistic Nutritional Consultant™Nutritious & Delicious - CalgaryFollow us on Facebook: @ nutritiousanddeliciouseatingFollow us on Instagram: nutritiousanddeliciousmom

Will I lose weight after consuming 2,000 calories and burning 1,000 in a day?

Consuming 2,000 calories a day and burning 1,000 calories via workout will give you a net daily calories of 2,000–1,000 = 1,000.Most individuals’ basal metabolic rate is greater than 1,000 calories, so I believe it’s safe to assume that you will lose weight. By how much? Again this depends on your basal metabolic rate, which you can determine using this calculator from Calculator on, it takes ~3,500 calories to gain or lose a pound of muscle. Therefore, if your basal metabolic rate is 1,500 calories, you will be in a 500 caloric deficit everyday. This translates to 500 x 7 = 3,500 caloric deficit per week, which means you will lose one pound of weight per week.With that said, be wary of overestimating the amount of calories you burn through exercise. It is essentially impossible to outrun a bad diet.To put this into perspective, consider that the caloric expenditure per 100 pounds of body weight per mile of jogging is 62 calories. So if a person weighs 200 pounds, they would burn approximately 124 calories while jogging. This may seem like a decent return until you note that a slice of pizza contains 285 calories. Thus if you are consuming a slice of pizza, you will need to jog for over two miles just to compensate for the extra calories!In your scenario, assuming you weigh 200 pounds, you will need to jog for over 8 miles to burn 1,000 calories. Of course, there are other more effective ways to exercise, a prime example being High Intensity Interval Training!If you want more information about weight loss and the best ways to lose fat, you can read my article here. Good luck :)

If I eat 2000 calories a day, how many should I burn to lose weight?

If you eat 2000 calories a day, then to lose weight you need to burn more than 2000 calories a day. If you burn 2250 calories a day, then you'll lose 1 lb. in 2 weeks. If you burn 2500 calories a day, then you'll lose 1 lb in 1 week. It's not hard to figure out.

How many calories should I eat a day?

I'm a 19 year old female.
I am 5'8.
I weigh between 104 and 106.
I do not want to gain or lose weight.
How many calories should I really eat that will ensure I don't gain?

If I burn 1000 calories every day, how many kg would I lose in a month?

I am not seeing a simple answer here so I will give it a go.Lets assume the following,You burn 2000 calories at rest.You burn 2500 calories per day taking into account general activity.if you eat 2500 calories per day then you are neither in a surplus or deficit, you are at maintenance and will not gain or lose weight.You burn 1000 calories per day exercising, this puts you into a 1000 calorie per day deficit. (this is too much by the way)1lb of fat = 3500 calories, so in theory you could lose 1lb of fat every 3.5 days.In reality you will start burning muscle and go into starvation mode as you are going below your basic minimum calories needed.If you upped your calorie intake to 3000 so your calorie deficit was 500 then you would be looking at losing around 1lb of fat per week. Combine this with a good protein intake and resistance training and you could preserve your muscle and lose mostly fat.Again reality over theory your fat loss will vary, how much fat you have, your metabolism, the exercise you do, what foods you are eating and other variables will all effect how much weight you lose and how much of that weight is fat.

If i start consuming 3000 calories a day how many weeks until i see fat?

You may not...

-- How active are you?
-- What makes up the 3000 calories?
-- How is your body type distributes between endomorph, ectomorph, and mesomorph?

As a correction to the above, eating an excess of 3500 calories will NOT result in one pound of fat. Burning 3500 excess calories WILL result in losing one pound of fat.

3000 calories is not alot depending on who you are. If you are lean and trying to gain weight, make these quality calories and keep up (or start) a regular exercise schedule and you will put on quality mass.

Good luck!!