I Fell On My Elbow Last Night And My Shoulder Hurts

Shoulder pain upon leaning on elbow?

Last night, I went sledding and did a bunch of other stupid, fun stuff. I was standing up on a skateboard (deck only) going down the hill, I fell, but didnt take my foot off the board, turned 360° and fell on my right elbow.

I had a hard time getting up. And have hard times getting out of bed (because this is my dominant elbow).

Every time I put pressure on the elbow (only pressing down) my shoulder has sharp pains.

What could this be?

Fell off bike. shoulder hurts....plz answer?

With a forced trauma like landing on your stomach and shoulder you are more likely to have a separation of the AC joint. The AC joint is where the collarbone connects to the shoulder. This joint can be injured in varying degrees. You also could have injured your labrum, the cartilage ring in the shoulder, but that is more likely falling on an outstretched arm. For the next couple of days rest it and ice. If after 72 hours or so it is still sore and unable to move well schedule an appointment to be seen by your doctor.

I fell on my elbow and now it hurts bad?

Okay so I was running and I slipped on some gravel today and fell at an angle and hit my elbow really hard. I heard a popping noise and it hurts really bad now and it s scraped and bruised kind of. It hurts to lean on it and put pressure on it. Any idea what I could ve done to it?

My shoulder hurts when I lift my arm?

I slipped on a wet floor at the mall. I fell on my shoulder I heard a pop then for like 3min I couldn't movie it. I can move it now but it hurts really bad when I lay on it or lift my arm up. I can role my shoulder without it hurting.

I hit my elbow 6 weeks ago and it still hurts to straighten out x-rays were normal what should I do?

Couple of things.  If the x-rays were taken within 24 hours of the injry you may need to be re-x-rayed.  Many times a hairline fracture does not become visible on x-ray for up to 7 days until bone healing highlights the fracture. In other words, they can be easy to miss in early x-ray studies.The joint most likely will not fully extend because inflammation within the joint creates fluid which acts like a ‘block’ to full extension.  Healing requires you to reduce the inflammation.  After 6 weeks your condition is chronic.  Therefore you can begin home therapy.  First use moist heat around the joint. Once you have the joint warmed up you can before gentle ROM exercises to limits of motion and gently try and stretch the ROM as much as possible.  After a period of stretching ice the joint down which helps to ‘lock-in’ gains.  Do this at least once a day (preferably twice) for a couple weeks.That is basically what a Physical Therapist would do and by doing it yourself you can perform it more often and less out of pocket expense.

How do I get relief from shoulder pain?

I feel like most muscle pain can be helped or at least give relief by topical pain relief products. My brother has been a pitcher for a college team back in his younger days. He used to get really bad shoulder pain and had to sit out many of the games because the recovery time took too long and his pitching ended up suffering from it. A couple years ago, I was painting my house and fell off of a ladder. When I landed, I severely injured my shoulder and couldn’t sleep because of the pain. I called my brother and he told me about a technique he used from a coach that helped me recover quicker. He said to take a hot shower and let the warm water run over your shoulders. Letting the warm water run under the bottom side of your arm and rub your arm, while working the muscles and receiving the warm damp heat. The shoulder pain and arm pain (for me) kinda go hand in hand.While your in the shower/bath, let a bath towel soak in hot water - NOT SCALDING (very important).When you come out of the shower/bath, dry off, you should rub Absorbine Jr. | Home and over your shoulders, You'll want to do this while the pours of your skin are still open from the shower/bath.DO NOT not apply Absorbine Jr. under your arms (arm pits), nor on the neck or face, and not on the groin area (trust me I learned the hard way).After the Absorbine Jr. has been rubbed in, take the hot towel that's been soaking in hot water. Use a face towel to wring out the hot water - that way you won't be grabbing on to the hot water - the face towel will insulate your hands. Now wrap the hot towel gently around your shoulder and arm by first draping the towel over your shoulder and back so about 12 inches hangs of your shoulder blade.This warm moist heat combined with the Absorbine Jr. | Home that rubbed in well, will offer a relaxing condition to your muscles that will not only promote a great bounce back -for the next day. but you'll be far more sensitive to strains and other conditions that you wouldn't feel otherwise.This method that he taught me made all the difference.So try it for yourself and I hope it works like it did for me.

Why does my right shoulder hurt when I sneeze?

Yes, as the others wrote, change in posture. But still it should not hurt. So I think you should get checked out—try a chiropractor or your MD or an acupuncturist. Something may be out of alignment, or something more serious could be happening of which this is a symptom. Don’t ignore it.

I fell and landed on my shoulder, extreme pain when I lift it. What should I do?

Sounds to me like a separation, strain or sprain to the acromio-clavicular joint. This is the point at the top of the shoulder where the shoulder blade and clavicle connect. Just taking aleve will not make the problem go away. Remember RICE. Rest Ice Compression Elevation. Get yourself an arm sling so that you immobilize your affected shoulder. Further movement will exacerbate the problem. If there is swelling, ice it down at 20 minute intervals. If you're still moving your shoulder around with a sling, use an ace bandage to affix your arm to your body. Taking anti inflammatories such as motrin, aspirin or ibuprofen may help as well. Acetominiphen (Tylenol) may ease the pain but will not help with the certain inflammation.

I would also get a second opinion to be on the safe side. You don't want any permanent damage to a shoulder as it could result in surgery. Just telling you to take aleve indicates to me that the doctor was an absolute quack.

I fell down my stairs and now my arm hurts is it broken?

if you can move it it cant be to bad, but you might have broke a specific part of your arm or fractured it. you might have even just pulled a ligament. I recommend visiting the doctor if you pulled spmething its better to know now