I Got A Hangover I Thew Up Alot And I Drank One Cup Of Water And Threw That Up Too What Do I Do

What is the fastest way to cure a hangover?

The consumption of ethanol which is found in wine, beer and distilled spirits, leads to hangover. A hangover is the experience of various unpleasant physiological and psychological effects. We all have at some point tried out Bhang during Holi, gives you a nasty hangover.Symptoms of a hangover are headache, drowsiness, concentration problems, dry mouth, dizziness,vomiting, absence of hunger, sweating, hyper-excitability and anxiety, which last for several hours or for more than 24 hours.Ways to get rid of the hangover:-Drinking water before going to bed or during hangover may relieve dehydration.The most common remedy for a hangover is have lemon water, it restores the salts in the body and rehydrates your system.Getting plenty of sleep after heavy drinking can help your body recover.Take warm water bath to soothe your nerves followed by a walk (fresh air) to get rid of the hangover.The fructose and sugar content will energize and rejuvenate, so have lots of fresh fruits.Mix up some cold milk, bananas, carrots, strawberries and other nutritious berries, add a pinch of salt and blend the mixture.No significant correlation between caffeine use and hangover severity has been found, so have caffeinated drink.Eating a good breakfast is a renowned hangover remedy. It can help restore blood sugar levels,What to avoid — Painkillers and fried snacksBe Healthy - stay Happy!!Source - Tips- beauty & health

Should I drink a lot of water after throwing up?

Ugh. Nausea.Of course you’ll want to rinse out that nasty taste. And ensure proper hydration. But drinking lots of water on a queasy stomach can risk further bouts of vomiting. Juices or milk can make nausea even worse. Lemon-lime soda and saltine crackers sometimes stay down better, especially if the nausea is related to an illness. Sucking on crushed ice is another gentle way to get some fluid into your body. Likewise small sips of water over time is easier for most people to keep down when nauseous, compared to drinking a full glass of water at once.That said, if your nausea is momentary, and gone once you’re done puking (like my morning sickness when pregnant) feel free to drink water and eat as soon and as much as feels good, as long as queasiness is gone. Unappetizing, but sometimes necessary - otherwise I would not have survived pregnancy.

What can I avoid a hangover the next day?

Before you first drink, drink 1 tall glass of water and get some food in your stomach.

After every.. 3 drinks or so drink another glass of water

At the end of the night stay up long enough to sober up while drinking water, eating a few crackers. Ibuprofin is great before bed and when you wake up because it reduces the swelling in your head.

A drink I always drink when I am hung over is called, "Emergen-C" sold at GNC for 13 bucks for 36 packs. It tastes pretty okay and has lots of vitamins for you.

If this doesn't work, try drinking less in a night. You really can only get so drunk before you either throw up or pass out (Neither is desirable)

I threw up from a hangover, when is it safe to eat?

I drank entirely too much last night, and woke up with a mediocre hangover today. It sucks but its not the worst one I've ever had. My head was hurting and stomach was sour, but usually if I eat something it'll make me feel a little better. So I had a snack wrap and 4 chicken nuggets from mcdonalds, and a sweet tea. About 30 minutes later I was puking it all up on the side of the road :( I do feel better now though, my head still hurts but not as much, and my stomach just feels a little uneasy but it feels a lot better. I actually feel hungry now but do NOT want to throw up again, so I'm terrified to eat. When will it be okay to eat again? Should I drink water or will that make me vomit again?

When drinking alcohol, will water make you throw up?

I'm sorry, but the friend who gave you the Gatorade is definitely misinformed. Bread and water are great accouterments when drinking. Hangovers are primarily caused by dehydration, though other factors are involved as well (still poorly understood). Never drink on an empty stomach. Always drink water between alcoholic drinks. Never drink and drive. Follow those rules and you'll be fine. Gatorade is good to hydrate with but it contains a lot of sugar which can add to a hangover as well. Bread and water are your friends.

Does vomiting cure a hangover?

maybe. but vomiting sometimes can be refreshing. pregnant who have morning sickness vomit and they get glowy after doing so. I do not recommend purging thou :)

I keep throwing up from a hangover?

Eat 2 bananas and drink some sprite..This will stop your vomiting problem right away

What should you eat/drink after throwing up?

Alright, being someone who has had my fair share of different kinds of alcohol, I can give you some advice here. No I am not an alcoholic but I have had the unfortunate experience of throwing up after too many rum and cokes, beer, tequila, etc. First off, stay calm, I think the best place to throw up is in the toilet, if you can’t then throw up in a garbage can. I know this might all sound disgusting but we are all human and I think a lot of us have had this unpleasant experience at some point in our lives. When you are done throwing up, get to the sink, spit, and rinse your mouth out. Brush your teeth. I have read stories about people who would binge and purge and they ended up with permanent damage to their teeth. The best thing you can drink after throwing up is water. Drink 2–4 servings of water. In terms of eating, I would recommend something light such as saltine crackers, wafers, or white bread. I wouldn’t recommend eating at a buffet after getting sick. Sleep it off and if symptoms persist talk to a medical professional. Feel better.

How to make yourself throw up? I'm hungover.?

Every single question I have looked up about throwing up is because the person is bulimic. However, this is not the case. Seeing as how yesterday was cinco de mayo I drank a little bit too much and have to go to work in an hour and I feel like crap.

so yeah, is there any way besides the finger method? That doesn't work for me.