I Fell On My Shoulder And Now I

I fell on my shoulder, what did I do?!?

Today I was jumping on my friends old trampoline (were both 17) with really rust springs. I jumped too close to the edge and three springs busted, causing me to flip over and land ON my shoulder, then rolling onto my back from that shoulder.
My whole arm was shaking after the landing and it hurt REALLY bad. I had my friends mom and step-dad examine it and pull on it, but they couldn't decide if it was out of socket or jammed or sprained.
Well, (yes, this was quite stupid) I was wrestling with my friends little brother and landed on it yet again, shooting pain down my arm. Now my arm is stiffer (Before I could raise it higher and move it father back and forth) and hurts way more. Any suggestions or ideas of my problem here?

Fell and hurt shoulder?

Yesterday I was walking up the steps of my dorm and I tripped over my jeans. When I tripped I tried to catch myself and I failed to do so. I kind of landed on my arm and it stretched out a bit. I felt my shoulder pop and I heard it crack, sort of like the sound of your knuckles or back cracking. I wasn't be too worried about it because of the sound, but now it really hurts. It hurts to just lay down and ice it. It hurts when I raise it. My bicep area of my arm also gets very tight and I can not raise it that high.The pain is at the top of my shoulder sort of near my neck and it is also in my back at my shoulder blade. Most of the pain is in the back towards my shoulder blade. Is this just pain from what happened or is this something serious and something that I need to seek medical help for?

I have also taken a few Alleve pills and the pain does not go away, but the swelling has.

I fell on my shoulder and it hurts?

well you need to get an x-ray. It could be broken. for now take a pain reliever, put ice on it and put bandages on it. I hope you fell better soon.

Fell and now my shoulder hurts?

Put ice on it 20 minutes at a time and then repeat in an hour. An anti-inflammatory will help, also support in a sling if it is very painful.

I fell on my arm and now my shoulder and neck hurts?

Sorry to hear that.

I suspect it's a separated shoulder. This injury is common when falling on an outstretched arm.

But it could be one of many types of shoulder injuries. Here is a listing
Here is a video that explains common shoulder injuries

You should see an orthopedist who will do physical tests and imaging tests (XRay, MRI). This will determine what condition you have.

Perhaps all you will need is physical therapy. The orthopedist will say so. This is good. I believe conservative measures like this should be done.

Some doctors recommend cortisone shots to reduce inflammation. I don’t recommend this. They actually weaken your tendons, making your shoulder less stable and worse.

Another option you can do is Platelet Rich Plasma and Stem Cell Therapy –a low intrusive procedure involving injections of your platelets and stem cells. It will regenerate and heal the injury effectively and quickly. It’s best if the doctor uses ultrasound to guide the proper placement of the injection. Here is a video.

Hope this helps.

Fell on my shoulder, now my neck hurts too?

So yesterday I fell down my stairs and landed on my back and left shoulder. My lower back just had a bad rugburn & a small cut going across it; but I can't lift my left shoulder up all the way without it hurting really bad, and it's difficult to pick things up with it and such. It's like a mix between sharp pain and an ache. But today my neck has started hurting right around my throat area with a sore pain every time I'm laying down and I sit up or somehow tense it, and I have no clue why?? What's wrong?

Fell on shoulder, can't lift arm?

so almost 2 days ago I ran full force into my kitchen and slipped on my pants and fell on the hardwood. as I was falling, I reached out to catch myself and as soon as my weight fell on my arm it sent a shooting pain up through my entire arm and it gave out. since it gave out rather quickly, I fell almost full force onto the upper outer part of my shoulder. now I can't lift my arm frontwards, to the side, or over my head. I can't lift, pull, or push anything. and my shoulder pops or cracks every time I attempt to lift it. it hurts on the outer front of my shoulder, the top of my shoulder, right beside my armpit, and from the back of shoulder the whole way down to my elbow. it hurts sometimes even when it's down and resting. occasionally sending a pins and needles feeling to my fingers. what could this be? I'd like an opinion before I take a trip to the doctors. thanks.

What would you do if a girl fell asleep on your shoulder on a BMTC (Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation) bus?

let her sleep...and if your stop comes before her, wake her up and u get down and if her stop comes first (as she is sleeping the bus goes from there) and your stop will first step will repeat...and if u feel good about that girl sleeping on your shoulder, dont get down at your stop, let the bus reach the final stop and start again and this time ask her about her bus stop and when it comes drop her there and u returnbut how can she sleep in a crowdy bus, i expect BMTC will be always crowded :-)

I fell on my shoulder, a year later it still hurts when i try to raise it, is it dislocated?

You may need physical therapy as you may have torn a ligament. Same thing happened to me. Fell on my shoulder and 6 months later still had pain when reaching ocross my chest to touch my opposite shoulder. XRays didnt show anything and the Doc said if you want we can set up some physical therapy. I opted not to since i only experienced pain when reaching /stretching to an extreme. I dont think mine injury was as serious as yours but my shoulder seemed to take about a year for full reaching / rotating capabilities.

I fell off a bike years ago and my shoulder was hurt. Now it gives me pain weekly. How can I stop the pain?

When you say “weekly”, that suggests the pain is not constant. That tells me it is a muscle or tendon problem, and that’s fixable. When or what brings it on? Opening an overhead door, on the weekend, to get to an old car? I’ve found there is no pain from those injuries, until the next day, so it seems to come out of the blue.Each shoulder (rotator cuff) has 26 muscles forming it, and it is very easy to injure one, as the years go by and we lose muscle mass (sarcopenia). Usually, the joint locks-up to keep you from further injuring it, and even after the usual microscopic tears are repaired, it takes time and slow stretching to get full range of motion back.Rest and stretching will fix it, but it takes time, and afterward, you have to strengthen those muscles to protect them from further injury. A therapist will give you easy exercises to get you back to normal, but a knowledgeable Fitness Trainer will show you what you NEED to do to strengthen and protect that area (and the whole body.. Good luck.