I Feel Confident Up Until I Begin Talking

How to gain confidence to talk to girls?

Ah, well as a girl, the first thing I recognize when talking to a guy is their confidence (besides the physical stuff). Confidence is a huge deciding factor for girls, whether the conciously realize it or not. But you can't just make yourself confident overnight. I believe it takes some time and a bit of conditioning. But I do think it's very possible to change.

First, you need to look confident. Don't look sloppy or unput-together. I'm not saying you should look like a super model, but at least seem like you gave an effort that morning. And more importantly, you need to feel confident in how you look. I know I definitely don't feel confident when I'm wearing something uncomfortable or my hair is up. I know it sounds weird, but it makes a difference. Find your comfort zone and stick with it.

Secondly, speak confidently. Try not to let your voice quiver and always think before you speak. Try to be interesting and stray away from the common "small talk" that we are all so used to. Ask her about her interests, siblings, etc. But side note: only do this if you know the girl relatively well. If you just walk up to a new girl you seem to like & start asking her about her family, she may find that a little weird. When you're meeting a new girl, simply introduce yourself, smile, and ask her name. You can maybe even add in a little joke or silly pick up line to make her laugh. It never hurts (:

And third, don't chicken out. I'm a girl, and even I do it sometimes. But just know, the worst thing she can do is say "no". You will feel a small pang of embarassment, but it happens to all of us. And just know that there is a girl out there who will like you for you, and that you don't have to be some super-confident guy to attain her. But a little bit of confidence never hurts :) Hope that helps!

What can I do to build my confidence when talking to girls?

Well I've always been shy when it comes to talking to new girls I meet. I don't want to confront them and talk to them because I think that would be awkward for a guy that u never met before to come up to you and start talking to you. Then when the new girl comes up to me and starts talking to me I'm nervous and can't relax and be myself

I hear from my Friends and Family and even people outside my friends and family that I have great personality. I can't seem to show that to new people though when I first meet them.

When new girls come up to me and start talking to me they notice me as that shy kid, but after they get to know me they realize I never shut up. Which gets them freaked out. I mean I have girl friends but that's because they are friends of my Guy Friends, so Im okay talking to them.

So What can I do to boost my confidence up?

I'm so shy... How can i feel more confident around other people?

I know EXACTLY what you're going through, and to admit it, even though I'm still in college, there are times I am shy. When I was younger, I barely talked because I was extremely shy, and people often mistook me for a snob.

There are many things you can do, and it will take time to overcome that fear. First, try to identify what makes you shy?

As for your confidence, think about what you like about yourself, and keep a running list. Look at it every time you feel that you're serious or boring.

I used to also be shy around boys in middle school, and I had no boy friends, but one thing I realize now is too look at them as how you look at your other friends. They're just people.

We always think the world's eyes are on us, when it really isn't. Work on being yourself, or finding out who you are. You can feel confident by building your own identity and being your own person. Your confidence will soar once you are confident in who you are. If you don't like yourself, what makes you think other people will like you. The way you feel about yourself shows to other people. Thats what my boyfriend always told me.

In the long run, men will respect that.

How can I be confident while speaking on a mic?

Most cases of stage fright (or studio fright, as this really strikes a lot of folks when they are recording) is a matter of motivation style. The idea in a performance is to reach an audience and inform/entertain them. When practicing, people obviously want to improve their technique, but when the record button is pressed, external validation becomes the goal and fear of making mistakes and embarrassing yourself become the motivation — the desire for perfection when we practice creeps into our performance. Whenever we are motivated by fear, we under-perform and choke under pressure. In the case of recording your voice, this means sounding less confident, which is worse than just making mistakes!The way to remedy this is by relaxing the feeling of expectation and the desire for validation when you are performing. Instead, focus on being natural, enthusiastic, and focused on having a good time doing something that you love to do. If you make tons of mistakes, you can do another take. And if you make a few silly mistakes, live with them. When you practice or perform, don’t criticize yourself for your flaws. Consider the Japanese idea of wabi-sabi — the mistakes you make add character to your performance and help to define your personal style. When working on technique in practice, don’t criticize and try to pump-yourself-up to improve. Instead, gently critique yourself, consider your options, and then let go of it and move on.Also consider that when you brand yourself, you aren’t selling a “perfect” presentation of information. You are selling a colorful, interesting personality that people want to care about and a lifestyle that you love and believe in. Never fear looking ridiculous. Excellence always looks ridiculous — right up until people start copying you.And, in everything you do, make sure you enjoy it, even when it’s hard. If you can’t do that, you need to either work on your personality issues or do something else.

