I Guy But Not Sure If He Really Likes Me

I like a guy, but i’m not sure if he likes me.?

Well if he's showing interest to hang out with you outside of school and doing all these cute things I definitely think he does like you. I feel like that if your not 100% sure you should drop suttle hints and hope he catches on if not then you tell him how you feel. Sometimes girls have to make the first move. The worst that can happen is he rejects you, and if that happens then he wasn't the one sis, there will be more. There's seven billion people in this world and your not gonna cry over the one that didn't appreciate you...THANK YOU NEXT

I like a guy and im not so sure he likes me what do i do?

Try to show him you are interested in him but do not make him spoil , always remember it, if you love someone let him know but not by telling directly, just show him some hints then wait for his respond, if he is interested in you ,too he will show it. you can give hints even by your eyes and the way you look at him .but always when see him be very confident and treat as feminine as you can, even in speaking, walking,...dont be tired soon continue your confidence and feminine you will be successful
and you see one day he asks you to go out for a meal.
believe me it will work. :)

p.s: dont forget to use fragrance.( keep a mini bottle of fragrance in your bag when you see him before go closer use it :))

How can I know if a guy really likes me and wants to be serious with me, not because of my body?

We all know that appearence does play a vital role in creating the initial attraction, which in your case I suppose is already crossed. We boys do give a lot of weight to visual beauty but after a certain time we do look out beyond looks. So..Observe how much interested he is in talking to you on things other than amorous talks.See any changes on days when you dress normal, like people appear when they are at home.Both of you should be very much confortable and interested in discussing each others careers/studies /families/friends/problems.Everyone's privacy is important but there shouldn't be any problem if you feel like checking his whatsapp/fb or other messenger. This is only required if you seriously doubt his intentions.See if he is always complimenting on you body and looks, that would clearly reflect whats on his mind.In short, communication holds the key here with underlying behavioral pattern, you just need to be observant enough to catch the signs without getting blind folded by this moment of feelings.I wish you luck in this knowing, hope everything turns out well!

I like this guy and I'm unsure if he likes me back. How can you tell if someone likes you?

To be completely honest sometimes it is hard to know if someone really likes you, unless they tell you that. Likewise it is sometimes very obvious if he does like you. Let me tell you how.It is always some kind of awkwardness when both are together, that means either of you are nervous of screwing up the chances.One more important thing to know is, if he does like you then his friends will know that for sure. So keep an eye on his friends when ever you pass by or meet him around his friends, they are bound to tease him.You can tell if he really likes you, when he tries to invest his time in talking to you and helping you in any way.There is always a different type of smile on his face when you are around.He likes you, when he keeps the conversation going for a long time, that might suggest he is interested in knowing you.We are supposed to be a progressive generation, I suggest you to keep your feelings out to him and just tell him. There could be chances that he might be looking up answers to know if you like him. (You never know)Girls are more decisive than boys.Hope this helps you in a way.AplusC!

He likes me, but i'm not sure If I like him in the same way?

So, this guy and I had been friends for a while, talking just at school. In the past few months we've gotten so much closer ever since he invited me out one day. He is kind, funny, and generous and now one of my closest friends. Last week, he invited me to the movies, admitted that he really liked me, held my hand, and even kissed me on the cheek. I was nervous the whole time, just because I didn't know if I should have told him that I felt uncomfortable or not. At that moment I didn't know if I liked him or not. I didn't know if I was in love with the feeling of being loved, or with him. Then the next day I told him that I wanted to take things slow and just be friends for now. I was honest, and told him that I am just not sure If i feel the same way about him which he feels for me. So now, he texts me all of the time, flirts, and compliments me. Sometimes the excessive flirting gets a bit annoying and I just want to be with him like we used to when we were just friends. I do feel an attraction for him sometimes as if we could be more than friends. Sometimes I miss him all day if he's not around and can't stop thinking about him. But sometimes the attractiveness just fades away and I can't feel comfortable with him being romantic at all or flirting with me. I'm so confused about how I feel about him. I don't want to ruin our friendship because it means the world to me. I don't know what to tell him or what to do. Does anyone have any advice? Thank you.

Shy guy sending mixed signals and I'm not sure if he likes me, and i don't know what signs to look 4?

Big question. You are getting a hundred signs of interest already. You are also seeing a hundred signs of him being scared.

Want to really push himself out of his shell?

Ask him questions?

Tell him not to hurt your feelings.

Build up his confidence, FAST!!! Talk to him, get him to explain what he likes. Tell him that you respect him for having such passion. Ask him what happens when somebody teases him about his passion. This will make him want to relate to you even more. He will recognize that you aren't out to smear him, something that he thinks can happen with nearly every second word that comes out of his mouth.

If there is something else you want, than play the twenty questions game. The game should build up, and be full of innuendo. About half way through break onto the "idea" that you want from him. The last question should be exactly what you are looking for.

Use DEEP eye contact. Use kinaesthetics(kino), touch him lightly at times. Tease him when he moves away, or becomes jittery.

Try to create "secrets" between the two of you. "You are the first person I have ever told".

I've got more crazy advice if you are willing to listen:)

What does it mean when a guy tells you he likes you but says he's not ready for a relationship??

I've been talking to this guy for about three months, we're like best friends, talking every day and hanging out all the time. He tells me likes me, but hes not ready for a relationship bc he just got out of a 6 year relationship. Then he goes and gets jealous when I talk to other guys....but says its cool if we see other people and we'll see what happens with a relationship bc he doesn't want to screw things up. I'm so confused.

Would you choose to marry a guy because he really loves you even though you are not sure if you love him as well?

I have a boyfriend whom I have been with for 6 months now. He loves me alot but I find him a lill ugly sometimes and I am not sure wheter i like him or love him.He wants to marry me but I am not sure about it and marryinh him would be a very very complicated process since his parents lives abroad and he has no one who can come and ask for my hand. Most of all I am not sure if I want him.

There is another guy whom I don’t know but have seen his pics that he is so handsome and his family is coming and asking for my hand. Let’s call him Arman.I will have to reject Arman but deep down I might want to meet him. I feel ashamed to say to that to my boyfriend that I want to meet Arman and consider him as an option. He is so hot! But I am afraid that I am loosing someone I might never find again, a guy like my bf who loves me this much. My bf really loves my but I am not sure if I really love him. What would you guys do?