I Forgot To Eat My Lunch Order What Should I Do

Have you ever forgot a utensil to eat your lunch and had to use something else?

Lol that sounds like an interesting way to eat chicken salad :P
And YES, I often forget a spoon so I end up eating pudding and applesauce etc. just by squeezing it from the container into my mouth. :D

A man went to the beach but he forgot his lunch, what did he eat?


I just forgot my lunch, now im at work and very hungry?

what do i do, when i get hungry i faint and get headache

it is 2am in the morning and im at graveyard shift, no restaurant i dont have money anyway and im alone here so nobody to steal lunch from

What should I do if I eat at a restaurant and then realize I forgot my wallet?

This happened to me once. When I was a poor college student, I had a Chinese restaurant that I went to fairly often. As it turned out, one day I had forgotten my wallet.I was terrified they'd kick me out or call the police or something. Nevertheless, I rather sheepishly explained the situation to the waiter. I told him I'd just run home and get it - I'd even leave my phone as collateral so they knew I'd be good for it. There must have been a certain pleading tone to my voice, I imagine.The waiter laughed and said it was no problem. He told me I didn't need to leave any form of collateral - they knew I was good for it. I did anyway, and I ran home, came back, and paid them over profuse apologies. I think they were amused that I was so contrite. I also left a massive tip for their trouble.Odd thing is, whenever I went back, I got treated as close to a king as a small Chinese restaurant can treat a customer. They knew I was a good customer beforehand (and I tipped well) and now they knew I was trustworthy.I've done this once or twice since then and I've always been straight with them. They've always understood and I was treated especially well after I came back and paid.Just be straight and honest with them. You might get an asshole that wants a pound of flesh, but generally they'll be good about it.

How does one 'forget' to eat?

You would like to know how to forget to eat. When you are doing a work with a passionate exertion, you may forget time and you may forget the need to eat some food. I know of a man who was so greatly absorbed in his work that he forgot all else. When his lady appeared to tell him that he should come and eat, he got a fit of rage and hurled his working hammer at her, luckily for both of them the hammer did not hit her!

The need to eat some food is indeed a healthy need, you need to be well-nurtured in order to perform materially and spiritually well in your life. Here you might try and think a bit of good old holy plump sitting Buddha who enjoyed eating pork meet and became so saintly important for the world in his living life and for the future. He is said to have died at the age of eighty (very much high age in the ferocious dangerous world of his time) unfortunately because of an indigestion for eating all too much of pork steaks.

Wanting to eat less, you may try and exercise at ingesting less food during your meals. Also, you may exercise at letting more hours pass from one meal to the next.

When you are healthy or yearning to become more healthy, you will need and decide to eat good food for your digestion in your stomach as well as you will need to process and ingest some intellectual food for your digestion in the mind for corroborating your own material and spiritual powers and the more glowing beauty of your own life!