I Got Slight Pain In My Chest And Left Arm When My Blood Pressure Was Getting Checked

Severe chest pain with left arm numbness...?

Dont listen to anyone on here. You need to be checked out by a licensed medical physician. Chest pain, ordinarily with people your age, under 35 years of age, is not considered a heart attack. However, coupled with the fact that you suffered shortness of breath and left arm numbness, is in fact a medical condition that needs to be evaluated. Heart attacks are rare in people your age.. but do occur. Given the fact that you are healthy, dont smoke and young are all in your favor, however genetically there's other things that could factor in. The longer you wait, the more damage that could be occurring. For the one that said chest pain does not bring "pain", are you a doctor? Never EVER listen to anyone who tells you that "pain" is nothing other than an anxiety attack, maybe even a stroke, or just nothing to worry about. You should be checked out and as soon as possible. Think of it this way, if you ARE having a heart attack, and your heart can be suffering a series of "events", the longer you wait, the more you lessen any chances of stopping and/or reversing damage. And no, I am not a licensed physician, but a medically trained 911 dispatcher who helps save people like you from yourselves and from untrained opinions that could hinder your future health. And believe me, the combination of pain and shortness is not a good thing.

Go get checked out, why take a chance? Good luck.

Chest pains and right arm pain?

There are many organs located within the chest. They are the heart, lungs, esophagus, ribs, muscles etc. Any problem to any one of these can trigger off a chest pain. Chest pain on the right side occurs very rarely due to a cardiovascular condition, read on further to know more about the causes of right side chest pains.Very often chest pain on the right side is related to gallbladder or liver inflammation. Let's read on further to know the various causes of chest pain...
Your right side chest pain is usually not caused due to any heart related ailments, hence you can relax a little. Heart related ailments give rise to chest pain on the left side of the chest. Although the other ailments, that cause chest pain on right side should not be neglected either, as they can also prove to be fatal at times.
Good luck and take care always.....

How bad is a blood pressure of 149/100? with left arm going numb?


Arm hurts after taking blood pressure?

So I was practicing how to take blood pressure by using my own arm as a test. I did it only three times, and now the arm that I used feels like it is being squeezed and is in slight pain. I realize now that this was a bad idea in hindsight, and won't do it again, but will the pain stop after a while?

An upper left chest pain, not sure what it is, help please?

Many people with chest pain fear a heart attack . However, there are many possible causes of chest pain . Some causes are mildly inconvenient, while other causes are serious, even life-threatening. Any organ or tissue in your chest can be the source of pain, including your heart, lungs, esophagus, muscles, ribs, tendons, or nerves.

Angina is a type of heart-related chest pain. This pain occurs because your heart is not getting enough blood and oxygen. Angina pain can be similar to the pain of a heart attack.

Angina is called stable angina when your chest pain begins at a predictable level of activity. (For example, when you walk up a steep hill.) However, if your chest pain happens unexpectedly after light activity or occurs at rest, this is called unstable angina . This is a more dangerous form of angina and you need to be seen in an emergency room right away.
other possibilities include:
GallstonesAcute cholecystitis (gallstones)
Scleritis of the upper Digestive system
Gastrointestinal disorders - resources

Suggest an upper GI series or upper Endoscopy may determine the problem.
Also, Gallbladder endoscopy for further evaluation. A 24-hr pH study can be considered for further diagnosis.
Scleritis - can be considered as well.

Reduce routine and stop overexerting yourself until you consult your physician.

these links will help:

What is causing the pain on left side of my chest, near the nipples?

