I Finally Understand Why Republicans Put Down On Obama So Much

Is it true that Republicans hated Obama because they really thought he was an Arab?

Only a tiny, tiny minority thought Obama was an Arab. There was that old lady talking to McCain. Many Republicans believed that Barak Obama was a Muslim. However, President Obama drinks alcohol and loves bacon. He also supported gay marriage. While a slight majority of American Muslims support it, unlike British or French Muslims, I would say Obama secretly supported it before it became popular. He doesn’t identify as Muslim. His father was born a Muslim Kenyan, and his paternal grandfather was born a Christian, but decided to convert to Islam. In Kenya, there are Christian and Muslim Obamas, FYI, and they seem to get along just fine. People speak about Obama having spent time in Indonesia. Indonesia, especially at that time, had so many moderate people. Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims seem to coexist fine in Indonesia. Of course, there are some fanatics. Remember, as people grow up, they can change their views regarding spirituality.There are plenty of Americans who grew up Catholic and then became Protestants. You have had people like Trump’s daughter who converted to Judaism. However, since Obama’s black and had an African father and didn’t have an Anglo type name, he was targeted over his background in a way that wasn’t fair, if you ask me. Just as a Catholic can become an atheist or a Protestant, and not necessarily the faith of their parents, so can a man who had an African Muslim father. Kenya has Christians and Muslims, by the way. They don’t clash with each other like you might hear of in parts of Nigeria, for example. So many Americans see things like 9/11 and Syrians and Iraqis fighting in blood civil wars, intolerant behavior in the Middle East, and then put whatever negative they have seen in those cases on anyone born Muslim or to a Muslim parent.That said, Obama was a relatively popular president. I think he did a good job domestically. America was dealing through a harsh economic reality, and he and his team helped turn things around for what it’s worth.

The Republican plan to eliminate Cold War era federal agencies; slowing down the march of history?

What many people don't know is that even though the Soviet Union lost the Cold War, it was winning in the beginning.
Beginning in the early 20's the USSR decided to try something revolutionary; electrify the country as a matter of government policy. While Western countries were using the slow market system where the market would decide where to electrify; the Soviets did it another way. The electrified areas of the Soviet Union outside of the market system, allowing them to develop faster.
Later using cross subsidization they successfully created labor surpluses by mechanizing agriculture. And then led the world in industrialization; becoming most industrialized and increasing output 8 times over in just 12 years.
Did the US and Europe watch this and stick to relying on their old trusty market systems? No way. They were forced to compete; and the US created the departments of agriculture, energy, education, commerce, transportation and others so the capitalist world could keep up with the Soviet rate of advancement. As a result, from the 1930's onward the world saw a record jaunt in technological development and human progress.
Ultimately it was the mixed system that the US and Western Europe adopted that proved successful. However now Republicans want to abolish those departments and turn everything back over to the market system.
Does this mean the slowing of the march of technology and progress in exchange for riches and control?

How many liberals call Obama the Messiah?

It cracks me up because I only see the republicans doing that, the ones that supposedly don't like him. These are the same neocons that call themselves christian and yet they see "messiah" as an insult, unless of course they in fact like him and feel he deserves worship. They are the only ones calling him that after all.

Either way on one hand I want to tell them "thank you" because they just continue sinking that party boat they are on rather then trying to fix what has become broken. To be honest though I'd rather they pull their heads out of their butts and reform their party. While I am as far from republican as I could ever be (thanks to the past 8 years) I do still feel that it is important to have republicans in DC. Any democracy needs party choices for checks and balances. I'm still independent though leaning more then ever towards democrat but still I hope for the sake of the republican party they get a grip soon.

Greenspan:irrational exuberance:Obama: GDP growth a positive sign?

Of course any GDP growth is better than its opposite, only an idiot would say other wise.
Greenspan in a speech, Dec. 1996: "But how do we know when irrational exuberance has unduly escalated asset values,....."
He was speaking of pricing in the stock market and other assets.(that finally crashed).
And here we go again: We have a "growth" in GDP for one month and it's hailed as a turning in the road.
Is it?
Our economy is shot to hell. Specifically the FUNDAMENTALS.

The financial market had to be bailed out because it is the "oxygen" to our economy. As oil is the "blood".
Without either, literally, our economy dies.
But because the recent GDP growth was based on cut-backs in employment,sham economic activity like "cash for clunkers" and other stimulus spending(instead of free market actions)
we are falling,yet again, into "irrational exuberance"?

Don't we Americans understand that we finally have to "bite the bullet"?
That we have to take the "pain" NOW, instead of putting it off by humongous deficit spending?
And if we don't,and are suffering once again from "irrational exuberance" do we know where it's taking us? Will we be ready for The Mother of All Financial Crashes somewhere down the line?
1 second ago - 4 days

OBAMA wants to ASBOLISH Mandatory Sentences for CRIMINALS?

He also wants criminals to have their voting rights restored.