I Feel Like Im Really Boring On Facetime How Can I Be More Interesting

What are some interesting topics to talk about with my girlfriend on WhatsApp?

dont use such chats, its too time consuming because the communication is ineffective, its distracting you from focusing on your life, and after a while it will get boring. I rather recommend using video chat with your girlfriend just once a day (not continuous interruptions during the day by some stupid whatsapp notifications which will make you nonproductive), talk to her what was the day about, discuss some news, anything you like, it should be spontaneous. 80% of communication is body language anyway, facial expressions and so on. Also it will make you both happier to actually see each other, instead of some text, that will help to keep the bond between you two I guess :)So I would switch to skype. But this is just my opinion.

My parents are mad at me for face timing a boy?

So my friend who is in the grade above me and I face timed for the first time and my dad is mad about it. He knows that I hang out with him and that we're really good friends. He was like," is he your boyfriend?" And "why can't you just call?" I think it's more fun to FaceTime and calling is boring. We aren't doing anything bad I have more respect for myself and have good than that and so does he and I feel like he doesn't trust me! He thinks that since I'm good friends with a boy that we're dating but we're not!!! I'm im 6 grade I don't wanna date right now!! (even though I like him )

I dont want to facetime my friend?!?

hes a great friend of mine we go out to lunch everyday for school. i told hime i was gonna eat and he said can u FaceTime cuz im alone for an hour and im bored. i said yes i and i don't want to face time him at all! im a guy btw and hes a guy too. dont say if hes ur friend u would facetime him i just dont feel like facetiming right now! PLEAE a belivable excuse for not facetiming now?? it has to be a good excuse. not my mom died or my grandmas sick. something believable its 6:35 and i want to know what to do cause he asked me at 6. and i dont want to say i finshed dinner late because he would know im avoiding him. any ideas???????

I'm Afraid to FaceTime her?

You won't overcome your fear until you realize that these feelings are normal and ultimately manageable. But because they're new, and powerful, you haven't become used to them or learned how to manage them. So your very reasonable brain is saying "geez if it could feel this out of control, who's to say it can't get worse! Like if she starts being mean or something..."

Anyway, here's the thing. I'm sure you do love her, but you don't really have any kind of handle on what that means. It doesn't mean that you need her to be with your forever, or be everything you expect, even though it probably feels like it really does mean those things. It also doesn't mean that you'll feel that way about her forever, even though, again, it probably does feel like you will.

You're afraid to suggest FaceTime or video chat, because you're afraid she'll say no, and/or that she won't want to. And that will HURT. Of course, she may say yes, and that will feel GREAT. But you'll also be worried that somewhere down the road with her is waiting for you... BIG HURT. And it might be. Let's face it, probably. But here's the thing... and it really is good news:

This is all happening because you're becoming an adult. An adult who will ultimately be able to handle intense feelings like love and sexual attraction without worrying that the world is going to end, and manage the bumps and bruises as well as the fabulous highs. You and she are learning this with each other. As magical as it feels (and I know it does, it really is), it will probably feel almost as equally crappy at some point. BUT... you cannot avoid this.

You might think you could avoid this by never getting to know a girl or taking risks like asking her to do stuff she may say no to, but ultimately you'll wind up frustrated, because you are biologically wired to want to be with someone. So rehearse in your mind what you'll do, how you'll deal with your disappointment, if she says no; then ask her to FaceTime. And if she says yes, enjoy it. She's going to say no to something, sometime, and it will feel bad, that's just part of the ride.

Good luck you sound like a very nice young man. =)

What does it mean when a girl wants to FaceTime me?

It may not mean anything really. I've asked guys to FaceTime before and it was really just because I was bored and he would be online and the thought that I could just facetime came across my mind.

But if there are other indications that she shows an interest in you can say otherwise.

So i'm not saying she doesn't like you but facetiming doesnt always mean she does either.