I Do Have A Mild Pain With Stiffness Vacuum Feeling In My Right Middle Abdomen.but It Is Not

What causes a pulsating feeling under the left rib cage?

“Pulsating” suggests rhythmic repetition such as cardiac action. If you only feel this while lying on your left side and the “pulsations” coincide with your heartbeat, it may be the apex of the left ventricle against your left rib cage that gives that sensation. Check your pulse and time it with the “pulsations”. If they do exactly coincide, then the sensation is probably cardiac or vascular in origin.Usually, however, this complaint refers to rumbles within the colon or occasionally peristaltic action as a mix of food with small amounts of gas moving through the pylorus of the stomach into the duodenum. Peristaltic action is rhythmic, 2–3 times per minute usually and is usually felt in the pyloric area or colon because of higher pressures that may be generated there.Sounds or sensations that the bowel makes are called borborygmi and are usually described as “growls” or gurgling. Noise in the bowel is only caused by a liquid/air interface such as in the stomach or colon. As small bubbles of gas enter the colon, they rise and coalesce in the transverse colon in the upper abdomen where you may sense it under the left ribs. As the gas moves into the splenic flexure of the colon, the discomfort is felt more to the left and even around to the back—kidney area. “Splenic flexure syndrome”.I suspect this is a benign condition and will subside. If you have problems with gas/bloating/irregular bowels, take a fiber supplement such as a TBSP of metamucil twice a day and see what happens. The first sign of colon dysfunction is due to a failure of moving gas and this is the first thing that recovers when you take a fiber supplement. Hope this helps.

Why does one of my knees sound like popping corn when I bend or straighten it?

There are many reasons why the knee can click and pop.  Sometimes the answer to this question can be totally benign or times more serious.  A meniscal tear will click - pop but most likely also catch / lock at a specific point when you are bending and straightening your knee.  Also there is a condition in which a meniscus may be abnormally shaped known as discoid meniscus that causes audible popping. Arthritic issues can cause your body to lay down  excess bone within or near joint surfaces that can cause excess friction.There are a number of more benign causes such as muscle groups around the knee that can become aggravated by inflammation and partial tears along insertion sites.  Common examples are iliotibial band friction syndrome,  snapping biceps femoris (ham string) over its insertion site of the fibula.

Can a gas diffuse in a gas?how about a gas in a liquid?give example?

diffusion is the movement of paricle from a region of higher conc. to a region of lower conc. therefore a gas can diffuse in a gas if either one is conc. in one point and the same goes for gas in liquid

example: u can smell the fart of someone else even though he's sitting at the other end. that's because his fart diffused into the air you breathe in.