I Dropped My Dog While She Is Pregrant

My pregnant dogs temp has dropped to 97.2 is this normal?

That drop should not be of any concern. Two of my females dropped that low and labor began within 24 hours.
Not all of my females tore newspapers, nor did any digging, they simply dropped the puppies with absolutely no fuss. (Miniature Schnauzers)

My dogs nipples are dropped -- could she be pregnant?

Her heat ended about 2-3 weeks ago but her nipples are still bright pink, swollen and dropped. We were very careful to make sure she didn't breed with our male but I'm beginning to wonder if somehow they did. Any ideas? Her belly isn't swollen and her appetite, behavior and activity levels are normal. Is this just a regular heat thing?

My dog is 60 days pregnant her temperature dropped from 101.7 to 99.4 when will she go into labor?

"her temperature dropped from 101.7 to 99.4 is she going into laborl"

No. Just like humans, dogs' temperatures vary throughout the day. It has to drop below 99 and stay there.

Please use this time to research whelping dogs so you have some idea of what you're doing and don't end up killing both the dog and the pups due to ignorance.

My pregnant dogs temp dropped to 97.9?

When my dog was pregnant she was in labor for 12 hours. She started the first stage of labor in the morning and she was panting heavily and was restless. She also wanted a lot of affection. We set her up a nesting box and she gave birth to five beautiful puppies in the middle of the night. With the first puppy we had to take the membrane off because our dog was in shock that she had just given birth (that was her second litter) but with the other puppies our dog cleaned them. It was 2 boys and 3 girls. Unfortunately one of the girls was 'still born' that means she was born dead. We tried to revive her for ages but nothing worked. There are many complications that can happen during dog birth, my dog gave birth to the placenta first. Looking after puppies was an enjoyable experience but also very messy with the birth and the puppies poo and wee.
The mother will eat the puppies fecies for the first couple of weeks but then your puppies will be peeing and pooing all around your house. At around 3-4 weeks is when you should start giving the puppies solid food but also let them drink from their mother. At six weeks the puppies should be mostly eating solid food or only eating solid food. At 2-3 weeks is when they open their eyes. When they are under 3 weeks old they will mostly be dring milk.They will sleep most of the time when they are over 3 weeks old. After they wake up take them out side to go to the toilet.

I suggest you make a nesting box pretty soon, I made mine out of a large cardboard box and some old blankets and towels. At 3-4 weeks is when they start to play and nibble your hands, you should buy them some toys to keep them stimulated and also let them fight with eachother so they learn how to be dogs. Take them for walks and get them used to a leash and collar. Before you sell them/give them away get there shots done at your local vet.

Can a dog get pregnant on her period?

There is a certain time during her heat when she is fertile. Many people will pull blood and test it for progesterone to guarantee she has dropped her eggs, many still rely on their male to know by scent that she is ready. Usually a bitch will have 3 weeks of heat, with the last week being her fertile week. Her discharge will be much lighter, and you will think it is safe to turn her out to potty on her own- Don’t do it! BAM! she’s bred! Keep her inside, and only take her out on a leash until all spotting and swelling is gone. For her health, you should have her spayed soon. This will prevent mammary tumors, and death from pyometra, a severe infection of her uterus which can kill in 24 hours.

My pregnant dogs temperature has been 98 all day, when will she begin whelping?

My dog was bred from the dates of September 18th to October 9th. She is huge at this point and as previously stated her temp has remained right around 98 all day today. What should I expect next and how soon should the pups arrive?

How accurate is the temperature drop in a pregnant dog?

I didn't realize she was pregnant until 2 weeks ago and since then I have been at the vet 3 times each week. Making sure she is ok, spending nearly $1000.00 in the last two weeks to do the right thing for my dog and her puppies. It was to late to have her spayed by the time pregnancy was confirmed. I am not a breeder of any sort and just wanted more information in regards to the temperature since my dogs average temp seems to be lower than the regular average. I have been talking to my vet but she didn't have much information on the temperature drop. I already have families for these puppies who happen to be friends and family of mine so I will ensure they never end up in a shelter!

To the other person that gave me an answer instead of screaming at me for being irresponsible thank you! I really can't change what's happened but I can try to do the right thing. I am aware of the potential for csection and have been sleeping on the floor keeping a close eye on my dog.

What should I do if my pregnant dog is panting?

If she's 58 days or more along, it's possible she's in labor.If, however, she's not due yet she may just be “winded.” Her heart is working for several, after all. Lay her down somewhere soft and comfortable and stroke her gently while cooing soothingly. If she hasn't caught her breath after ten or fifteen minutes, she's probably low on iron, in which case some calve's liver or blackstrap molasses is in order. Unfortunately, both are likely to give her diarrhea, but iron supplements should only be used under the supervision of a vet, if at all. At least liver and molasses are safe in reasonable amounts.Also, if she's getting winded easily, it's time to cut out any and all strenuous exercise until after she whelps. Towards the end of gestation, it's not a bad idea to sleep with her (On the floor. The last thing she needs is to fall off a bed) and use a small pillow or rolled up blanket to prop her head to keep her airways completely open. I've found they sleep like the dead during the last few days.