I Get Really Nervous When Doing A School Talk. Help

Presentation At School Really Nervous?

Pretend you are an actor and that you are in your costume for the part.

These are for people who stutter all the time; perhaps some will help you.

Tips for doing a presentation

Know your subject matter really well and practice reading to your dog or just out loud to yourself ahead of time.

Look over the heads of the class at a point on the wall in the back of the room. The class will think you are looking at them, and the teacher will think you are looking at your audience.

Don't notice any reaction from the class. Their reaction doesn't matter, but it might make you feel more nervous.

Concentrate on what you are saying rather than how you are saying it.

Don't try to keep from stuttering as that will make you stutter more. If you stutter, just let it happen.

Maintain a steady pace, not too fast, and don't get in a hurry to "get it over with."

Speak in a relaxed manner and pause every so often.

Start into words easily keeping your lips, tongue, and jaw relaxed.

Realize that stuttering occurs more often when you are trying NOT to stutter, when you are under stress, and when you are tired.

I get so nervous when I'm presenting in school?

So do I. My face gets hot and I sweat a little. If you can, write down a few notes on a small index cards. Practice in front of your family (make sure you're serious about it).

Try to strike up conversations with people you don't really know/talk to in your class. You're probably like 'what?!' (or maybe you're not), but this actually helps. I'm not saying you have to be friends with them, but just strike up a conversation about anything. This would improve your speech and hopefully make you more natural.

And also, try to paripicate in your classes. Weather your saying one word, or a few sentences, this would make your speech more natural.

How Do You Break Being Nervous For School?

i am so nervous for school its killing me. i think its because i was homeschooled last year, and it wasnt working out, so i am going back to the same school i went to for 6th grade, for 8th. i am just so nervous, i can barely breathe....i dont know what to do. everytime i talk about it, when someone asks when i go back, i get real shaky and nervous, and start talking real fast and stuff. i am just so freaking scared. i go back next thursday, a week from now. i dunno what to do...

does anyone know of anything i could do to help myself not be nervous, just less at all? please.

I'm nervous to go back to school. What should I do?

I definitely remember that feeling! Whether it was as a kid, teen, or young adult, there were always moments of nervousness when I got ready to get back in the swing of things-both academically and with friends I hadn’t seen in a while.So, I think it’s perfectly normal, and to some extent you just have to ride it out until you’re over that first day back. And I think usually you find that most of your worries weren’t warranted.With that said, if you have some serious concerns about returning to school, it doesn’t hurt to talk to someone about them. For instance, if you’re younger, you might tell your parents, a trusted teacher, or a school counselor. It’s possible they could help you make your return go a little more smoothly.Lastly, hopefully you have some friends at your school? If so, talk to them and let them know your fears. You might be surprised to learn they’re feeling the exact same way!

How can I not be so nervous when making speeches?

Almost everyone who goes up to do a speech will *ALSO* be nervous -- so don't be hard on yourself. I use to get so nervous that I had to hold on to something so I wouldn't shake!
Now, I am a "natural" at it, lol.

The best thing you can start off by doing is *really* knowing your topic. The better prepared you are, the less chance you have to make mistakes. So, preapre yourself and practice talking aloud to friends, family, or a mirror.

Keep it simple. Prepare numbered notecards that have KEY WORDS only. The keyword is a prompt to let you know in what order you will be talking about the subject. Again, number your cards in case you drop them.

Make sure you allot a certain time for each notecard. Maybe each notecard should be -- let's say --- 2 minutes worth of talking? A minute on the subject/area?

When you are going up there, never say "I"m nervous." Go up there, smile and say hello and introduce yourself in a friendly, smiling way. This is your notecard #1.

Your last notecard should be asking the class if they have any questions (if that is appropriate), and/or THANKING everyone for the opportunity to share with them.

I had trouble with keeping time, so I took a mini-clock up with me and put it on the desk, so that I didn't get nervous and talk to long.

Well, good luck and I know you will do great!

Speech in front of whole school-nervous?

So I have to give a longish speech in front of my whole school and my school is massive.... I get really nervous in front of speeches in front of my class and I can't imaging how nervous I'd be in front of the whole school... Can you please tell me any ways that can make me less nervous? Please don't tell me to imagine the people naked because I don't think that works... I can't use my imagination if hundreds of people are staring at my face lol...
I REALLY need your help guys! Thanks :D

Im the lead in the school play but Im nervous! can you please give me tips?

I'm 14, and I'm the lead in the high school play! I have almost 300 lines, the most ive had was a lil under 200. Im so nervous, I have a kiss scene, and a lot of fights, and talks one on one. Its the mousetrap by agatha christe, I'm Mollie. But Im nervous and I get stage fright. Help please?