The very first thing you may consider would be heart attack. Certainly chest pain isn't something to dismiss.However, you ought to understand that it has a number of possible causes.Actually, as far as a quarter of those U.S. population encounters chest pain which isn't linked to the heart.What kind of pain? Boob pain, sexual nipple pain is even good in some cases.Chest pain may also be brought on by difficulties on your lungs, esophagus, muscles, ribs, or nerves, such as. Some of those conditions are severe and life threatening.Others aren't.In case you've got unexplained chest pain, then the only way to verify its origin would be to get a physician evaluate you.You might feel chest discomfort anywhere from the neck into your upper abdomen. Based on its origin, chest pain could be:SharpDullBurningAchingStabbingA tight, squeezing, or crushing sensationChest Pain causes: Heart IssuesAlthough maybe not the sole cause of chest discomfort, these heart problems are most common causes:Coronary Artery Disease, or CAD. A congestion in the heart blood vessels which reduces blood flow and oxygen to the heart muscle itself.This may result in pain called angina. It is a symptom of coronary disease but generally does not lead to irreversible damage to the center.It is, however, a indication that you're a candidate for a heart attack at a certain stage later on.The chest pain can spread to your shoulder, arm, jaw, or back.It could feel as a pressure or squeezing sensation. Angina may be triggered by exercise, enthusiasm, or psychological distress and can be relieved by rest.This decrease in blood circulation through heart blood vessels leads to the death of heart muscle cells.Though like angina chest pain, a heart attack is generally a more intense, crushing pain normally in the middle or left side of their torso and isn't relieved by rest.Besides chest discomfort, this heart muscle inflammation can lead to fever, fatigue, quick heart rhythm, and difficulty breathing.Although no congestion is present, myocardium symptoms may resemble those of a heart attack.No matter which you feel you may have, don’t rely online and go see a physician.

28 weeks pregnant, pain in chest & left arm?

Hello all. I'm 28 weeks pregnant, and today, I've been having chest pain and pain in my left arm. Its more like a dull ache in my arm on the inside right before the bend. Earlier, I had a chest pain, and I got really hot and splotched red, got dizzy and had to lay down and wait for it to pass. Is this normal? I have people here at the house telling me that its just because I'm pregnant, but I'm nervous. Any advice? If it doesn't subside overnight, I'm gonna go to the ER.

Why does my blood pressure cuff make me feel terrible afterwards? In the middle of taking my blood pressure, I lose feeling in my arm, and the longer the reading takes, the worse my chest pains gets. Why does this happen?

Okay. So first of, I would like to say I’m a doctor although I’m not a cardiology expert and no one can give you reliable advice without speaking and examining you.Having a feeling of an irregular heart beat are pretty common. They are called palpitations and can also be accompanied by chest pain/an unpleasant sensation in the chest.There are a lot of people here saying this is all very bad and yes, it can be a sign of heart problems but they are _probably_ benign. Palpitations are pretty common.What everyone here is worried about it sudden cardiac death cause by a abnormality in the conduction system of the heart. It would probably be sensible to get an ECG (electrical tracing of the heart) to make sure there isn’t one.So the question is, what to do if it is normal? I have to say, the fact it gets worse when you take your blood pressure is probably reassuring. You have to think what happens when your blood pressure is taken. A cuff inflates and effectively cuts off circulation to your arm. This hurts and it’s not uncommon to have funny feelings in the arm but it doesn’t really do anything to your circulation or your heart. It would be pretty pointless if the measurement of blood pressure affected your blood pressure. So there’s no reason it would make your chest pain worse. Which means it _probably_ is anxiety.TL,DR: It’s probably nothing.Things to watch out for:the pain doesn’t settleyou become clammy and sweatyyou feel like you are going are going to die (yeah that’s actually a symptom)you collapse (duh)is there a family history of sudden death?Things you should have done (in vague order of severity depending on how bad your symptoms are):an ECGechocardiogram (a ultrasound of the heart) - looking for abnormal thickeninga 24 -72 hour tape (a really long ECG) - If symptoms are really bad. The aim would be an ECG when you are getting the pain.a cardiac stress testThe last thing I would say is there are problems with the thyroid gland and rare tumours which secrete a hormone called adrenaline which could also cause palpitations. Thyroid tests are easy, adrenaline is not.

Is it abnormal for blood pressure to be different between arms?

Normally the blood pressures in each arm are relatively close to one another. It is important to ensure that you are taking your blood pressure properly, because improper technique can falsely alter the blood pressure. If you are checking with a monitor at home, then these can be very inaccurate. Therefore I would be careful about interpreting too much information from it. You can always go to the doctor and have the nurse/doctor check your blood pressure manually because this is the most accurate.

The most concerning condition to produce unequal blood pressures between the arms is aortic dissection. If you had this you would likely be very sick and have a tearing chest pain that radiates to the back. This is an emergency. Unequal blood pressures can also be due to compression of the subclavian artery and even blockages in arteries. Most likely the unequal blood pressure in your case is either due to error or it may be a normal variant.