I Dreamt To Male Friends I Know Had A Child Each A Boy And A Girl Does This Have Any Meaning

What does it mean if I dream about a girl I don't know?

Dream Interpretation:A woman is one of the most common dream symbols, especially in the dreams of men. If you dream about a woman, it may be because of your day time thoughts that revolve around females. A woman can be a number of things in a dream. She could be your friend, lover, or even your mother. The significance of a woman in dreams lies in her being a healing agent. If you know the woman in your dreams, it reflects your own feelings towards her.Psychological/emotional perspectivesA woman in your dreams reflects the feminine qualities in you. These include nurturance, love, care, and passivity. It also reflects your own sexual desires and temptations. An old woman in your dreams means you are concerned about aging and graying. She could be a mother figure symbolizing female power. If you see a woman in your dreams, it reflects the other half of your personality. This is the sensitive, caring, and nurturing side of yours. According to Sigmund Freud, seeing a woman in dreams for a man is indicative of his repressed sexual desires. He attributed this phenomenon to the sexual wishes of the individual that seek fulfillment in these dreams. Another famous psychologist called the woman in the dreams of a man Anima, the other side of the personality of the dreamer.Since ancient times, a woman in dreams has been interpreted as a messenger of good luck and the kisses of this woman have been deciphered as monetary benefits for the dreamer. If the girl in the dreams is well dressed and well behaved with modesty, then she reflects your goodness and chastity. If the girl is young and beautiful and behaves like a servant, it indicates good luck, prosperity, and joy for you. A well dressed young woman with manners indicates good news for you.Original MeaningWoman in dreams is often a result of sexual desires and wish fulfillment according to famous psychologists Freud and Jung. She is also the other side of the personality fo the dreamer also. Such a woman is often yourself that you do not recognize. She appears to remind you of the feminine qualities like nurturance, passivity, love and care that reside inside you but are not known to you. If she is an old lady, she represents a mother figure that you hold in respect and high esteem. She is an angel if you know her name and title. She comes as a guide and healing agent for you.

Dream that my girlfriend got pregnant by another man?what does it mean?

Dreams are remarkable things they really can release our most inner deepest thoughts. If i were to look at this dream and what you have said i would first of all like to say don't worry it'll all be fine. Second of all i just think that deep down you have a worry about what if she does cheat on me or even worst what if she gets knocked up while cheating. It's common for two loyal companions to deep down wonder if the other is cheating because we all know there are cheaters out there. The fact that she cheats with someone you know but she possibly doesn't just goes goes to show that you most inner soul is afraid that she may cheat with someone she thinks you yourself doesn't know considering that you three have never been together in the same atmosphere hypothetically she could think you don't know the same person you don't think she knows. It's just your inner soul worrying. We all do it in a relationship but you just have to keep strong and talk with her. It sounds like everything should be okay!

What does it mean if i dream about my future child?

I believe your dream is telling you the truth Here what happen to me when I was 20 yrs I dreamt that I had a baby The baby was so beautiful I could not believe I could have made such a beautiful baby ; When I woke up I had the feeling this baby was mine and I love this baby so much But like you at 20 I was alone and still a virgin It took 5 ys before my dream came exactly true Yea my first son and had the same beauty and the very same look that the baby in my dream 5 yrs before so the fact you are alone right now doesnt mean nothing I wish you this beautiful girl she is yours I am sure Love

What does masterbating in a dream mean?

MASTURBATION is part of EXPLICT SEX dreams. What we need to understand first about dreams is that they use all sorts of situations as metaphors, as figures of speech, as likenesses. The dream does actually the same thing as we do in our waking language with one DIFFERENCE: while we will use words in our everyday language the dream will use mainly pictures or DRAMATISATIONS of situations.

To give you an EXAMPLE: When we feel great, when we feel high we exclaim: “Today I am on CLOUD NINE!” Everybody understands this and knows that you simply mean that you are feeling HIGH. But when the dream puts you on a cloud and has you sailing through the heavens everybody says: “What a weird dream, what crazy stuff!”

