I Found A Baby Bird What Do I Do

Found a baby bird with mites?

Birds do carry disease as does the bird parasites so be careful and clean. I will not judge you or suggest alternative but try to advise for what you wish to do which is get the bird healthy and able to live. Soap and water is always a good thing and best bet for the mites as long as they are not into skin. Baby birds in wild are often covered with those little insects when they fall out of nest and need to be removed if bird is to live. It will need food and warmth. An aquarium with screen top would be good shelter. Avoid cardboard as that material is easily used for bugs to nest and will absorb birds pee and tata. You can use wood but needs to be painted and not fresh paint as fumes in small habitat will take too long to disipate. Cage would be ok or plastic like dog crate. Small is better as baby needs to not have large habitat right now. Use simple light bulb to provide heat, such as table lamp with shade off. be careful to not have bulb touching anything to cause fire. It needs to be warmer than room is. Remember in nest the baby is cozy with siblings all cuddled together and then mama sits on them at night. For food it has to be ground up just like a human baby first food and keep it natural - raw meat or worms. It needs to be very mushy so hamburger is not mushed up enough as it is. You can try making bird beak puppet out of paper and bird noises to get baby bird to open beak for feeding. Good luck.

I found a baby bird in my pool, it is still alive, but what do i do??? Can anyone help! it is urgent.?

Ok a lot of what to do depends how old the bird is. Here is a website that will help. Do you have a local conservation agency you can contact? They would take care of it for you. Give me more information and I can tell you a lot more. Are you wanting to care for this bird yourself? Is there a nest nearby? If so watch for more. Right now it is important to keep it warm. If its temperature feels low you might put a heating pad on VERY low outside of the towel. I have cared for baby birds before so I will help you the best I can. Let me know please. I will look for more info to add. If it is a baby don't feed it bird seed. I use canned dog food, rolled into small balls dipped in a mixture of egg and milk. Know it sounds strange but it works.

What should I do with a baby bird found on the ground?

It is probably best to leave it alone. The parents probably know where it is and will be trying to feed it. If you are lucky enough to know where the nest is you could try to put the baby back. HoWEVER, in some bird species it is perfectly normal that the babies out grow the nest and leave before being able to fly AND the parents are still taking care of them.It is very difficult to raise a wild baby bird. Some animal rescue places have the training to do it but I would rather believe the bird parents would do a better job.

I found a baby bird IN MY HOUSE what do I do with it?!?!!?

It's young, but not like a newborn, what you would call a fledgling. I found it this morning because my 2 cats were swatting at it. The bird doesn't look injured in anyway, but it does seem to be breathing heavily (maybe it's just scared or cold?) I looked outside and I don't see any angry parent birds or any nests. I don't know what to do. I don't want to just let it outside for it to die. Right now I have it in a box with a towel in it. Someone help!

I found an injured baby bird. What do I feed it?

I’m sorry but I have to totally disagree with Nicole Speed. She is 100% wrong. Every licensed wild bird rehabber feeds non-raptor baby birds dry dog food that has been soaked in water until it is rather like a sponge. Every single one. Dry dog food is the go-to rehabber food for baby birds, if they are not hawks, owls, or falcons of some sort. I’ve raised dozens and dozens of baby birds on dry dog food and so has every single other rehabber I have ever had contact with. I do use dry cat food for a crow, blue jay, or other bird that eats a lot of insects because it has a higher protein content.In other words you are doing the right thing. The only thing I would suggest that you do differently is feed the little spud using a tweezers with blunted ends, not chopsticks.If he is pooping a lot, you are doing very well. That means he’s eating well.You should definitely try and find an actual wild bird rehabber. If you live in the US, there are three places you can call to ask about local rehabbers.Veterinarians. Most of them have a list of the local rehabbers, even if they don’t do wild animals themselves.The State Fish and Game or Fish and Wildlife or Wildlife Conservation department. They keep a list of rehabbers, because rehabbers have to be licensed. You’ll find them listed in the phone book under State Offices, or search for “Fish and Wildlife YourState,” go to the website and look for the list of Game Wardens and call the one for your county.County Sheriff. Most County Sheriff departments have a list of wildlife rehabbers in the county. Use the “non-emergency” number.You may also find wildlife rehabbers by doing a search on “Wildlife Rehabilitator, YourCity” or “YourCounty.” These days many rehabbers have websites.If you are outside the US, the laws differ. You might still find a rehabber by calling vets, the equivalent of the State Fish and Game Department, or local police, or doing a web search.

I found this baby bird outside. What should I do with it?

You can make a little nest for it in a shoe box or little basket. Make sure it stays warm. You will have to feed it with a dropper every couple hours around the clock until it gets big enough to feed itself and then you can let it go. You can buy baby bird food to mix with warm water in the pet store. However, if it is a robin it will need pieces of worms chopped up. Also, you can try looking on the internet for an Aves foundation in your area that might be able to help or a local zoo will sometimes help you. Some species of birds are illegal to possess. So you should try and find out what type of bird it is if you can. That will help with knowing what to feed it. Just try to keep it alive by feeding it the gruel mixture every couple of hours and keeping it warm. Good luck.

I found a baby bird, he wont open his mouth to eat!?

You shouldnt be feeding him just need to get specially made food for baby birds (you can buy hand rearing mix, but this stuff called egg and biscuit is pretty good as well, and its much cheaper) old is it? ...if its old enough to drink water, put some honey in some luke warm water and place its beak in the bowl (dont cover the nostrils), if you get it to drink it might want to eat


What do you do with a dead baby bird?

OMG…bury it!!!