I Feel So Open When I Think Of Him. Iffate Only Was Juste I Coulddo Good In World Having His Love

Can an atheist still believe in the teachings of Buddhism?

The Buddhist way of life, including both philosophy and practice, is open to all, regardless of beliefs. I know Buddhists who are athiests, agnostics, scientists, sceptics, Christians, and Jews. I know Buddhists who practice yoga and pick up Sufi Muslim practices. I even know some Buddhists who are Buddhist!How can this be? Quite simply, Buddhism at its core is a set of propositions (The Four Noble Truths) that each person investigates for himself or herself and a set of behaviors best seen as cultivating ourselves as a garden, not letting weed seeds grow into noxious ways of thinking, feeling, and living and nourishing seeds of vitality, joy and peace. If we study the core teachings of Buddhism, cultivate our lives to bring an end to suffering, and if we use meditation to help ourselves get better at it (that is, if we follow the eightfold path), then we are living as Buddhists.My wife once asked Zen Master and Therevadan Scholar-monk if her belief in Christianity meant that she could not be a Buddhist. His reply was, “There is no barrier on this side.” I say the same, and he would say the same, to people of any faith, and also to atheists, agnostics, scientists, and everyone else. Anyone can be a Buddhist.In fact, you don’t even have to be a person to be a Buddhist. Here we see monks in a Therevadan Buddhist country ordaining an ancient tree into Buddhism. This is a skillful technique used by ecology-minded Buddhists to save trees from illegal harvesting by loggers. In this country (it may be Thailand or Sri Lanka; I’m not sure) people do not care much about trees, but they will stop anyone who wants to hurt a Buddhist monk!If a tree can be a Buddhist, so can you!

Should I keep going when it feels like fate is trying so hard to stop me?

It depends. You say ‘fate’ is trying to stop you. That doesn’t happen. There’s no such thing. You have to ask yourself, is it -fear- trying to stop you OR is Love trying to guide you elsewhere?To know the difference, is easy…Ask yourself are you afraid? and if you think to yourself ‘Yes, I am afraid’ <<

If everything is already written in destiny, then why should we wish for something?

Please read this is 100%✓The first provement of your thoughts gives makes your life by my guru shivananda Avdhoot Shivanand - WikipediaTheperson who says that everything is already written in the destiny is % wrong because at the time of crossing the road he see twice in the road and congorms that there is not any vehicle near to him that can harm him so nothing is destiny if you are curious of science then read it full. The Einstein said E = MC square (E=M.C.C ) where E =energy and M=mass and C=velocity of light 299,792,458 metres per second it means that energy and mass are convertable to each other now you know that light are made up of photos and photons Travels the speed light (of 299,792,458 metres per second) now light first collides with an object and then it may enters to our eye now if you are traveling with the speed great than speed of light then light will never come to you eye and you will never be able to see the object with the speed greater than light now the human can write what he can experience hence you are traveling with the speed great than speed of light so light will come later in that point where you was before as traveling with speed of light it prove that you had travelled in future and that exactly what Einstein had also told in there theory hence when you traveling with speed great than speed of light you comes under future and a The Einstein said E = MC square (E=M.C.C ) Energy 'E’ have capacity to give a velocity to the mass with speed “C times C” so the energy send mass to future that's why India Sants said in there upnishad that think what you want to acchive. When ever you think something your mind radiate some alpha and beta and a little bit of gama waves and waves have energy associated with him and think these waves contains your thoughts and it can Travels more faster than you and it will come you you in future so. Think what you want.I had given what I can give to you and this thoughts is written in veeds and upnishida and proved with the concepts of Einstein and arrange by “kapish Singh” provided by avadhoot shivananda Avdhoot Shivanand - Wikipedia to the respect of your good quality with in you and (LORD SHIVA)Thanks

Do you believe in hard work or in luck?

I believe in hard work.Nothing in the universe occurs on an accident. Everything in a solid system is based on a series of causes. However, we do not know the causes, we call it an accident and luck. If the curtain goes away from a series of causes, we will see that nothing is accidental, although some of these causes are beyond our control and knowledge. So, should you try to create luck with the provision of tools and agents in every field?There may be behaviors of us - the consequences of which will appear long afterwards - but one cannot find its root. And the Quran gives a general rule in these cases and that isما اصابک من سيئه فمن نفسك" What comes from evil is your own achievement” 4/79There is no chance in the meaning of the accident in the tradition of the Prophet (pbuh) and the school of Islam, and it is not true because it is in conflict with the principle of causality. Because the principle of general causality and the system of actions and actions on the world and all events and events of the world is dominant, and each incident has acquired the necessity and certainty of its existence, as well as the form, temporal and locality characteristics and other existential characteristics of its causes, and An unbreakable link between the past and present and the welcome between each creature and its causes.But our view of the causes must be expanded, and in addition to the material and apparent causes for spiritual reasons.