I Dont Have An Ything To Write About

I don't like anything I write?

Get it down on paper first, step away from that particular project for a while, and then come back with fresh eyes once you've been reading and/or writing something else and edit/rewrite from a fresh perspective.

Sometimes, it really helps to write the ending (or at least a later part of the story) first so that you can go back to the middle and see when the heroine really needs to find the rollerskating giraffe compared to when the squid finally slithers off the mantelpiece so that everyone is in their places for the grand finale. Should the kid sidekick meet the desperado in the haunted house, or will that break suspension of disbelief if the kid overhears the aliens talking about the desperado later and doesn't recognize the name? Y'know, questions of that nature.

Once you've put it down for a while and come back, you'll be able to look it over all at once with a better eye for extraneous detail, (does it really matter what the giraffe is wearing?) showing instead of telling, (is the reader told outright about the sidekick's love for all things insectile long before it affects the story and they really care about it? Or is it built up slowly?) scenes that don't add to the plot, characterization, or tone, (do we really need five "typical days at the office" for the aliens?) plot holes (how did the desperado teleport from the old west to the African savannah?) and characterization issues (the squid suddenly switches from sweet-natured and shy in scene one and yet is the hammiest psycho since Brian Blessed's King Richard in scene twenty-four without any character development to break her in that direction?)

What do I write if I don't have anything to write but still want to write?

Thanks for A2A.This happens a lot with me, when there is this urge to write and I don’t know what to write about. So this is how I start, I write everything that I’m feeling at that very moment, it helps me clear up my mind and I go on writing about the inability to write something substantial. It is better to write anything, than to write nothing. And once you feel better after all that cathartic out-pour you might write something that you consider substantial enough.But what happens if this doesn’t work? Everyone has something they like to read, or something that inspires them. You have to evaluate that what interests you (not something too generic) it has to be specific. Something unique that evokes strong reaction from your side. It can even be your experiences.For me it is: a) photo-blog like Humans of New York (not sure if you’ve heard about it, if you haven’t please search for it). b) A professor of mine who is a brilliant poet and a writer so I religiously follow his writings because they are the source of my inspiration. c) Extremely brilliant books/movies that deals with subjects I’m interested in. So when I want to write and I can’t write I go back to the source of my inspiration and I kid you not, it works every time.Remember, it has to inspire you, it has to be extremely unique to you and your experiences. So find that source of inspiration and motivation, look for it. There must be something that is unique to you.And if nothing else works, come online and start writing answers to the questions that intrigue you. But then again I’ll go back to the second point, find your source of inspiration, I’m sure you have one.Lastly, it is perfectly fine to write all the non-sense that is going on in your head. You feel like writing pick up anything, literally stare at anything and start writing about it because all you need is a strong observation power and the ability to view and express things differently. We humans tend to personify and beautify simplest of things through our words.Hope that helps!

I want to write, but I don't know anything about writing. Where can I learn how to write?

Reading is always a good option to learn good writing. Read many good books, get life experience and just start writing. Develop your own writing style. Pay attention to people who you meet on streets. Notice interesting characters, interesting people . You can also ask for advice at Write My Paper For Me service.

What if I don't have anything to put on a resume?

A Doctor is trying to get me a job at a hospital, and she said to send a resume. What if I don't have anything to put on a resume? I don't have any skills or talents. I'm not good at anything. As a result, I don't have any achievements or accomplishments either. And this is my first job. Should I just not even try? I literally have nothing to put on a resume and I'm getting frustrated.

I can never think of anything to write about!?

Hon, if you can't think of what to write about, maybe you arent a writer. Maybe you're an editor or an agent. Not everybody was born to write.

Do not underestimate the value of the advice "write about what you know." Let me explain. When you are writing characters, the way to take them from two dimensional flat characters to real people is to give them lives - real memories, real likes and dislikes etc. So maybe you're terrified of spiders. You can use that for a character. You can give them your memories and your thoughts. An author I knew was writing a scene where the character was semi conscious and kind of remembering his childhood. He remembered a time when he went to school and the kids laughed at his shoes. That was really a moment from the author's life.

