I Do Know What To Do Anymore

I don't know what to do anymore?

Today I finally said out loud that I don't care I die, and for the most part it's true. Part of me wants something bad to happen, part of me wants to be checked in a hospital...
I used to cut my wrists. My two friends found out and made me promise I won't do it again. It's been a month and a half and every day gets harder and harder. The urge keeps growing and I'm about to break. I don't know what to do.
I'm completely antisocial. On Saturday at a party I would sit alone in the corner and when people were near me, I could feel tears in my eyes and I got angry almost. This anti-social thing with me just keeps getting worse and it's taking over my life.
I hate eating. I hate myself when I eat and I hate myself when I don't eat. I don't eat much and I don't want to eat at all. I mean I'm not over weight. Im 115 pound and I'm like 5 feet 4 inches. I just want to feel pretty. I want to be ableto control something in my life. It's making me thinner too. I saw my grandmother on Saturday and before that the last time I saw her was Easter. She said I looked prettier and thinner... So it is working.
My mom keeps telling me she is going to bring me to a hospital. I do have a lot of things wrong with me. Besides all that I have depression and I can't control my emotions at all. I mean my emotions are all over the place and it's big mood swings. I can go from laughing to cry in like 10seconds and I feel crazy.
I have had one therapy appointment and I have another on Friday. I just felt worse after that first one and I don't want to go back. I just don't know what to do. I have so much more to say than what I wrote I just thought I'd stick to the basics. So please....I really need advice. Help me please.

I don't know what to do with myself anymore...?

I'm just obsessed with being alone by myself. Lately if I'm getting the chance to be with friends I stay home. I know it's not a problem to have alone time sometimes but I just don't like people. I don't get along with anyone at my school either. I've got about three close friends and that's it. I feel like I'm the only one that feels so alone, I know I'm not but it seems like it. I don't know how to make new friends and nobody's advice has been helping. I'm so freaking scared, every day because I've lost all my old friends, one because they've moved on and their all finding new groups in high school to hang out with, while I'm just still with the same people I've known forever. And it makes me depressed that everyone's moving on and chanigng and I still feel like the same stupid shy and awkward kid I've been my whole life, and I'm 16. I feel like I'm the only one that thinks so in depth about things. Like I keep a journal and just write and write even at school, when I just can't talk to people about these kind of things. I get so in depth that I have full conversations with myself about things, but I can't talk to people about it because I just feel like nobody would even give a damn about what I'd have to say about things.I just don't even want to get up out of bed in the morning, I'm scared of losing all my friends because I'm getting so out of touch with everything, with reality. I don't even know what to do anymore. And I know people say, you just got to get up and face the day. But I don't even know what do do. It'd be easier just to run away from it all but I know I can't run from my problems forever. I just want to start over new some place else. But I know thats out of the question right now. I just don't know what to do. Can anyone else relate or give me advice to keep moving forward? Because as of now I don't have a clue what to do anymore... :[

I don't know what to do with myself anymore?

Consider your options, be glad to be a bear. Do you know how many others would love to be in your place? Med school will take forever, why not take a closer look at other medical related job prospects and careers. Find something that will use the classes you have already completed and build on that. Next summer, try to land an internship is this new area of interest. We know you can do it!

I don't know what to do with my life anymore. Help?

I feel like I lost myself. When I say that I mean, I don't even know who I am as a person anymore. I'm not sure what I want to do with my life anymore. Every time I plan for my future, something goes wrong. I'm just to the point where I feel like I want to bury myself alive because I don't understand life. I wanted to move out and go to a 4 year university, however I failed biology II (yes I'm a senior in high school and I graduate this Saturday) and since I failed the class I can't go to a 4 year university in the state I live in (Louisiana) I wanted to move out of momma's house, but since I failed I have no choice but to stay home because they don't have dorms to the community college here. Then on top of that I don't want to go to a community college and I know if I don't like where I'm going to "school" at I won't try, so why go. I don't know what to do with my life anymore. I thought about going the air guard, but im "overweight" in their eyes, so i would have to lose 40 pounds to join. Im just going so they can pay for college, but their contract is 6 years. 6 years? i don't even know what im doing tomorrow, let alone dedicate 6 years to the air guard. Is it normal to feel like this? What should I do? I'm so lost I don't know which way is up or down. So any suggestion or tips would be appreciated. Thanks

I don't know what to believe anymore, what should I do?

Its completely okie to be like that …more over its actually good as your mind and thoughts can be emptied fully and then remould it as you wish.Take a brake. Do nothing, it will freshen up your thoughts.Stefan Sagmeister(co founder of Sagmeister & Walsh Inc) shuts down his studio for twelve months every seven year, when asked about it he said“ Everything that we have designed in 7 years following the first sabbatical had it's root in thinking done during that sabbatical”.Even Simon Cohen founder of Global Tolerance did the same .And when they came back they were even stronger and better.It's important to completely clear your mind. Only when you achieve this can you begin again, refreshed. To think deeply, sometimes you have to first empty your mind of all thoughts. Which you are now. So embrace it and start fresh with more stronger and better mind then before.“Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy”- Guillaume Apollinaire.

I don't know what to do anymore, mum says to get an IT apprenticeship and wants me to give up becoming an indie game dev. I don't know what to do at this point. what shall I do?

There’s no real reason you can’t try to do both. In fact, learning how established companies go about doing software development, and getting to work with experienced developers, will give you more tools for becoming that indie game developer.Becoming a successful game developer (meaning that you are making enough of an income to be able to support yourself) isn’t going to happen quickly unless you are incredibly lucky and talented. You’re going to have to sell hundreds if not thousands of copies of your games to be able to make even a basic income.Getting started in a software development career while doing game development on your own time will give you a chance to get the skills you’ll need to be successful. You might be able to earn enough of an income to support yourself until your games are successful.

Please answer..i dont know what to do anymore!!!!?

Time to become an adult and realize the only person you can depend on in this world is YOU!

Focus on school and graduation. That's all that matters right now - your grades. Stay out of trouble, get through high school and when you turn 18 you're free to move out and do what you want.

Stop worrying about your mother - she isn't going to change anytime soon. Keep your head clear and focus on doing what is right for YOU.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. You are learning some valuable life lessons right now. When everyone is against you it will only make you stronger - don't let anyone control you and your life.

Stop worrying about everyone else - put all your energy into getting yourself together. Exercise, read good books, focus on school (spend time in libraries or book stores reading).

When you try to save drowning people you get pulled under with them. Swim off in the other direction and save yourself.

How do you say 'i don't know what to do anymore' in japanese?

わたし は、もう 何 を したら 良いか わからない。
わたし は、もう なに を したら よいか わからない。
watashi wa,mou,nani o shitara yoika wakaranai.(means "I don't know what is good to do)

If you said "watashi wa nani o SURU KA wakaranai ", you may be thought to be like a doomed mouse which will bite a cat if he has no choice.