I Feel Lonely And Not Important

I feel that I am not important to anyone. What should I do?

In order to feel important you must absolutely be important to someone else. By that I mean you must seek out ways to do little things for others in gradually build up to doing bigger things for others. It sounds like you have become an intellectual comments, living alone in your own negative thinking patterns. To break this cycle you need to take positive actions by helping others in getting out of your own head. I can tell from your question that you are deeply inside your own head, and it sounds like it is a dangerous place for you to be.Start by taking some simple, social risks. For example smiling at a stranger, maintaining eye contact a little longer with women, simple dialogs like asking an attractive woman for directions, what time is it, or what is the best thing to order off the menu. Holding doors, engaging in small talk, volunteering for an organization that you are passionate about etc.are all good ways to learn to connect. These things must be done in real time, not online. These interactions must take place face to face in real time and you must do these as often as possible, multiple times per day.You must get comfortable being uncomfortable, and remember the adage "there is no failure, just feedback."If you can afford it, there are people who are called Relationship Coaches, who can guide you through this process of reinventing yourself. You need to get out of your own way. Everyone is as important as everyone else. Work to get over your negativity and get yourself into your life. You are is worth it as anybody else on the planet.

Why are friends important? I do feel lonely, but I just don't see the point of having/making friends anymore, it takes too much effort and I don’t enjoy being around people that much. Anyone else feels that way?

I do !ARE FRIENDS IMPORTANT ?Yes.WHY ARE FRIENDS IMPORTANT ?Humans are social beings. We need a few people to talk to and socialise. Friends are not just emotional support but also bankable bail outs in time of need.My opinion :In reality, people suck. We live in a time where even our spouses can switch up. I do not mean to sound pessimistic. It is a bitter truth but a truth. I’d say consider “FRIENDS” as just people who can bail you out in times of need. Notes, proxies, excuses on someone’s shoulder. Period. That’s about it.In all honesty, and speaking from personal experience, LONELINESS HAS A POWER VERY FEW CAN HANDLE. Ive had a very rough life. The list of people i can call my friends is barely going to cross my little finger. Whereas my haters list can very well be taller than me (I am 5′6″). But trust me, the amount of self discovery and the perspective I have gained by being lonely, the people I talk to or the ones I freshly meet tell me that i possess a maturity far beyond my age. And that is what keeps me on top of the food chain. I have more time for my goals, fitness and other constructive things. Slowly and steadily I have developed myself into a one man army. And you know the best part that gives me the edge over the others ? Ive been lonely. I can survive without people whereas the same cannot be said about them.And trust me, eagles fly alone. Pigeons flock together.You’re not wrong. Infact, this is probably the greatest blessing I could get.

Why are friends important? I feel lonely, but I just don't see the point of making friends anymore. It takes too much effort and I don't enjoy being around people that much. Do other people feel this way?

Friends are important because they help us maintain our connection with consensual reality.Social interactions are important because humans are social animals and require social connections to flourish. If you are curious about this, look up the studies done on baby monkeys being taken from their mothers, or studies that were done in the early 20th century to answer questions about why small children in orphanages would quit growing and die, from lack of touch.I will agree that masses of people in large doses are exhausting and repugnant. But, individuals or very small groups of like minded people can be refreshing and stimulating.The trick is to hone in on what you need, and what you have to offer in return from a relationship.In order maximize your return for emotional outlay, define very carefully what you need, and then seek that.If people are too much, start with a pet.If the sense of effort increases over time, consider getting checked for depression.Don’t let yourself fall into complete avoidance of human interaction. This leads to early death, and mental dysfunction.Thanks for the A2A.Best, T

Why people say physical beauty is not important?

You didn't list the negatives of physical beauty.

People hate you because you're pretty. It's hard finding friends that won't think that you're a dumb person. There are people that are going to make rumors about you just because you're attractive. People think that you're a sl_ut or a w*h*o*re. It's hard trying to get people to take you seriously because most people think you're dumb.

You don't get hired based on your looks. You get hired based on your skills. Many companies knows this. Believe it or not, not all companies hire people just because a person is beautiful. There are attractive who are unemployed and can't a job.

There are people who are attractive and is poor. I don't understand why someone would marry just based on class. People marry for love. The rich person doesn't have to be attractive. Have you ever thought that attractive people can't get a date? Or ever wonder if they get lonely? Attractive people feels lonely like everyone else. They don't always get men's attention.

Attractive people don't get free stuff. I don't know how you can get free stuff just for being attractive.

Is having social skills REALLY that important?

Like what if you only have online friends, online gf's and you won't even talk on the phone. You have no friends in real life and you go to online school? You really don't even talk to your family much and spend most of your day in your room on your laptop or writing poems or music? Is it too late to develop any skills? Thanks

Why am i so lonely?

im so lonely it makes me sad. people always push me away. people always leave me out. im not important. when i cut myself i know that no one cares. when i cry i know that no one cares. it sad to know that no one is here to even care about me. ive always been this lonely. its always been this way for me. it makes me sad. it makes me very sad. i dont have a friend. i dont fit in. im always alone. i dont belong. i want to run away and sleep away forever