I Donated My Hair Is It Necessary To Wash My Head Everyday

Is it OK if I wash my hair with water every day?

Wow, lots of really odd answers to this. I think the question is asking is it OK to wash your hair with ONLY water everyday. The answer is, of course yes. Its fine. Taking it further, I believe this is preferable to washing you hair with shampoo. Around 25 years ago I was washing my hair with shampoo everyday, and then putting products in it to make it non-dry. It dawned on me this was a bit silly. I was stripping out the oil from my hair, and replacing it with oil. I decided to stop and see what happened. For about 2 weeks my hair became really oily. Then it settled down, and I have literally never used shampoo since. When I get it cut, the hairdresser shampoos it, and if I do some really dirty job I might shampoo it, but otherwise there is really no need. Hair care products are a scam.

Do you wash your hair every day?

Good God, no, never. And I would recommend everyone against it, it damages your hair more than it does it any good.When I was a little teenager, I remember complaining to my mum that my hair was always really greasy. She explained to me that this was because I was “making them used to being washed everyday”. I didn’t really understand, as to me “shampoo” was the equivalent of “clean”, and that there was no such thing as “too much cleanness”. Boy oh boy I was wrong.My mum helped me solve this problem over a school break. I didn’t wash my hair for 5 days in a row. I looked like a mess, I guarantee you, but it was all worth it, I was told. I washed it again 4 days later, and kept doing that, always overcoming my want, my need to wash it. After 2 weeks of this treatment, my hair looked normal after 2 days.I couldn’t even have imagined that a month before! I was amazed. I organised my hair washing schedule according to school, saying I’d wash it on Sundays night, for it to be pretty on Mondays and Tuesdays, and borderline dirty for Wednesday, which was okay, because it was only half a day of school.I’d wash it again Wednesday night, for it to be clean on Thursday and Friday, last days of school, a bit dirty for Saturdays, where I had dancing lessons anyway and was sweating a lot, and Sunday was my dirty day. You understand that if a friend invited me for an event on, let’s say, Wednesday after school, it would take me a while to accept, as I was doing the math in my head.The point is, the best thing you can do for your hair is to wash it as little as you can, for your own benefit.

Fastest Way to Grow LONG hair?

Ok, actually wearing it in a ponytail will damage the hair making the growing process take longer, also brushing your hair when wet is awful for your hair, it will damage it so much! The best thing to do is condition your hair really well and try to keep it healthy (avoid things that will damage your hair) and eat a diet high in protein, vitamin D, and vitamin E.

Check out my blog for more advice on hair, fashion, and beauty.

Can you donate hair to LOCK FOR LOVE if....??

You are still able to donate you hair to LOL... Despite the rumors that you hear about them drug testing the hair is untrue!! In order for them to "drug test" the hair the would need the hair follicle which is better know as your "root" and obviously they aren't cutting that off!! So you have nothing to worry about

Should i shave my head & wear a wig while my hair grows?

my hair has become very unhealthy & i would like to start over with it. i'm thinking about shaving my head and wearing a wig but i'm worried it'll fall off & i'll get embarrassed. thoughts?

Should I make my daughter get her hair cut shorter?

Little girls SHOULD have short hair. Mom hated long hair, and I thank her for that. I started being a rebel, so by HS, I started doing my own hair and creating my own identity, using my hair.

Yeah it's cute & pretty and all, but I have hair down to my knees. When I'm doing housework, I put them up, using large claw clips, never pony. I can create 7 different styles a week, takes less than 5 mins. so yeah I can take good care of my hair, and I'm sure your DD can too.

But there are risks! Accidents happening to hair. For a little girl that would make her become helpless, and her hair getting caught at things. Accidents happen everyday, so don't assume just because she knows how to take care of her hair, it will never happen to her.

Care: Do not pile hair up on her head when shampooing, like laundry. Keep the head down, while massaging shampoo on her head, then allow the shampoo to slide down to the tips of her head, while you move the massaging down to the tips. Then keeping the head down or head up, let the water rinse from head to tip of the hair. Move the hair towards the back of her head and continue rinsing while moving the hand in/around the hair to make sure all the shampoo are gone.

After they're wash, dry with a towel. Her hair is long, use two towels. By then it's halfway dried. Blow-dry for 5 mins, concentrating on the roots, then move the dryer towards the middle and tips of the hair. When it's 99 1/2% dried, BRUSH the hair and style. The whole method takes less than 30 mins.

I use claw clips often, when I'm putting my hair up. I never do a pony, it stresses the hair, and the sides thinner & they get baldy.

Cut: When she decides to get her hair cut, make sure you save the hair wrapped in paper. She will always go back & remember how healthy, the original color and how long it was. I still have my hair from HS, when I cut my hair. I guarantee you, it will never be the same again.

Can you donate your pubes to locks of love?

Locks of love only takes donations 10 inches in length. So unless you have 10 inch pubes, I doubt it, weirdo.