It is neither weird nor crazy; it is just a different way of communicating. Imagine that you are a cat in the wild. You will have not human words in your mind, but you will have pictures in your head instead. These pictures will tell you exactly what to do when you meet a wild dog. You will see yourself up on a tree before you even can move and then you will follow this prompt and claw your way up onto the tree to save yourself. As a human being in the same situation you will think: “I’ll climb the nearest tree” and then do it.

Now there is something rather curious about dreams I must admit. This is the fact that they will tell you that you are going to have sex with a man for instance by showing him putting his key into the lock of your house and then entering it. The dream represents you as the house. The rest is for your imagination to work out.

When the dream wants to tell you that you will be masturbating it will have you handling something. When your HANDS pick fruit or flowers or stack tomatoes into a box (!) you will be masturbating.

And here comes the curious thing: When the dream wants to tell you that you will be getting on (!) with someone in an amiable (loving) way, it will show you having sex with that person. In waking reality you will not have sex with that person, but you will GET ON (!) famously with him/her.

The same is true when you are shown to be masturbating in your dreams. It does not suggest that you will be masturbating when you wake up. Instead it is telling you that you are in need of much love and comforting and that for the present you can only get it by loving and comforting yourself, and that need not be done in a sexual manner!

What does it mean to dream of holding a baby and accidentally dropping it several times?

A baby in the dream represents someone vulnerable and for whom the dreamer is responsible. It could be a child, parents or grandparents. Or perhaps a patient or a client for whom the dreamer is caring.Accidentally dropping the baby then stands for falling short of carrying out that responsibility, though unintentionally. Perhaps it is a feeling of residual guilt, regret or remorse about something that has already happened. Or it could be caused by the dreamer being anxious, apprehensive or fearful of something terrible thar might happen to someone for whom he/she is responsible.

Meaning behind soulmate dream?

Ahhhhhh Past life regression dreams... If he actually has been your soulmate in a past life, chances are he still is. I believe that souls are intertwined-sometimes as husband and wife, sometimes as mother and get the picture. However, it's obvious you felt a connection or you would not have stayed up all not talking. You can't discover if someone is your soulmate after the first meeting. I suggest that you continue a friendship with the guy. Just because you do not find him particularly attractive now, does not mean he is not a person you should have in your life. He could be the best friend you ever had, but you have to give it a chance to develop.

What does it mean when i have a dream about my ex having a baby with another girl.?

In your case, your subconscious is telling you that while you may have moved on with your life on a conscious level, there are still unresolved issues that you need to find and explore, so as to ensure that your future is a positive one. There are questions that you need to ask yourself to find the answer, and they are:

What effect did having that relationship have on me?

Do I now view others differently as a result of it?

When I see my ex what is my immediate emotional reaction? Does it hurt, anger, or make you want to interact again in a negative way?

These are all normal reactions, but they can linger and leave a problem for your subconscious to process. If this is the case it will be necessary to dwell on them so that you will learn the lesson that you were meant to from the experience of being in that relationship.

If you can take a while to think about the answers to these questions you may just alight on the answer that would make your dreaming more pleasant, and help you to put your ex behind, you and move on with your life. I hope that I have been able to help.

What does it mean when you dream of someone getting shot?

Hello, no, nothing weird about similar dream scenarios. They're trying to get a message across to you.

The true meaning of your dream is that there is some characteristic or quality that you possess, yet see it within him more easily than yourself. You're punishing yourself for something mentally, angry about something, someone, or a real life issue & being asked to change this, change your thoughts about it. You are in a place of learning (school), doing things the hard way (4- physical world), & it needs to change (5 is the number of change). Combined the numbers= 9, which shows us this needs to be resolved, come to a "completion" ( 9). Think about it (head, intellectual change), consider changing your perception (little mentally slow boy), as your thoughts are a bit off base about a situation in waking life. Something you may have self doubts about, & in some way feel as though you've fallen behind. Even though this isn't true.

Re: 2nd dream, this is something you are aware of, something you're familiar with that you know your thoughts about it need to change. That is what's being highlighted in that portion of your dream.

Hope that helps