I Find Myself Getting So Down

How can I stop myself from getting so wet?

I know what you are talking about it happens to me too, my bf once told me he felt so wet and hot inside he got to a point where he felt nothing.
I had this problem for years, and I had this advice from friend.
I give my bf a bj with a halls in my mouth or any very strong mint candy, his penis gets cold and he feels more due to the cold hot sensation, I made him come so quickly, you wouldn´t even believe me.
This is the best I can advice you, there is really nothing you can do, I have tried to mantalize not to be so wet and I simply can´t as I have to leave with it, I had to find that out.
I have to tell you my bf loves this, really.
This is my best advice when this happens or you want to feel more, contract the muscles of your vagina, you will help orgasm come faster and your partner will feel the contractiosn too and so more pleasure.

Good luck! ;D

I always find myself biting down hard on my jaw?

yep, i do it too. stress and tension!

Is There Any Way I Can Stop Myself Getting So Wet Before Sex Or Anything?

its because your getting turned on
try to think of things that gross you out
otherwise dont worry about it, when you out grow these guys and find older mature guys they are going to love that you get so wet and enjoy the fact that you are enjoying yourself and it means you dont need lube or anything

Why do I find myself get so emotional over the "smallest" things?

Well, if it happens to you, which means you are a very emotional person and relate things with yourself. You put yourself in that position or in their shoes and that’s how you get emotional. You must have gone through those stages and feels the pain in being such kind of situations. It is very hard or I would say impossible to come out of that kind of nature. The best way is to help others, it may people, animal or any kind of species and when you do that, it let you forget their pain and makes you feel better.

Why do I push people away whenever I feel myself getting close to them? Is there something wrong with me?

Okay, so, this is just a theory……perhaps you have a fear of abandonment, and so, you don’t want to risk letting people get close to you because you can’t be sure that they will stick around. This is common when parents have been absent in childhood, or when you’ve been let down.You build a wall around your heart because it’s a form of control and is less painful than being abandoned or let down again. You pull away when you want to and sometimes even self-sabotage the relationship.In some situations, you can actually subconsciously seek relationships with people who are either physically or emotionally unavailable as it gives your brain a logical reason as to why they let you down (because they weren’t really available in the first place).At the base/root of the fear is a low self-esteem or feeling that you aren’t worthy of someone’s full attention and love. You pulling away, or pushing away controls the situation and proves your belief that you are unworthy as being true, because no-one ever stays with you.The only way to move forward (if my theory is true for you), is to build on your self-esteem, heal this fear and begin to love yourself. Otherwise, you will always want to pull away (and hurt yourself) before risking being hurt by the other person.

I am not able to slow myself down. What should I do?

I understand what you are going through. I had exactly the same issue (might still do :P). Only one answer: meditation or mindfulness. To elaborate let me tell you what I used to do. Whenever I had to do something by myself, any boring work such as doing dishes, I would loose myself into thoughts. If someone called me in the mean time, I would rush to take the call leaving the tap open or wetting the floor by splashing water around etc. I would take the call and would again lose myself thinking "OMG I left the tap open..." and would miss what the person was saying. I literally was never focused on the task at hand. I would drop things, make mistakes, miss out on important talk, walk past my stop/building etc. My friends were frustrated with me because I would not laugh on their jokes. They often assumed I lack humor. But the real problem was that I was not paying attention, at all. I became miserable. I never felt satisfied with whatever I did. Why? Because I never enjoyed doing anything. I never focused or observed myself progressing even though I might have. Cognitively speaking, I was never present in the moment, then how the hell am I suppose to learn, right? However, due to my reading habit which is the only thing that kept me present, I discovered this amazing book called the Power of Now and it literally changed my life. I began with being mindful, in other words, staying in the present. Initially, it was hard to not let my mind wander but as soon as I saw that I am loosing myself to thoughts, I came back to my senses. I kept doing this for a while. I can't express it to you but there is so much peace within me now. I feel calm, at ease and been able to perform things with full attention. I also do meditation every day. Initially, you might not be able to shut your thoughts. It might even frustrate you but just hang in there. As soon as you hear voices in your head, stop obeying them. Just watch your thoughts. See what they tell you but do no react. Do not give in to them. Just watch like you'd watch a beautiful bird in the midst of traffic and you forget everything else around you. Just watch them. That is called being in the moment. Sorry for long explanation. I am not a spiritual teacher so I cannot express it as effectively. I tried my best to teach you what I have learned so far, hope it helps.

She says she gets really mad when I put myself down but...?

... I don't know what else to say other than compliments for her (my girlfriend) what am I supposed to do I don't know anything GOOD about myself and so I put myself down but I don't get as hurt as she does so I just don't know what to do...