I Do Not Know What This Word

I do not know how to spell this word.?

Do you know when somebody tells you to write something down or something like that, they will say "Can you Jawt done your name please?" The word I do not know how to spell is jawt. I think that is how it sounds but I do not know how to spell it, please help. Ex. 1 I am going to jawt it done on a piece of paper for you. Ex. 2 I am jawting done the address, will you jawt done yours please, thank you!

Is there any word that you do not know?

Yes dear ! there must be ‘SO MANY' such words which either: -=================(1) *“may not have been there in the DICTIONARY which I have gone through at least once,or(2) “I may have forgotten them because of not having an enough OPPORTUNITY to read or write them”or(3) “They may not have come across me while reading or writing anything throughout my whole life.or(4) “WHILE READING ANY ARTICLE /SUBJECT WRITTEN BY ANY EXPERT/SPECIALIST HAVING A GREAT REPERTOIRE OF INFINITE VOCABULARY, then also I do come across so many new words, whose meaning I don't know.*Whenever I come across any unfamiliar /new words , I VALUE THEM LIKE A GEM, GRASP THEIR MEANING WITH BOTH HANDS & OPEN MIND. I try to remember them by not only USING THEM IN MY OWN WAY & CONTEXT but also by remembering the NAMES of those who wrote the post/ article & the CONTEXTS of their USAGE; because , it's always better to learn & remember something in ‘TO-TO’ rather than in ‘TATTERED PIECES', to have a long lasting impression/MEMORY.My sincere submission, suggestion & subtle tips to ENRICH OUR VOCABULARY is be a PERPETUAL /ETERNAL LEARNER, NEVER BE SMUG or COMPLACENT in our lives.

What is another word to use for “not sure”?

i’m being nice today.uncertain, undetermined, tentative, indecisive, ambivalent, undecided, vacillating, hesitant, wavering.please note that depending on what context you wish to use the word for, that some words may not be suitable or may require a contextual word change , for eg. indecision is the noun, indecisive is the adjective, indecisively is the adverb, etc. depending on what context you wish to use the word in you may have to change the form of speech used.

Do people who use the word "deviant" not know what it means?

All it means is something other than the norm.
A deviation in the main route would be a shortcut or a detour.

Deviant behavior does not mean evil, even if it has that connotation. Like, deviant behavior for me would be actually studying for tests. That doesn't sound bad.

"Sexual Deviant" is just a deviation from the norm sexuality. It sounds a lot worse than what it actually means.

And "Deviant Behavior" is actually usually good. How boring would it be if everyone followed the "norm". No one would excel at anything or be individuals.

So...I encourage deviant behavior! :) Unless you're gonna kill somebody, then perhaps not.

Is phadrant a word? I do not know Latin, but I thought it could possibly be Latin.

Could you provide the context in which you saw this word?  It may have simply been a typo, or it could have been an attempt to show a kind of relationship… for example, Phad is a style religious scroll painting and folk painting, practiced in Rajasthan state of India…  someone writing about a picture they may have that was painted in as similar style and may have created a reference by saying it was a phadrant style painting.Context is everything.

If you are reading and there are words you don't know, is it bad to keep looking for words in a dictionary or keep reading?

Not at all. If you think reaching for a dictionary interrupts your reading flow, then have a pencil ready so you can underline every word you don't know and check for the meanings all at once at the end of the reading session. Meanwhile, carry on and assume what the word means based on the context. If you are okay with going to the dictionary each and everytime, that also works. Suit yourself. Why imposing a restriction on yourself? This surely helps in improving your vocabulary, regardless of the funny looks some people might give you when reading in public. I started out like this as a child, then got hooked on reading dictionary for fun. It works.

I need to know what the word: means?

I think it means "deanery", a regional unit of church government, smaller than a diocese or patriarchate, larger than a parish.