I Dont Know Who I Am.

I don't know who i am...?

We do not find ourselves, we CREATE ourselves. Do not look to the future to define who you are. It is your actions in the present that define you. If you feel you need a better look at who you are, meditate, stare at yourself in the mirror. But do not rely on the future; it is just a thought. If you do not at this time, you will, someday, have dreams and goals and plans; even these do not define you. It is good to have them but know that it is your actions in the present that define you.

I don't know who i am?.?

I don't know if your talking in terms of some mental issue (not an insult*) as in you don't know where you are and stuff - but if its just the good ol' "Who am I?" thing that many folks especially teens go through than my best advice is for you to not think about it - don't examine what you do and try putting yourself under specific categories. Just let go, and BE - and you will eventually fall under your categories on your own. Cuz remember, if you keep trying to be a specific way you can end up repressing something in you - Just BE, and ask yourself the "Who am I?" question every month maybe, and see how you will have a more clear view on who you are. And remember, you don't need to be one specific type of person. Many people have different sides, that could actually be teh opposite. Or, you may mistake the way you react when your in a specific mood, to being one of your trait. SO, best thing to do, is just allow yourself to be free and BE.

Hope I helped! :)

I don't know... who I am?

Now I know you don't like long answers, but please try to stick with this one. It may just help.

Some people say that life's a roller coaster - with it's ups & downs.

I disagree. I think life is more like a motorway, freeway, highway - all depends in which country you live in.

Life is not all ups and downs - most of the time, like a road, it's fairly flat with a few ups and downs.

Most of us are chugging along on the flat - nothing much going on - work, eat, sleep - work, eat, sleep.

Sometimes we take a dip. A loved one or friend dies, a huge bill comes in you weren't expecting - and you realise that chugging along on the flat is not so bad after all.

Then you come to an Up! Something great happens, and strangely enough it's not always the big, expensive thing that you were expecting such as a holiday. They can often be a 'Down' in disguise.

The 'Up' may be something as simple as someone smiling at you, someone says something says nice or - YOU did something nice! It was YOU that made someone's day in some way. Maybe you brought a smile into someone's 'flat', and that makes YOU feel good.

Then, you realise what life is all about. We chug along on the flat and take the downs all for those few Ups - and it all seems to make it worthwhile.

So remember, you don't have to wait for that nice gesture to give you that 'up'. Turn itround - you be the 'donor'. You be the nice guy - it has the same effect.

Why don't I know who I am?

The essence of who you are is:What you like; certain foods, certain animals or no animals at all, certain artists, decoration, culture etc. etc.What you like to do; concerts, hiking, meditating, watching YouTube etc. etc.What you’d like to reach in your life: start a family, get a certain job, kids or no, being close to family or no, traveling the world or no, get rich etc. etc.That’s one side of the spectrum, the other side is what you don’t like, what you’re resisting againstWhat you don’t like; certain foods, certain animals or no animals at all, certain artists, decoration, culture etc. etc.What you don’t like to do; cycling in the rain, running, going to the dentistWhat you want to avoid in life; getting sick, going to a traditional Dutch music festivalAfter you’ve defined the essence of who you are (which can and should change over the years) you can determine how far you’re willing to go to:reach what you wantto avoid what you don’t wantThis would be called your boundaries.When experiencing a prolonged period of time of not knowing who you are there is probably a disturbance in what you like or don’t like. A change has occurred and now you feel something lacking. A thing you liked or disliked was moved or dropped from your framework and now the framework doesn’t feel complete anymore.Recovering from trauma can conjure up these feelings as well. Again because everything is changing in such an intense healing process.You could also feel disconnected from life on earth. Something has had a deep impact on you which makes you not want to deal with the issue and therefore with yourself and therefore with life on earth. Yes, this is really deep.You could write down and map out for yourself what you like, don’t like and how far you’re willing to go for that. If you discover why you don’t have a strong sense of who you are, you can apply the most effective strategy to regain strength to be yourself again.Please check out my website for free techniques that will help you do that: Consulting Vulnerability - Illkiller

I don't know who I really am. What can I do?

