I Dont Feel Like I Can Take In Enough Air

Feel like I'm not getting enough air?

The past two days I've been felling like.. sort of like I'm not getting enough air. I'll take a deep breath but it just doesn't feel right... Not sure exactly how to describe it other than it feels like I'm not getting enough air when I breathe in.

I don't smoke, I'm a little overweight but nothing too serious... I am hypothyroid but I don't think that would have anything to do with breathing, but I could be wrong.

Any suggestions would be great, thanks.

I feel like I can't get enough air and that I need to yawn and take deep breaths often?

Well I did have a panic attack once, but that was like a week ago, I had dizziness, I was lightheaded, I was hot but sweating cold, I had constant "butterfly's" in my stomach or when it feels like your stomach is dropping, I felt I couldn't get enough air(but this feels like I can't get enough air INTO my lungs) and when I tried breathing out slowly it would be all shaky and I saw black dots everywhere(like when you get a head rush, but it lasted way longer) but that was a while ago, and I haven't gotten that again.

I feel like I cannot get enough air to my lungs?

I'm 15 years old, sort of healthy ( I don't exercise much, but I eat well, except for the occasional sugar binge) I am slightly dehydrated and low on vitamin D. Basically what's going on is that my lungs feel slightly deflated and I feel as though no matter how much I breathe it's not enough. I've had a few panic attacks over the past 2 years. I also feel like I have a gas bubble in my chest sometimes... Help?

Why do I sigh all the time? I feel like I don't get enough air when I breathe normally, but it is not shortness of breath or something obstructive. I'm not in pain, just sighing a lot.

You are likely one of the many humans that breathes incorrectly.I want you to try this experiment.Stand in front of a mirror, and take in the deepest breath you possibly can.Notice - did you lift your shoulders?That, my friend, is the definition of clavicle breathing or more commonly referred to as shallow breathing.Now, I must warn you, changing the way you breathe is no simple task. You’ve been doing it all wrong for god knows how many years, so be prepared to feel uncomfortable for the first month of this transition.Once you’ve mastered how to breathe properly, though, your quality of life will increase tremendously. More oxygen means better focus and clarity, as well as better endurance and muscle recovery. This practice will even help with digestion.So how does one go about breathing properly?Again, situate yourself in front of a mirror.The first step is to stand up tall, and completely relax your shoulders.Next, place your hands on your belly, and completely relax your stomach.Yes, you really are that fat, EMBRACE ITNow, you’re going to start inhaling through your nose, while focusing on three things:Keeping your shoulders relaxedKeeping your belly relaxedExpanding your belly outwardThis breath will feel uncomfortable. You might not feel like your getting enough air. That’s because your brain has been wired to correlate breathing to the lifting of your shoulders, whereas a proper breath is exercised with the expansion and contraction of the diaphragm.Next, exhale through your mouth and repeat!Congratulations you’ve just taken your first proper breath. Actually, you used to breathe properly as a baby, but once you got older and fatter, you tried to hide your stomach, forcing you to breath with your shoulders. (Not proven, but it’s the best explanation we can find)Now, all you gotta do is consciously catch yourself when your breathing with your shoulders, and override that action by taking a deep breath with the expansion of your belly.Once you practice for a couple of weeks, it will feel a lot more natural, and you’ll definitely begin to notice the benefits.Next, is learning how to yawn through your belly instead of your shoulders. Now, I’ll save that for another Quora post (:

I have a feeling of not getting enough air?

hey! your HYPERVENTILATING - It's a condition called neurocirculatory asthenia. It is defined as a psychosomatic disorder characterized by nervous and circulatory irregularities, including dyspnea, palpitation, giddiness, vertigo, tremor, precordial pain, and increased susceptibility to fatigue. The symptoms often result from or are associated with psychologic stress.

Whenever you feel that condition - get a brown paper bag and cover it around your nose and mouth. Breath in the Carbon Dioxide you exhaled. If you don't have the bag, you may cuff both your hands and wrap it around your nose and mouth. You will feel better afterwards.

You may also consult a psychiatrist for that matter if it worsen or even now to manage the condition. I hope this helps. take care.

When I exercise why does it feel like I can't get enough air into my lungs?

I have pulmonary hypertension. This means as my blood pressure goes up, my lungs get affected. You might have some sort of respiratory issue. respiration and aspiration are when you exhale and inhale, and not getting enough air in your lungs is a sign of something amiss. You will no doubt, need to consult your primary care doctor, to see what course is best for you. Try to limit your exercise time, take nice warm steamy baths, as steam helps your lungs open up, and make an appointment with your MD.

Best wishes, and Godspeed on better health.

When I’m running, it feels like I can’t get enough air intake. Is there something I can do to help solve it?

You are not imaginging this. The maximum amouont of work that an individual can do is limited by the amount of oxygen they can process. VO2 max is a measurement of the maximum amount of oxygen an individual can utilize during intense exercise and is measured as mililiters of oxygen per minute per kilogram of body weight. The VO2 max of an sedentary overweight elderly person could be as low as 10 ml/kg/min. Elite competitive cross-country skiers and cyclists have the highest VO2 max. Professional cyclist Greg LeMond's VO2 max was 92.5 ml/kg/min.If you are a new runner running than lower your pace to where you can sustain it. After you build some fitness you can try more intense training like intervals but at this point I'd recommend you just train to maintain a pace for at least 20 minutes. Trainers used to suggest running at a pace where you can carry on a conversation. Now we know that this is not a very accurate measure of exertion. A heart rate monitor is a better tool to gauge training effort.In any case, as your fitness improves you will be able to run faster, longer and recover faster but this takes time.

Sometimes I feel like i'm not breathing in enough air?

I tend to be sitting down in a chair when I suddenly feel like im not breathing in enough air. I dont feel like im choking or anything like that, I just have a sudden lingering feeling that I need more air.
I don't have any trouble with coughing or wheezing, so I dont think it's asthma (but I could be wrong).

I feel I'm not getting enough air into my lungs, even when I take a deep breath?

Most people don't understand what you are trying to say here but it is something that HAPPENS TO EVERYONE.
I can tell you it does as I am a very good diver and know many people who like me use their LUNGS.
Basically it is NOTHING!!!!!!!!

You do not need to worry unless it happens all the time. Sometimes it might even HURT when you try to "fill your lungs completely", but that is still NOTHING.
Just relax, try again till bingo! gone away. It was a lung "hiccup" lol.
When one lung hurts a bit and you cant breathe in very much that's the feeling you get when you get a collapsed lung but it isn't collapsed, see it like a cramp, the fact of the matter is they always go away after 1 minute or 2 at the very max, right?
Don't worry, have been experiencing them for 40 years and you get used to it, the more you mention it the stranger it becomes but it is NOTHING.
Do not allow them to do anything to you UNLESS you feel it's happening too often, but the real fact is you'll get over each one time after 2 mins max and it seldom happen.
Most people cannot even fill their lungs as much as you are doing, you are simply trying to fill that last 5% that most people don't even know they have. Do not allow them to give you any meds or any BS for a condition that does not exist.