I Feel Like People Are Out To Get Me. How Can I Change This Way Of Thinking

How do I change what people think of me?

It all starts with the self.If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change - Dr Wayne DyerThis answer will sound like a cliche “Love yourself before you love others” or “stop caring what others think” but even if you wanted to follow these pieces of advice, how? How do you love yourself? Are there any guidelines to follow? How do you measure your self love? How do you stop caring what people think? Here are a few ideas that I’ve learned by experimenting and being curious.From what I’ve learnt, you cannot please everyone in the world, but you can please yourself (okay that sounds wrong, but if it’s entertaining you I will keep it in this answer). If you’re continually trying to please others in this world of ours, you’ll never find your happiness. The truth is you have to dig deeper within yourself to find this happiness. (Dare I say it, but please yourself first. Take this however you want to, I’m here to spread happiness, so I guess I will achieve my aim either way… back to the task)Start with gratitude. What can you be grateful for right this second? Your eyesight? Your ability to walk? The fact that you have access to clean water, electricity or the opportunity to think about what you’ll eat for dinner next week? We all have so many things to be grateful for, and once we realise this, we stop wanting more than we need.Secondly, stop placing your happiness upon others. You should be the reason you are happy. I think I need to write that again:YOU should be the reason YOU are happy. YES. YOU! (I added the bold writing for your entertainment purposes, did it work? back to the problem…)Be happy for no reason, like a child. If you are happy for a reason, you’re in trouble, because that reason can be taken from you - Deepak ChopraWhen you realise that happiness is a choice determined by you, you will not only stop caring about how others see you, but they will start to value you as you begin to love yourself more and respect who you are.You cannot fill other peoples cups when yours is empty.I hope I’ve helped whoever has stuck along for this answer, and please continue to love yourself.If you liked my piece of writing you can read more of my stuff by clicking here!

Has smoking weed changed the way you think?

YesSmoking weed has changed not only the way I think about life, but also the way I view people that smoke.When you first start smoking one hit makes you incapable of walking downstairs for pizza rolls and grape soda. You feel paralyzed but in a way that you can move, you are just too lazy.If you smoke throughout the day for a week or two this goes away. You begin to live in a better mood. You have a clearer mind. You become productive. You notice aches and pains going away. I can go on, but I think you get it.I used to think people that smoked pot more than once a year were total fuck ups. Worthless scum of the earth.Now, mentally marijuana has changed my entire outlook on life. I no longer fear death. I no longer have restless nights trying to figure out all 4,000 things going on at one time.I have also gotten over some pretty bad habits. I used to be pretty damn racist, now I've realized that just because other people tell me I need to think one way doesn't mean I have to. I never bullied people for being black, but I enjoyed the jokes and the blaming all my problems on them. It made me feel better and didn't actually harm anyone, so I figured it was no big deal. I think racism in America is blown way out of proportion. At least where I live it isn't that bad, but I can't speak for the entire USA. I feel so much better every day now that I have overcome racism. I have met awesome people now that I'm open to meeting them. Habib Fanny is fucking awesome. 5 years ago I would have probably made a joke about his name and completely disregarded him because he is black. There are a few other quorans, but the internet doesn't speak much. I won't go into detail, but I do so much for the local black community.I recently moved out of my parents’ house and bought all my appliances. I ended up giving it all away plus money to black flood victims. I wanted to help communities that would otherwise be forgotten and left with nothing. I still do not have a washer and dryer. I simply can't afford it now. I also don't have a dishwasher anymore and my refrigerator feels about the size of a zip-loc bag.Yeah, pot has changed me. Hopefully for the better.

Should you change the way you dress because of what other people might think?

nahhh .. the way u dress expresses you for who u are so why should you do that??? unless ur juss faking it. or trying to fit in

i mean.. if ur one of those sluts that cover only like.. 1\4 of ur body then maybe yea.. change~~!

People think I am weird and avoid me because I am quiet and avoid small talk.  I have tried my whole life to change this, but it seems that I am just a born introvert.  How can I change, and should I change?

Hi. I am an introvert myself. So much so that I get minute panic attacks in my head and heart when I have to meet new people. And through a major part of my life I tried to change it. I even went to a counsellor for this. And it is very dissatisfying because this is a part of you and you can't change it. So it used to make me feel even worse, incomplete and less wanted.It is only recently I started accepting who I am. Being an introvert we have the gift of having more meaningful conversations. And believe me I have made some truly amazing gem of friends. I may not be a social butterfly but I know that each and every friend in my life is someone I can trust with all my secrets and sorrows. I can be completely helpless in front of them and the only thing they will do is help me out. When they go through troubles they come to me and not one of their social butterflies. I  not saying extroverts are bad. They are brilliant people too.In fact a lot of my friends are extroverts.It is more about being at ease with yourself and your awkwardness. Accept it and believe me it is not just theoretical. You can really try it. Acceptance of introversion will really help you deal with this.You can always inbox me in case you need any help. :))

How so i get people to stop talking about god infront of me? i dont believe in god. and i think its a joke?

As long as their not trying to force their religion down your throat who cares? Let them believe what they want, if they feel better saying god bless to you, let them say it. Kindly explain that they will not convert you and you do not wish to try to be converted, but let them say what they want. Their doing no harm.