How do I speak with more confidence and less uncertainty?

Learn into uncertainty - you know how it works with stammerers, the more they try to speak fluently, the worse they stammer. So you have to lean into your uncertainty and be okay with how your voice comes out. Try to speak forcefully but don't force it. If you force it, you will fuck up.Wait - it's difficult to speak with Certainty when you are rushing to speak. When you rush to speak, you're projecting that people won't respect your opinion. To combat this, wait for a second or two after the other person has finished talking before you speak. Be comfortable with the silence and compose yourself before you speak.Breath deeper - the depth of your voice is connected to how deep you breath. Try it now, take a deep breath and then speak slowly. You should notice a difference in the frequency of your voice. So try to regulate your breathing as you go through your day and make them deeper. As deep breathing becomes an habit, so does your voice.Practice speaking alone - if you are gonna give a speech or an interview, you can practice it out alone before hand to gain a little boost of confidence.Hang out with those that speak clearly - success is contagious said Vince Lombardi. However so is a confident voice. Over time we all come to sound like our friends, so want a surefire way to change your voice? Change those you hang out with.

When I speak in English I feel that I am wrong and don't feel confident to speak in English. What should I do?

Here are some points which will give you a drastic increase in your confidence if you strictly follow them. This will not only help you in gaining confidence but also the power of interaction. So the following points are:Sit up front, not in the back - Are you someone who scrambles for a back seat at school, in meetings, and at church? I know I was. Don’t feel bad, a lot of people do this so they don’t draw attention to themselves. From now on, make a rule of sitting as close to the front as possible. Make eye contact – I know this can be hard, but by forcingyourself to make eye contact you say “I’m honest, unafraid, and confident”. You’ll not only gain self confidence by practicing this, you’ll gain others’ confidence as well.Speak up – This is a challenging one. But it’s necessary if you want to truly improve your self confidence and overcome shyness. Most people fail to speak up because they are worried about what others will think. Trust me, if you have something to say, people will listen. Each time you fail to speak up you damage your self confidence a little more. Alternatively, every time you successfully speak your mind, your confidence increases. This is also much easier if you practice sitting up front!

How to speak your mind confidently?

if u have something to say
say it
dont keep it to urself
if ur afraid people will judge u
let them
they're just trying to put u down because they dont have self confidence
always say to urself
"f*ck what they think"
it helps >=)

How can I start to be confident about myself and be able to speak up for myself when I feel just so nervous even to say hello for anyone?

Confidence comes from doing!It seems that you simply need to find something smaller than that and work your way up.One way that might work for you is to start out by smiling.Maybe go out somewhere where you’ll find people you’re already a bit familiar with — perhaps a community you’re a member of, a place you go grocery shopping or where you last purchased an item of clothing.Go with the intent that you’re not going to need to say hello, you’re just going to practice smiling.Then repeat! But the next time, work up your courage to say “hello!” to one person.Keep repeating, day after day.Stay with smiling until you feel comfortable with that.Stay with one “hello!” until that begins to come out more naturally.Add one more person to say “hello!” to and keep adding one when you’ve reached the confidence level of saying hello whenever it feels like there’s a fit for that situation.By the way, you may find Chapter 6 of my free ebook useful in helping you step out of your comfort zone and get things done. It’s one of the exciting secrets to knowing what you want to do! If you’re interested, you can download it by clicking here: Quora knowing what you want — Persistent Growth