I Feel Lost Confused Stressed Depressed. How Do I Handle This

How do I overcome feeling lost, aimless, confused and alone?

Hey, hi.You feel lost, aimless, confused and alone. Let's deal with this. Many of us have been in this stage and some of us are even now. It’s okay. It can be undone.You need to know that the phase you're going through right now is just a psychological illusion. And be thankful that you have came across such phase in your life. It makes you learn what life is all about. You'll be stronger than ever before.We often expect a lot to happen from life, people. When those expectations doesn't come true, we tend to feel hopeless and disappointed. Life is in no one’s hand. We need to accept whatever life throws on us. Also, when we believe that life is only meant for achievements and start comparing our life with others, we create chaos in our mind. We need to know that no one here is very well carrying out their destined purposes. Everyone is randomly striving out for what they believe is life.Life is uncertain. People's relations here are mostly based on their needs. So, don’t be serious about anything. Aims are our artifacts. They really don’t exist. Our only reason for existence should be the joy of living every moment. No one is going to carry their aims and achievements to their graves.So, be happy for you have got a life to live. Many are still longing for someone's love. Be compassionate and love people and animals. You won't be alone then. Confusion arises only when one is so involved in sorting out things not knowing things are already sorted down.Cheers.

I'm confused, depressed? Idk?

I feel so confused, all day everyday. It only gets better when I'm reading, or doing something that involves not much thinking. I have found no body with my same problem, it's because I can't describe my confusion, it's so intense that I don't even undertand it. I am not bullied, I have good friends.... I guess but I don't know what it feels like to have fun with your friends because I have never felt that dying would make me miss them, I did cut... I don't anymore because it doesn't do any good to me, I try to do stuff I found fun before and I no longer find anything truly fun like I did before were I would like to live so I could do this. Don't get me wrong, I laugh a lot and "have fun" but it feels different it feels bad it's not the same and I cry at least 3 to 4 times a day for 20 min each. I get so emotianal over a stupid book.... Or a really good tv show and I cry and cry so much because I can't get over it and it gets to the worst part were I feel like dying because I start something new and it always ends, such as books and TV shows and movies.... I can't explain how terrified I am of starting somthing, I just started insurgent and read Divergent and watched he movie.... I cried because I wished I could be in it I always wish I could be somthing different but it's so insaily intense I can't even, it used to be only at night when it got bad but now it always pops up in my head "I'm so so sad" and I can't get over it, please just help me

Lost and confused is this the depo shot?

I had my only depo shot in late october. I've bleed almost the whole time (well every two weeks and then it stayed two weeks of bleeding) until last month which was 5 weeks. Now it's been three weeks no sign of AF. I've been having pregnancy like symptoms, nausea, food cravings (i ate cheerios with cheese last night because that's what i wanted), i'm peeing every 10-15 if that, my blood sugar won't stabilize. It seems like pregnancy symptoms but I don't think that's possible. they say it takes 6 months to 2 years to get out of your system and i've only been off of it 5 months. I don't know what to do.

Can Stress, anxiety cause memory loss, confusion and " being out of it foe a few"?

I suffer from depression and anxiety and have been on medication No new medication.
Lately I have a hard time remembering things . and get confused a lot.

Everybody has ' Brian fades" but its been worse, forgetting where I put things, going to work w/ out my paper work ( that I bring every day).

When at work I was told what to do, probably 6 or 7 things. I did a few and totally forgot the others, or start one thing not competently doing all of it and going to the next thing. These are tasks I have done before and work am used to doing w/ no problem.

Forgetting why I came into a room. Yesterday I listened to a message from work and was told who to call back. Right away I called back and asked for the wrong person.

Not remembering conversations or who I told what to, repeating myself to them.

Also the other day I was nervous then it was like I was " out of it" for a few seconds. I had been looking for something, and been told to look by the microwave, and I was looking at the toaster oven( and hello I know the difference) and and it I had no clue of anything around me.. Its hard to explain..

i was not with it at all, it was like my brain, ears and eyes just shout down.It did not last long It sort of felt like everything had been turned back on slowly. She said I was telling you where it was by the microwave , never thought you would think that was a microwave. So embarrassed.

I have been under stress, Wondering if my stress, depression and anxiety is causing all of this.?

Am i depressed or just being a phycotice teen?

Im 15 not happy at all. i feel extremely bitter and confused and angry and lost.

i drink, cut and smoke sometimes

i lost intrest in things i used to love (soccer) but i still love to draw and sing

i have weird sleeping patterns and eating patterns (only eat a huge dinner)

i fight with my parents constantly

and what do i do about my cutting i want to tell my bestriend but i dont want to put this burden on her but i dont know what to do /:

could i possibly be depressed or am i just being a hormonal phycotic teen?