I Feel Disrespected And Just Annoyed With The Fact I Look A Lot Younger.

Disrespectful younger brother- what should I do?

Back off. You are not his parent. Just tell him that if he ever hurts your parents, you will make sure he goes to jail, and walk away. You need to get your own place, if this is getting to you this badly.

Not all children are easy to handle, especially when they become teenagers. Your parents have to make up their mind to do something about this. If they don't he will end up in jail. There is not much you can do, because you are over 18 and he is considered a minor. Just let them do their job, and hope that he calms down when he gets a bit older. If he hurts you mother again, I would suggest that you call the police.

You could suggest that your parents put him in counseling. Usually there is a free clinic in the area where he can get help and they can get parenting classes. He is almost grown, so I don't know if this will help, however.

Annoying Baby Cousin?

Im a bad cousin... Ill admit it. Okay so I have a 3 almost 4 year old cousin whose a girl. Shes really annoying and quite spoiled and has been acting stupid and disrespectful these days. The main point is she has a crush on me. She annoys me come sit here come sit here. Her older sister whose 12 knows and tries to get her close to me. I HATE HER the 4 year old cousin. I have a 3 year old boy cousin and he and her are very close. One time when they were younger I saw her slash him in the face and it sparked a fire and rage against me. She hit my innocent brother. Ive hated her ever since that day. I gave her dirty looks alone. Shes also really jealous that I like my younger brother more then her and that I give him kisses and stuff. She also tells her older sister and maybe her parents that I am mean to her... What should I do.. Personally I just want to stay away from her and show her that I DONT LIKE HER! I wish she was seriously dead. Look at additioinal details for more info.

How to deal with an immature and disrespectful boyfriend?

Emotional immaturity can lead to a bad relationship, because chances are, he isn’t going to be able to give you what you want.
If you suspect that your boyfriend may not quite be on your level of maturity, you might be right.t if you two aren’t on the same page and a lot of these signs match up with him… you might want to reconsider things.Being inconsiderate and rude is a sign of immaturity - it shows that he can't really think about anyone other than himself. If your BF does things even though he knows they'll make you upset, or if he is rude to you or your friends, that's just not okay.His behavior in public will decide how strangers view you. Pay close attention to how he treats you. If he doesn't pay attention to your thoughts or feelings and pressures you into doing things you don't want to, that is a clear sign of disrespect. Try talking to him. Have a conversation about the way he makes you feel when he puts you down or makes rude comments. There is a chance that he does it inadvertently, and may stop once you point it out for him.
If he is controlling, doesn't respect your requests, or goes past your boundaries or through your comfort zone, move on

My wife looks at other men when I'm around, and it strikes me as disrespectful. Can't bring it up with her because she gets defensive/annoyed. How can I feel more content knowing that my wife is more physically attracted to other men than to me?

A lot of people are saying that you should deal with it and get over yourself, assuming that you do the same thing to her (LOOK at other women). But from a woman's perspective, their advice is absolute bullshit!!! If you are in a relationship and you feel uncomfortable in ANY way about ANYTHING that your partner is doing then you need to talk to them!! If she gets defensive when you try to bring up your issues and fears that AFFECT YOUR RELATIONSHIP then I'm sorry bud, but she's gotta go. I also want to dismiss their statement that “All women look at men” cause I sure as hell don't. Sure, I might glance at a person as they walk by and think “ooo they're cute/look nice/whatever” but they're out of my mind a second after they're in it, and I only look in the first place because it happens to be another human walking by. I look at all people as equal, aside from my partner. My mind, love, attraction, sexy thoughts and feelings all go towards my partner. If you get the feeling that she's looking at guys with lust or some sort of sexual attraction that might tramp the way she looks at you, then fuck her. She can go. So to recap, you need to talk to her about how this is bothering you. If she refuses to talk to you about it, then she isn't the one because if she TRULY LOVED YOU then she would respect or at LEAST consider your feelings. You should NOT EVER be in a relationship in which you are uncomfortable with the actions of your partner. You can't just get over the feelings you have, if you're uncomfortable then you're gonna be uncomfortable until the problem ends. You have to choose: leave her (if she won't consider your feelings), or live the rest of your life feeling disrespected and unregarded by a woman who dares to call herself your wife.

How do you deal with people who openly disrespect you?

Well you could try all sorts of ways to counter what you feel is openly disrespectful behaviour toward you… argue back, cry, threaten or try to engage politely…. But none of these will work.This person possibly sees you as a threat, or competition. What this person wants from you is some kind of reaction, preferably a heated, negative reaction. They thrive on this sort of reaction. Makes them feel strong, smart, important, better than you and dominant over you.The best counter move, in my opinion is to learn to stage a practiced smile, chuckle, or giggle, or even an open laugh. Always say Hi to the person and be friendly and polite an AGREEABLE… without over doing it. Practice these skills at home until youre really confident and they sound natural and easy. It needs to sound light, breezy and effortless!By doing so, you will really stop them in their tracks. They may initially become enraged…. But just shrug your shoulders at them and smile and show no hurt or anger or annoyance whatsoever. Stick with this plan…trust me it wont be easy at first… until you start seeing some results.Another tool is to agree with their insults. If they say, for instance, “god you look like shit”, just laugh and say “yup! I look like shit today and i LOVE it” (with a BIG smile on your face)This plan will also teach you a huge amount of self control and give you a great deal of self confidence and teach you a LOT about human nature and your ability to deal with difficult people and difficult situations. Good luck! Give it a go…. What have you to lose?!

How do I stop being so jealous when my boyfriend looks at other women?

So first I'll say that I'm a straight guy. I was married for 10 years and never once strayed. I had this chance with this smokeshow of a woman once, and I had to physically remove her hands from my ass. I'm not bragging, just a fact. My God she was so hot. I wanted to see her naked so badly. I wanted to time travel back to when I was single and just spend a week banging this girl.But I didn't. I wanted to. I wasn't worried about getting caught. It would have been a perfect crime. I didn't because I loved my wife more than anything. My loyal, loving, gorgeous wife. I could never dishonor her like that, I could never respect myself if I hurt her that way just so I could conquer new territory and have 20, (exaggerating,) minutes of pleasure.So here's the thing. Here's the answer to your question. Even if you are the hottest woman alive. Hot like Angelina Jolie from girl interrupted, your guy will still look at every attractive, and most unattractive women, every chance he gets.It's a defect of our species. It has nothing to do with you at all. I do it completely involuntarily. I'm single now and I don't look at more women than when I was married. I look at exactly the same amount. I want to bang just about every one of them too. But even though I'm single, I still completely forget almost every hot woman I see within about 5 seconds.Know who I'm not going to forget though? The woman that actually mattered to me. She was beautiful, caring, and more than anything, she was the person I chose. You need to understand that if you're the person your guy has chosen, then it doesn't matter where he looks, because each time he looks and takes no action, he's affirming his choice. His choice is you.

Do black men like younger girls?

Well, I don't actually know. After reading this all I got out of it was to have a big ego. Seems like to enjoy this attention since you put such effort into posting it. Me thinks you protest too much.