I Despise Having A Cell Phone But I Somewhat Need It

My son hates having his privates washed. Any suggestions?

My son is now 23 months old and since he was born he has had a real problem with his penis being washed. Now, it has gotten to the point where we have to hold him down just to make sure that it is somewhat clean. Yes, we are very careful not to hurt him since it is a sensitive area, and no, no one has done anything inappopriate to make him fearful, he's been this way since birth. Since he has gotten older, I've tried to reason with him and let him know that his penis needs to be cleaned and then i give him the wash cloth and encourage him to do it himself. He then proceeds to get upset and starts screaming and throws the wash cloth down. My husband and I have even went as far as kidding him, telling him that it might fall off if he doesn't keep it clean. Penis well taken care of after circumcision, so no complications there, scheduled for 2 year check up soon. Will speak to dr if no resolution. Suggestions welcome, take in2 consideration all points made with statement b4 answer

I had a somewhat intimate moment with my cousin. Should I tell my mother/aunt or not? I'm worried...?

I had just gotten out of the shower and I was getting dressed. The lock on the bathroom door is messed up and since it was,a sunny day i didnt have the light on. Anyway I was in my panties and bra when my cousin came in because he had left his cellphone in the bathroom. We looked at each other and paused for a few seconds. Then he said that he had just wanted his cell phone and didnt know i was in there. I told him it wasnt a big deal and he grabbed his cell phone. We've always been close. He said goodbye cause my aunt and cousins were leaving (they're going out if town for a while and we hang out a lot) he hugged me tightly, despite my undressed state he wrapped his arms around me in a deeper, gentlier than usual hug. I pulled him a little closer and whispered, I'm gonna miss you. He said me too. Instwad of letting go right then and there, for some reason we both found ourselves hugging each other even tighter. He put a hand on my cheek suddenly but i didnt protest. he ran that hand down my face and down my bare side, hesitating slightly at my butt. I found myself smirking and I told him he was the best cousin a girl coukd ask for. I knew I should be weirded out but for some reason i was happy. I found my cheek resting near his and I whispered, can't wait until you get back, my lips brushing ever so slightly against his cheek. I felt his hand on my backside and i almost kissed him, i came close. We both made awkward eye contact at that point and he left the room. I dont know what happened or why. Does this qualify as an intimate moment? Should i tell my family? What should i tell them?

What would your life be like without internet or cell phones?

To have freedom away from telephones while out of the house is a glorious thing, a somewhat peaceful innerself forcing yourself to pay attention to the outside world instead of a little screen with touch buttons. People deffinetly paid attention to the world a little more before cell phones. Worrying about emergencies or not having milk at home was just a simple life challange that I think could do some people good to worry about that today. You have a flat tire? then walk to a pay phone and call a tow truck. what's the big deal.
I still don't own a cell phone, and I love every minute of it. It's sad that the whole world is so tied down to a device that holds back humanity from a more human connection. and while that may seem off key, only those of us that lived lives B.C. (before cells) would I suspect understand.
No internet, so I loose something to do after work. whatever.
I could learn once again to find something better to do.
Without the internet children would be forced to spend their afternoons at a library, learning card catalogs and reading things called books.
Perhaps educated the worlds children into learning in a different perspective. Having a respect for those before us , whom lived life on simple terms.

Doesn't anyone else hate new technology?

First of all, let me say I love technology, Computers, videogames, and cell phones. But im getting so sick with all of the new technology companies are putting out. Like Microsoft with their stupid windows 8 and amazingly stupid xbox one, the new ios7, new yahoo homepage, new youtube website, and so on. I really hate all of this new stuff. Anyone else hate new technology?

What do you hate most about the dating process?

I'm married now, but (online) dated for awhile before I met my wife. There were a few things I hated:1.  Mixed signals.  You have a nice date or couple of dates, seem to click, maybe even hook up.  Then you never hear from them again.  I once had a date where we agreed beforehand to be honest with each other if we weren't feeling it.  We met for pizza, say down, looked at each and said "nope."  That was much better than the long tease.  We are actually friends 7 or 8 years later and my wife and I were both in her wedding party. :)2.  Starting over.  I was looking for a long term relationship.  So when I'd go out with a woman for a month or two and things seemed to going well, it was somewhat crushing when it didn't work out.  One of the things I hated was having to start over, with all that time and effort wasted.  It was tough enough meeting someone where we both wanted to go out on a second date.  So when a relationship ended, I dreaded having to start from scratch.3.  Communication protocol.   I went to highschool in the mid 90s and college in the late 90s.  Most people didn't have cell phones.  Text messages were years in the future.  Even online chatting was rare (I had ICQ, but most people didn't have anything.)   Dating in the mid-late 2000s, everything was different.  If you exchange gmail accounts, you are going to see each other online on google chat.  Should you say hi the day after or ignore her?  Communicating with someone in the 90s meant finding a landline and calling them.  If they weren't home you got voicemail.  Now everytone is instantly reachable via text message.  How long should one wait to send a text?  Respond to a text?  The rules* seem to be written as we went along.  While I didn't like playing games, I always thought that one should present an image of wanting to be with the person but not NEEDING to be with the other person.  Does texting the next day make one seem desperate or friendly?Also, this didn't happen to me, but this has happened to friends.  Being fixed up with a girl/guy who obviously wasn't their type, or even attractive.  The fixer-uppers were always excited to make it work out and the fixer-uppee had to deal with both trying to stop seeing the date and not disappoint the people who set them up.

Why do most high school students hate reading?

As a child, I adored reading. My mother, on multiple occasions, would catch me reading, whether under the covers or in the bathroom, way past my bedtime. I made frequent visits to the library, a space of comfort and joy for me, and almost every time, I would reach the library’s maximum borrowing limit. At one point, my mother had to ban me from the library because reading was all I did.Then, I entered high school. It wasn’t long before I stopped itching to read books, and started growing a sense of antipathy towards them. Teachers began to hold me accountable for reading “chapters one through nine by next Tuesday” or “the first 40 pages by Friday.” I hated that there was a deadline in reading novels, and that you could no longer read them at your own pace. Reading, as assigned by school, felt like a controlled act, a rush to meet a deadline, a job. It was no longer synonymous with my happiness.That was only a part of the issue, however. High school also dictated what I read. They didn’t ask me to choose a book on a topic I was interested it or one I would enjoy reading. They chose for me. They only chose books with sonnets or too many metaphors or deep symbolic messages that nobody except the teacher would care to speculate upon. I despised what the system did to my love for reading, and so many other students, who also once loved reading, felt the same way.Yeah, so why not read “enjoyable books” in your free time? Okay, but like, what free time?Of course, once in a blue moon, we would read a somewhat interesting book, but thanks to high school, the chances of me reading even those were 50/50.I am now nearing the end of my high school career, and in the past year or so, I’ve desperately wanted to reignite my love for reading. I’ve started to disregard reading deadlines, immerse myself in books I want to read, and skim through books that I don’t care for in the slightest. It’s a slow return back to my childhood reading habits, but surely enough, I’m getting there.The answer isn’t in the habits of high school students, it’s in the botched high school system that plants the seeds of our animosity towards things we once loved.