I Get A Rush Digging My Gums

Cheek Piercings, and Brass Instruments?

I plan on getting my cheeks pierced, this month perhaps, when I have the money to do so.
I'm okay with the pain, I'm not scared whatsoever, nor do I care about the scars, dimples, and such. I'm prepared for the healing process as well. But my only concern right now would be the piercings affecting my playing in music class. I play the tuba, and am in the school band as well. I got my medusa done last year at the end of the school year, and I stopped playing for the last two weeks due to the damage and swelling the vibrations caused it.
I've been seriously considering getting the piercing, due to the assumption that the piercing will not become irritated during the healing process when I play, as it won't be as close to my lips.
I am wondering if there is anyone out there who has they're cheeks pierced and plays a brass instrument, especially the tuba, or is an professional piercer, or expert of brass instruments, etc. who has the knowledge to advise me on whether or not this piercing would be good for me, considering these conditions.

Also, don't try and talk me out of it because WHUTEVVA I do whut i wan'. Its my body, and thats not what I'm asking for you to do here.

Dog has pale gums and won't eat?

My suggestion is to find a neighbor perhaps that can take both you and the dog to the emergency vet now - do not wait until tomorrow. Pale gums indicate that there is not enough oxygen circulating in her system and you are seeing the effects - labored breathing is one major sign. She may need a blood transfusion, need medication for worm infestation or even supplemental oxygen. You may not have enough time to wait.

If you have to then call a cab, friends, someone to help. Finances are important but right now your dogs life is in danger - this is more important. You can probably work some payment plan out with the clinic when you get there so hurry - find some help - do what you can.

Why does it feel good to scratch my gums? Is this self-harming?

This is the explanation for the question above:I like to shove toothpicks and the such between my gums, or scratch them with something kind of sharp until it bleeds. I don’t know why, but it feels incredibly good and gives a sort of rush of euphoria? ik it sounds so pervertedI also pick at my toenails (less so) and very much at and a lot around my fingernails. I can’t stop and it relieves this built up tension that’s there all the time. I basically pick at everything.I do it when I’m bored, when I’m anxious, when I’m scared. During school it gets drastically worse to the point where half of my fingers are bleeding.I take a lot of advanced classes for my age. I am generally successful in other areas besides academics, have friends, exercise, etc.I am atypical ADHD. I take medication on and off, due to my parents disbelieving in the existence of mental disorders (I’m a freshman in high school). I am physically, verbally, and psychologically abused by my parents. I see things that aren’t there (ik they aren’t there. I lack fine motor skills, and am physically delayed. I have a lot of anxiety attacks, and I’m a bit paranoid. I have a lot of allergies, JA, and I don’t like to eat (not bc i want to be skinny, i just don’t mind being hungry) I go through long periods of sadness and suicidalness due to my situation at home. I don’t trust people because I have been bullied in every sphere of my life so far.Why does it feel good to peel at myself? Am I self harming?

My dog ate gum? HELP?

There's a chemical in sugar free gum called xylitol which is pretty bad for dogs. Unless your dog starts acting strangely or seems ill, I probably wouldn't worry about it. It's unlikely that four pieces will kill him.

Chinese who came to the US prior the Civil War?

The came to the US for gold, in China California was known as 金山 Gum Shan, Gold Mountain. Opportunity on working for the railroad made for easy passage to America to mine for Gold. So the Answer is actually A and E. Most Chinese were too poor to pay for passage to America, being employed by the Railroad provided the transportation necessary to get to America. Either case was to bring prosperity to their family in China. Many Chinese had no plans on staying in America, but devotedly sent money back to their families to live off of. Only to be sent back after they died. Though the Chinese did not practice cremation, they were often cremated because of the cost of shipping back a intact dead body was too expensive.
I'm sure they could have found easier work in China than building a railroad, but they couldn't dream of digging for gold in China when all gold mines are undoubtedly controlled by the government.

I just pricked my finger with rusty pin, can I get tetanus? I have had tetanus vaccine so if I go to a Doctor for this, will I be fine?

The fine members of the medical community have answered this for you but here it is in laymen terms.Tetanus (Lockjaw) is caused by bacteria. The bacteria is found in contaminated soil. Not contaminated soil as in a toxic waste dump but contaminated soil as in feces contaminated. Scary thing, it is also found in dust. If you get Tetanus around 20% die so a booster shot is a much better gamble.Three Things are necessary for you to get Tetanus:Presence of the bacteria. No bacteria, no risk.An opening in the skin like a puncture from a nail or needle or a scratch that breaks the skin. The key is breaking your skin.Never vaccinated or not vaccinated within the last 10 years. Not all vaccination last forever. You need a booster about every 10 years. Especially if you work in the soil like gardening.

Why do I lately get a vomit reflex when I brush my teeth?

(ok, maybe not literally like this)vomit reflex a.k.a. pharyngeal reflex or laryngeal spasm = contraction of the back of the throat triggered by an object touching it (toothbrush, in this case)I have this problem too occasionally, but wouldn't say is that seriousUsually this issue can be overcome by calming down and conscious breathing through nose instead of your mouth. Allow your cheek muscles and tongue relax if you're feeling yourself getting tensed up.Because most gag reflexes only happens when the toothbrush reaches behind to the back teeth or when you’re brushing your tongue, so be aware of that and adjust accordingly.

My dog died mysteriously but why?

My ex and I were both out of town for work and he had one of his close friends dog sit for us while we were away. I get a call this morning saying that my dog had passed away overnight, I am in shock of course. My dog was going to turn 3 on the 23rd, a little young to be passing away just randomly. Anyway, I rush back home from being away and go and get my dog and see that she's bleeding on her head somewhere. My sister took a closer look and determined it was probably her nose/mouth but there was just a lot of blood in that general area but no signs of trauma. I wanted to get her to a vet but the blood was soaking through all of the blankets and the smell was horrible. What could possibly have killed my dog in a matter of hours and why was there blood coming out of her nose/mouth? Is that normal? I am honestly contemplating digging her up (I buried her in the back yard this afternoon) and taking her to a vet. I dont believe my exes friend purposely killed her but I dont believe his story, that she hyperventilated and died. Does anyone have a similar story and knew what happened to their dog? HELP! Thank you.