I'm 19 and living with my now ex girlfriend after being together almost 3 years. We moved in together during 1st year of uni. We recently broke up and have both decided to be just friends. My only friends are back home, and didn't go to uni, but got jobs and apprenticeships and I haven't made any new friends since uni began (I dropped out of the course after a couple of months, and have been struggling to find a job since). Lately, I've been feeling extremely lonely; not depressed, just lonely, and I feel like I've been trying to be someone else for years, I really can't remember the real me. I never used to read, but i've recently started reading to stop being so bored, but I feel like it's not really me either. I've never had a whole lot of self confidence, and have been shy as long as I can remember and I don't enjoy socialising. I either get very drunk and make a fool of myself or I end up having a very bad time, being bored and quiet. I've always tried to be polite and courteous and speak with good grammar etc. because of my parents, but I feel like I've focused on that so much, that I haven't developed as me. But what can I do now? Should I force myself to go out and try and make friends, or backpack or something? What can I do to help me find out what kind of person I really am, and who I am? I don't know what career I'd like, or what I want to do with my life. I really do feel helpless and lost in this situation and I can't concentrate on anything. Non stop in my head, I have thousands of thoughts I can't control because I'm so confused, I really can't bare the thought of spending another 40-60 years with all of this, but I definately don't want to commit suicide or anything either.

I don't know who I am or how to be myself?

I was the same exact way, no joke...

It took a while to figure things out and even after many years of soul searching I still learn new things about myself every day.

My suggestion is to get away from your friends for a little while.. go to the mall without all of them to influence you. Walk around and see what appeals to YOU, not what would have caught your attention if your friends were close by. You would be surprised by how different your view will be.

Once you see something that catches your eye, go in, look around and if it feels right in any way.. search for more things in life that are similar to that. Make lists of things you come across that appeal to you and make connections with the things that seem to all come into one or two categories. Doing this opens the door for you, and once that door is open.. it's much easier to walk in and explore.

You can also use these tactic in book stores, record stores, museums, theaters, etc.

Why do I feel like I don't know who I am?

This is a common feeling of ‘hopelessness’It comes and it goes. Most often when you feel at a loss is when you did not succeed in one particular activity or instance. The feeling of loss magnifies and takes over your life. It is a form of depression.We usually call this feeling - the Black Dog. You dont know what it is but it is there all the same.The best way to control and combat this feeling is to do the following:Begin an activity, like you have never attempted or tried before. It can be a musical instrument, singing, dancing, reading, yoga, meditation etc. All these activities call for focused attention to detail.Set up a regular time to learn it. In other words condition your mind to faithfully follow this pattern. You must do it on the dot.Make friends with a person who will bounce ideas off you. Be involved.Start up a hobby. Start a journal and enter you innermost thoughts. Measure your success- and failures.You calendar must have at least 6 months planned out.Meet with a group of like-minded energetic people. Dont join a group with the same unmotivated minds. All you will hear are the same stories causing you the problems. Things will get worse.Begin long walks. Get exercise. This is a must.Go out and do some charitable work. Any sort of charitable work. You will see how lucky you are when not aimless.Talk to a mental health professional. It may be something else bothering you. You never know.Take a short break. Go someplace you have never been before. It will help kickstart your thinking.Try each of these things one by one or all over a fixed time. You must do it or else it will get worse not better.Good luck. Just decide you want to get better and you will!

Am I lonely because I don't know who I am or is it because I don't know what I want to do in life?

Loneliness is often a feeling you experience when you are 'disconnected' from other people, the people can be really close like a partner or spouse, or it can just be 'people in general' you feel disconnected from.The opposite of loneliness? Connectedness.So how do you connect with other people?  Well you need to have something in common with them.  Something simple like being part of the same team or group.  Being part of the same institution or class or organisation - but all of these require us to be working towards or standing for the same thing/idea/ideal/goal/activity/passion.So to come full circle with the "not knowing who I am or what I want to do with my life" part of your observation - these two things are more connected to each other than to the idea of loneliness really...  who you decide to be, will inform what you want to do with your life.  BUT once you figure out who you are (which often takes several years - 20 for me really), and where your passions lie (what's important to you); what to do, will be a really easy question to answer. AND once you know what your passions are, something magical happens - you discover that there are other people who feel the same as you about those things! And you will have found your TRIBE and you will never be lonely again.In the meantime start looking for the stuff in the world that matters to you.  USE the internet, read as much as possible about everything that you find interesting and allow yourself to be distracted by things that are related to your topics....  Wikipedia is awesome because of all the crosslinks - so you're interested in hockey... oh! look there's a thing called "underwater hockey" wow... that sounds interesting (click link)AND try new stuff - lots of new stuff!  (btw, trying new stuff means you'll meet new people, and you might make some new friends too!)and read this: The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything: Ken Robinson, Lou Aronica: 9780143116738: Books

Is this correct, “You don't know who I am.”?

Yes,This is absolutely correct.Actually,English literature has two kind writing manner1.Easy and understandable manner2.Mid grammatical writing(used in Essays and books)3.Complex word writing (used in major novels and manuscripts)So, This sentence belongs to Mid grammatical writing.And usually usable during conversations