I Feel Like There

I feel like i have a splinter?

I have had something like that, and it went away. I have gotton a magnifying glass and found a splinter so small it couldnt have been any bigger than a tiny hair. Other times, I never saw a thing, but it eventually worked itself out as many will eventually will.
I do think sometimes it is other things including a sting from an insect. I know it can be painfull for something so tiny, but unless it becomes red or swollen very much, just tough it out or get someone to kiss it. Yes, it really does help sometimes, or at least makes you feel a little better.

Why does it feel like I have a hair on my face?

It is so annoying! I have had the sensation for two days now that there is a loose hair on my face (going across my eye, nose, and cheek). It doesn't hurt, it is just unable to be ignored. I keep taking off my glasses to check them and washing my face just in case it is an invisible strand of hair or spider web or something. Am I having a stroke or what?

I feel like there's a 'hole in my heart'?

I'm only 13 and I feel like there's a hole in my heart like emotionally. No one that I am close to has died/went away recently but I still feel like this :/. Sometimes I can feel completely normal but most of the time I feel worthless. I feel as though I have wasted my whole childhood. As a young kid I was physically abused (when I was about 3-6 years old) and my brother; the only person I looked up to got into some bad stuff (he became a drug addict but he's better now :) ) Now everything's fine. My parents are happy, my dad hasn't drunk alcohol in 7 years, and my brother is way better and hasn't done drugs in 6 years :). Anyways I still feel sad though. The only motivation I had was to get into this private school but now I don't feel like doing that anymore and I'm not trying. My grades are still good since I don't even have to try to get good grades, my school's VERY easy. My teachers have even noticed I've been sadder/calmer/more irritable lately. I have a couple of close friends but I don't feel completely open to them even though they tell me everything. I'm not good at expressing my emotions either and have trouble keeping conversations, making conversations and meeting new people. I've been this way since I can remember. I also feel like I wasted my childhood and I'm wasting my life right now. I know I'm young but I feel so old. It's like I have my whole life ahead of me but I don't want that. I want to stay a kid forever. Over these past few days I've been very irritable. Like today I lost my temper and hit (I didn't really hit her hard enough for it to leave bruises or anything) my sister just because she dropped a piece of pizza on her plate. I don't like talking to people but I love being around them. Could I be depressed? My mom's been/is depressed could that have to do with anything? please no rude/mean comments. :/

Why do I feel like I have a cut on my finger but there is no cut mark?

Good Question. 3 ideas. First we have about 7 layers of skin that protects us. It is possible that you have a very small injury to your finger that it would probably be hard to see because it only hurt maybe 2 layers of skin. That would be enough to hurt you but you would not really notice the injury. Second possibility is something called referred pain. Where you are injured even slightly in one area but instead of feeling pain in that area you feel pain in your finger. If the damage is small it will simply heal in time. Me for example, I have a lot of nerve pain in my toe. but the injury is actually in by back. the L5 nerve goes from the back to the toe so it fools me into thinking my toe is the problem when actually it is my L5 nerve in my back. this is referred pain. The third possibility is that there is a small malfunction in your nerves in your finger which could have been caused by a variety of problems such as being exposed to cold for too long. that would leave no visible injury but hurt until it heals. Drugs such as Lyrica and Gabapentin for nerve pain could help you until it heals. Check with your doctor. I feel confident this is only a temporary thing for you. I hope you get better soon. I really appreciate you asking me. I would be glad to help you in the future. Thank you

I feel like there's another person in my mind?

I cannot tell you what it is, but as a medium I have every confidence in saying what it ISN’T. Nothing you’ve described is consistent with mediumship or spirit contact. There’s also no indication of anything parapsychological or any type of psychic phenomena. However, what you’ve written is classic example of the signs of schizophrenia, paranoid delusions or other psychological affliction.

As for schizophrenia being ruled out, you could not have been diagnosed by a qualified, psychiatric professional-- either that or you weren’t completely honest about your symptoms. If you’d fully disclosed these visions and openly admitted all this to a qualified, mental health professional, you would NOT have been given an OK or left that office without a Rx for anti-psychotic meds.

You need a thorough medical evaluation by a psychologist or psychiatrist and this time, be straight with them about exactly what you’re feeling and seeing.

Anyone out there feel like they have a beast inside?

Alright since a young age i have had this... door you could say. And in this door there is something else living. Not like a different personality something far baser. more raw. In a few situations my life has been in danger and this door has opened and i have found myself kinda... sidelined in my own mind. And this beast comes out and deals with it. I was shot twice in the chest at one point and the bullets didn't penetrate the bone. And i got up and dealt with the guy that shot me. And yeah i know sounds like some fool kid trying to get attention, but my curiosity has finally gotten the better of me. Anyone out there have anything like this? and odd traits and physical strangeness's or feelings of almost being an animal. And if so well just answer.

Physical Description of me:


Nearly 21


210 lbs

Pale skin. No real defining marks like moles ect. Scars heal very well just faint white lines.

Eyes change color a lot.

Stronger than i look.

Heal very fast from serious injuries.

kinda hairy lol

i cant go out into summer sunlight without sunglasses and a hat and even then it hurts my eyes. Yet I have very good night vision. Also very good sense of smell.
Certain violent tendencies. when in a severe fight i tend to rip and tear and bite at veins instinctively.

I dont like bright stuff. I like shadows and the dark and nice cool places. A beach in the summer at day time might as well be hell for me lol. I burn terribly and don't tan at all.


Huge appetite. I eat three and four times what others do and am always hungry. But i am in good shape without any real work at all.

Lots of other things too the primary reason i am writing this though is just the fundamental sense of... strangeness that i have. Not just teenage angst either as i never had much of that as a teenager and im nearly 21 with a job and all that jazz. not some sad kid looking for attention or whatever.

Anyways long enough rant question now. I am open to any serious answer that people can give. From medical to supernatural. You think I am a vampire that's great. You think I am schizo do tell just give a reason not just trolling. I have no patience for stupidity. Thanks to all that answer.

I feel like I have gas bubbles in my bladder???

Gas bubbles in your bladder? Two possible you have an infection and the bacteria produce gas as they die off. Get antibiotics.
OR there is a passageway in your body between your bowel and your bladder called a fistula for which you need surgery.

Either way see a urologist.

I feel like i have a cut on my throat, what do you think?

I think you have Strep Throat

Strep throat is a bacterial infection in the throat and the tonsils. The throat gets irritated and inflamed, causing a sudden, severe sore throat

What are the symptoms?
The most common symptoms of strep throat are:

A sudden, severe sore throat.
Pain when you swallow.
Fever over 101F.
Swollen tonsils and lymph nodes.
White or yellow spots on the back of a bright red throat.