I Gain And Lose Weight Easily

Why can I lose AND gain weight easily?

The 2 lb change from day to day is water weight, not fat changes...most people experience that, and females moreso than weight might fluctuate 3 or so lbs from day to day, but it's not fat changes, it's water (bloat from my period or from too much sodium)...

As for ease of fat loss, it would indicate a fast metabolism or very diligent eating/exercise when you decide to drop some pounds...

How come I gain weight so easily?

what are you eating?

if you're doing all that exercise--and are eating unhealthy on the weekends--it might come back
you want for example, 1800 GOOD calories--1800 nutritious calories that is. for example, chicken breast over pizza anytime

another thing is--your body might be in starvation mode
1200 calories or so is way too little
you have to eat in order to lose weight--it sounds contradictory but is true

if you eat 6 small meals over a day--with a bit of lean protein at each meal--you'll curb your hunger and balance your blood glucose levels, allowing you to 1)not only have energy for the entire day but 2)speed up your metabolism

speeding your metabolism up does wonders for fat loss--since you are telling your body there's a plenty of food around--so you won't have to keep all your body fat

also--if you just do cardio--your weight might be stagnant--cardio burns calories only when you DO the activity--after you stop, the calorie burn stops. whereas weightlifting--burns calories long after you have exited the gym (up to 48 hours after a workout session)--and the world's best fat burner is...
you guessed it--MUSCLE. the upkeep of muscle has great demands on your body--so the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn--and the better you look and feel

i'm def not saying to stop doin cardio--but add in weight training (but keep in mind muscle weighs more than fat--so although you may look like you're slimming down and toning--the scale might tell you that you're the same--or even a tiny bit heavier)

so basically, eat more meals, add weight lifting to your exercise regimen (which is awesome already with the running), and good luck!

Why do I lose weight easily?

There are 3 basic body types:ectomorph: Tend to be “skinny”, long limbed & not particularly muscular. Ecto’s can also be "skinny fat," meaning their a relatively low weight and/or small size yet still have high body fat.Mesomorph: Meso’s can lose and gain weight easily, can build muscle quickly, and usually have an upright posture. This body type tends to have a long torso and short limbs. Female/meso’s typically are strong and athletic.Endomorph: Endo’s naturally tend to have curvy, fuller figures and struggle to keep their body-fat percentage low. Endo’s don't usually boast a lot of muscle & have trouble losing weight easily.So knowing this, where is it that you feel you fall on the spectrum? I encourage you to do some independent research on the body type you best align with

Why do I gain weight so easily?!?

try the lil Jack workout
and it only takes a minute and half adn works great

Why do i lose and gain weight so fast?

Certain people have body types where they will gain weight very slowly, but also lost weight equally slowly. Some people lose weight fast and gain weight fast. Some people gain weight slow and lose weight fast. Some people gain weight fast and lose weight slow.

I am like you, I can lose 5 pounds in a week just by eating slightly smaller portions. I can also gain 5 pounds in a week by doing the opposite. It isn't normal for people to be like this, but it can be helpful sometimes when I realize I have gotten overweight, it is never more than a week or two before I can start eating normally again.

What is easier, losing weight or gaining weight?

Hey,Now that s tricky question but the answer I think should also be tricky right ??It is not easy to just compare gaining and losing different or equally . For some people it might be difficult to gain weight as compared to lossign. Cause their way of living the work they do , their stamina and the metabolism might be high. So for them if you ask they will defiantly say yes gaining weight is difficult .But on the other hand for those who workout daily but still not loosing their weight after taking a specific diet loosing weight is a big issue.Si it depends on the genetics, the vedios they have , the work they do , their body structure. Fat storage areas , metabolism, and also I think luck.But yes there is nothing which can beat perseverance, routine, hardwork, determination and dedication.

How do Bollywood actors gain and lose weight so easily?

It's not as easy as it looks. To gain weight is easy! But to loose weight, it looks easy to us, but the hardships he might have went through to loose that, we can't even begin to think!To lose weight, you have to take care of 3 aspects.DietExerciseRestAll the three have to be done in equilibrium.Actors have to work on their body, because it is a part of there work and they have many trained professionals at their help.However for people like us, we have a daily life to follow, and we can't focus all our mind and energy towards only one goal. 1 hour of exercise per day, with a healthy diet, 6–8 hours of sleep, and plenty of water is the key to a healthy life!

Why is gaining weight so easy but losing so hard!?

It is easy to gain, but difficult to loose because of your lifestyle. Some people are reversed, also because of their lifestyle.
There are several things that need to be addressed and monitored:
1) how much do you sleep
2) what type of sleep do you get: little, broken, or full
3) what type of stress do you deal with: light, moderate, heavy, very heavy, etc.
4) what things do you do to relieve stress: active activities, non-active activities e.g. (video games)
5) how active is your lifestyle?
6) how many calories do you consume daily?
7) what type of calories: empty calories (junk food), base calories (vegetables), full calories (meats, cheeses)8) what are your life motivations? (job prospects) < these affect your effort levels
9) how much processed foods do you eat? 10) what times do you eat
11) what are your fears of food? Meaning How long do you think you could go without eating? If you feel fears and worries of hunger would attack you in a few hours you have problems. If you can kill your fear and worries of hunger believing you could survive for 30 to 40 days without eating then you should have zero problem. (Read up on how to properly 'fast' and set goals to face these fears.)

For exercise inspiration what I did was cut out body part pictures of men whom I considered had the ideal shape I was looking for. So I had scattered pictures to stay in comparison with myself, so I would not forget my goals. For you it would be women

Also you can self train your body to do what you want with a little Pavlov conditioning. Such as making a certain sound or song before you work out. Your body will begin to respond to the motivation after about a month.

Hope this info helps.

Why do we gain weight easily and lose weight with great difficulty?

It may appear that you are gaining weight easily and having difficulty losing it but weight gain and loss can easily be quantified by the amount of calories in and calories out.  In order for someone to loss weight they must create a sufficient calorie debt by either eating less or burning more calories through exercise.  Both seem to be the answer in my experience.  That being said if you want to loss weight more quickly you need to have a pretty large calorie debt daily to see fast results.  This can be hard if you like to eat.  Here is what I recommend if you want to lost weight:Use a calorie calculator that allows you to track how many calories you consume daily and use it religiously for every meal.  The Live Strong website has a good free one and if your willing to pay there is a mobile application you can use on the go.Pick a form of exercise that you like and can do 5 to 7 days week.  If you want to see results you have to put in the time.  I bike a lot because it's easy on the knees.Working out can increase muscle mass.  Muscle weighs more then fat so muscle increase can offset your weight loss if you are exercising in way that builds lots of muscle.  Pick exercise that is more cardiovascular if your interested in losing weight.Everything is more fun with friends.  If you find a group or have friends also trying to accomplish weight loss it will be a moral booster.Stick with it.  As soon as you start to see results it will energize and motivate you even more.Losing weight can be easy or it can be very difficult but that is mostly based on how much your willing to get into it.  If you resist exercise and watching how much calorie you consume then it will be very difficult to loss the weight.