I Had A Dream About My Best Friend What Does It Mean

What does it mean if your best friend dies in your dreams?

It probably just suggests that, according to you, he/she is a good friend of yours, and maybe that you are slightly afraid of losing him/her (perhaps, the friend could be going to a different place away from you?). I once had a dear friend killed by a croc in a dream. It was terrible, but all I could conclude meaningfully was that, I valued the guy's friendship.However, if the pattern of death itself is something that repeats a lot in your dreams, it could be just about your fear of losing folks you know to something that you dread. I lost a cousin in an accident at the sea, and since then I used to lose a lot of loved ones in dreams to Tsunamis. In this case, the dream is more about my fear of tsunamis than about people/friends I care about.Of course, a lot of times, the dreams can also be quite random, and there might not be too much sense interpreting and trying to read more and more into it.

What does it mean to dream that your best friend is angry at you and doesn't want to be your friend anymore?

It means you subconsciously or consciously (only you know) are afraid of losing her and others because of an insecurity about yourself. Youre wrapped up in thinking that she doesn’t or won’t like you because of something you think you are doing or will do. You probably feel slightly insecure about your relationship with her and feel she might drift away from you or turn on you easily.Or, you may have actually done something bad to her and your subconscious is worried that it has affected her. But I feel like if your questioning why you had a dream where she was angry you obviously don’t think you’ve done anything ill willed so my bet is on the first option.Just try to relax and let your guy’s relationship flow naturally. Don’t feel anxious or try to push anything in it. Be open and honest maybe even tell her about the dream and see how she reacts. Either way, I’m sure everything will be fine afterall, it was just a dream. :)

What does it mean when I dream my best friend dies?

They don’t die so easily! they got your dirty dark secrets, no they can’t pass just like that. they have to ruin your life once :)On a serious note, they really won’t die. It is just your subconscious mind is filled up with too much of Sherlock. You may agree upon watching of numerous television series or movies or something that initiates such thoughts after your sub mind becomes active.Tell them to take care, it must be a really bad co-incidence if they die, well it also won’t happen!

I had a dream my best friend died. What does it mean?

Dreaming of love or close one dies could serve as symbol of better and more communication.

In your case, dreaming of best friend may reflect some helplessness in you. In other words, you are seeking for more support from her. Seeing her death basically reflect the low confidence in you about losing support. You may be feeling lost or lack of confidence in some way recently. And that is why you release the feeling in this dream.

Dream my best friend is pregnant... what does it mean?

First of all, this is your dream, you are the owner of the dream, not her. However, you somehow want to project your feeling in her.

Depending on your situation comparing to her. Are you about to be pregnant? Are you single and on. When it comes to dream interpretation, personal background is rather important.

In your case, dreaming of her being pregnant and started crying may reflect your helplessness (or even jealousy) in many cases. It may be about relationship, and it may be about task or responsibilities that are out of your hand. That is why you projected to her instead of yourself.

The action to encourage her to call her dad and sister may reflect some helplessness in you while she telling you about her job may reflect some responsibilities in you that you feel helpless about.

Again, this is your dream, your background is rather important than hers. But your projection is in her to reflect things you feel about yourself.

My best friend had a dream about me and her being pregnant together what does it mean?

My moms best friend had a dream about her and my mom being pregnant together and I want to know what it means! But here's the thing my mom bf if she has dreams about babys normally someone is pregnant but she's never had on like this and I want to know more ... Please help

In my dreams, my best friend is always rude to me and doesn't like me, but there's no indication of that in real life. What does that mean?

Dreams are our semi-conscious mind trying to make sense of the processing of our subconscious. Feelings are translated into a symbols which we build into a kind of story, albeit a disjointed and often nonsensical one. Thus, a baby (in dreams) isn't a baby - it is a new endeavor. Our mind may connect it to familiar imagery - make it a baby we know, perhaps our cousin’s baby - but it's not about your cousin’s baby.Thus, a friend is not a friend. A friend represents aspects of our personality that we see as separate from us but that we admire or may be willing to embrace. Of course, some of this depends on how you view your friend (the general interpretation assumes you trust and respect them).If they are rejecting you, perhaps this aspect of your better personality believes you are doing something wrongly. Perhaps doing the right thing means you will need to remake who you are. Think about what behaviors and traits this person represents to you. Then ask yourself what this trait(s) requires in order to live within those principles. If that seems disconnected with your life, ask yourself what you would need to change for it to be so - maybe you should consider rearranging your life. It if you don't want to be like this, it may be a value that you feel others want for you, but that you can reject.

My boyfriend had a wet dream about my best friend. What does this mean?

It means he has to change his underwear in the morning