The second way you write about what you know is by research. I can write about anything I want, as long as I become an expert in it. I could write about South African blue leaf eating ants (if there was such a thing) if I researched it and learned about it.

That is why people tell you to write about what you know.

I advise kids the following ... Get yourself a black and white marble notebook. I prefer them because they dont fall apart. Fill it with thoughts. Anything. Little sketches, observations, anything. I could sit in the food court at the mall and fill half a book. Maybe you see this really goofy man with his pants up around his neck and glasses with tape on them and a bow tie. Write about him. He could become a character later on. Or what about a guy trying to wait on customers in Victoria's Secret? Use your imagination. Just keep writing, drawing, whatever.

When you fill the book, go through it and look around for things that hit you. Circle them in red. Then try writing very short stories - even paragraphs about them. Something you write about is bound to turn into a longer piece.

Give it a try. And dont underestimate your life. I bet it's a lot more exciting than you think. Pax - C

I can't think of anything to write about?

I suck at English. Period. I suck at writing, being creative, and I feel pressured by my teacher and peers. My English teacher has such high expectations, he shouldn't. I'm supposed to write an essay but can't think of anything to write about. Here's the prompt: write a personal narrative about a time when you had to change your plans because something unexpected happened. I cannot think of anything. I know it's a personal narrative and you kind of have to know me to think of an idea but my life is boring. I have no interesting stories to tell. My only option is lying. And since I suck at thinking about ideas for writing, I don't know what to write about. Please please please help me make up a story. Thank you.

I want to write songs, but I don’t know what to write about without my strict parents kicking me out of the house. What should I write about?

write about the stuff that’s going to get you kicked out of the house. You have to be authentic as a writer or it’s not going to be great. I remember a long stretch when i was just beginning to write songs when I didn’t know what to write about. I’d have some music that I thought was cool, but couldn’t put words to it to save my life. I should have probably found a lyricist to work with, but I wanted to do it all myself. It may be that getting yourself kicked out of the house opens up your life in a way that provides you endless song fodder.One of the great things about songwriting is it doesn’t have to be literal. You can code it all up. Then maybe you’ll be in your parents good graces. Lots of great songs where the lyrics make sense only to the person who wrote them. Music is emotion, not essay.

How can I practice writing in large amounts if I don't have much knowledge except for what pertains to things I don't want to write about?

Write about them anyway, in a story form in different genres. Say you know a ton about science, but don't find it interesting enough to write about it. Take a genre like non fiction and make what you know into a story. This will allow you to practice writing (which you like), encourage multi genre writing (you wont be a one trick pony) and you'll be able to find a style you really like. Take that style and READ about it in any form, then write some more. Good luck!

What do I write a college essay about if I'm boring and nothing has happened in my life?

You have to make the "nothing" something. Use your imagination. Here's an example of my boring ride to work today.It all started with a less-than-perfect dream which left me tired straight from the morning. Once I've realized what time it was though, my quest began. I just had 10 minutes to cook breakfast and lunch to take with me, get dressed, brush my hair, make my bed and try that eyeliner I've been meening to try for weeks now. Just 10 minutes to do all this. And you know what? I made it. Yes, a true hero I am. But my quest to work was far from done. It was time to catch the bus. But once I got to the busstop it seems that people have been piling up there for at leat half an hour. After waiting for the but for 10 mintues in vain, I decided to take a brisk morning stroll to a bus stop that offers more options. My quick run though the neighborhood ended up with me running after my bus, almost jusmping a read light and.... missing it... Yes... But a new bus, lukily came almost imidiately and the chance to come to work on time was renewed. This is when Hans Zimmer stepped into my day. To his Inception notes, I ran though the traffic light and zigzagged though the crowd of people just to make it 30 sec before the meeting to the office. Right on time, I'd say ;)Hope you had fun :D Anything can be made into something special :) If you're totally out of ideas though, you can try getting a sample here - Maybe they'll be able to give you some inspiration.