I Had A Dream I Got Into A Verbal Fight With My Friend And Went Home And Started Cutting

What do dreams about fighting with your friend mean?

There are two answers to this question. The first depends on whether you have a friend in real life with whom you are fighting - if that is the case, then the dream is presenting scenarios around that, and I would suggest you look at the action in the dream for pointers on how to deal with it in waking life. Are your actions in the dream reasonable? Are you over-reacting? Is there something about the friend’s behavior that would serve you to know in your dealings with them in waking life?If, of course, the dream situation isn’t being mirrored in your waking life, then I suggest a different approach. Most often in dreams like this, the character of your friend is being used to illustrate certain characteristics of your own self. If the dream friend is someone you know, then think for a minute about what characteristics you most associate with them. When you have them in mind, then apply them to yourself. What conflict is there in your own nature with these characteristics? You can do the same if you do not know the dream friend, by looking at their actions, and the emotions they are portraying in the dream.As an example, my brother called me up once, out of the blue, and told me he’d dreamed of me the night before. Since it wasn't unusual between us to go long periods of time between contact, as we lived very different lives in opposite ends of the country, I asked him to tell me about his dream. I knew in moments that his dream wasn't about me at all, but was a message from his unconscious to himself. In my family I've always had the reputation as the artistic, creative, and unconventional one. These are the things my brother associates with me, so when he dreamed of me, and woke feeling the desire to get in touch with me, his dream was telling him not that I needed to hear from him, but that he had a soul-desire to get in touch with those very same aspects of himself.Your dream may well be telling you that you’re in conflict with yourself over some aspects of yourself that, depending on the action and emotion in the dream, you may not be expressing when you should be, or you may be expressing when it is not in your best interest to do so.Good luck figuring it out!

What is the meaning of cutting fingers in a dream?

FingersTo see your fingers in you dream symbolize physical and mental dexterity. They indicate manipulation, action and non-verbal communication. If you dream that your fingers fall off, then it suggests that you are letting a situation dominate you or dictate how you behave. You may be literally losing your grip on life. To dream that you are crossing your fingers symbolize optimism, success, luck and hope.To dream that your fingers are injured or have been chopped off denote your anxieties about your ability to accomplish some demanding task or perform in some waking situation.To dream of a finger pointing at you signifies self-blame or guilt. Perhaps you have done something and are afraid that you will be exposed.To dream about your little finger represents mental power, intellect, memory, and the power of communication.To dream of your index finger or forefinger symbolizes the number one. It also signifies authority, direction, and judgment. Your dream may be trying to make a point.To dream of your middle finger denotes prudence, practicality, caution, responsibility, and hard work. Alternatively, the middle finger symbolizes the phallus or some insult.To dream of your ring finger represents success, popularity and creativity. It also has associations with marriage, union, commitments and issues of the heart. In 15th century England, it was the ring finger that doctors used to mix and taste their concocted medicines and thus, the ring finger can be symbolic of healing or the need to be healed.


I dreamt that I had a boyfriend and I found out he was a serial killer because he had bodies in his basement. I was really scared so I didn't tell anyone. While I was sleeping he had cut me all the way around my back and shoulders and right under my collar bone, like just one continuous cut and then started to peel the skin up. It didn't hurt and it wasn't even bleeding. I looked at myself in the mirror though and I started crying because I looked like a freak with the loose skin and then I realized he had sliced me around my neck too and folded that skin up. I rolled it back down but it was still flapping, there was no fixing it. He wanted to have a party and invited a bunch of people over, but I wouldn't go downstairs because I was so gross.

It was really ****** up and I woke up several times during it because It was so weird, but I kept going right back to it as soon as I'd fall back to sleep. So do you think this has any kind of meaning? I don't even have a boyfriend and I never met anyone who looked like him before that I recall.

Dream about a Bleeding finger?

I dream that i was bleeding from a small cut on my on my index finger on my right hand. Thou it was a small cut, i was bleeding heavily. Anyone can offer an explanation?

My boyfriend cuts himself when we argue?

omg get the hell away from this monster!
not having enough strength to get away is not excuse! he is going to bring you down with him and turn you life to even more hell. Get a restraining order, call the police and get him in the hospital because he seriously needs help and you know that. Get selfish, forget about his feelings because that's exactly what he has done. He doesn't care about you anymore he just wants you to suffer like him. What he is doing is called mental abuse and he can go to the crazy house and live with his fellow crazy people because of it, or jail.
Seriously, pull out all the guns and get him away from you and your family.

Please help me interpret my cut gums and hair dreams...?

I dreamt that I had to run around going to different hotels and driving miles and miles while my mouth hurt very badly. I finally looked in the mirror and noticed that my gum was cut wide open and I could see the roots of my teeth. My mouth hurt so much that I could barely talk, but no one cared or would slow down and I had to keep going. All of the places we went to I would end up running into very creepy people and my mouth just got worse and worse. I also had another dream in which I was told (not sure by who, almost like I was told by the world) that I need to go to the dentist and get my hair cut. Any ideas?

In my dream my hair got cut off?

The Bible says, "A woman's hair is her glory." LOL, No matter how intelligent or deep we may be, we need our hair to look nice to really feel good about ourselves. As far as our hair will cooperate, it is one way we express who we are and what mood we are in. I have always been just a little bit jealous of Rapunzel, though I would settle for being able to spread my hair back over the pillow like Sleeping Beauty!

Our hair also indicates the state of our health. Hormone fluctuation, poor nutrition, or other issues can cause our hair to be limp, thin, or fall out. All in all, hair is pretty important.

Other people in our lives have a lot to say about our hair. They love it, they hate it, they can't shut up about it. Let it grow. Get it cut. Go comb it. The men in our lives can be especially possessive about our hair, telling us how they want us to wear it. I've noticed, a lot of times a woman coming out of a bad relationship will get her hair cut short. I'm sure this is an expression of shedding burdens and asserting independence.

I'm guessing there is someone in your life who is being very controlling over you. He is dominant, bossy and abusive (at least verbally). For a man to grab your pony tale and slice it off indicates this person is forcing himself on you in some way. If not physically, he is at least cutting your freedom and taking over your life.

You may not realize how deeply this person is impacting you. You may think you are choosing to be with this person, but deep inside you know he is destroying you. Perhaps your absentee Dad is trying to lure you to leave your Mom and live with him. Perhaps you have a new boyfriend who is very possessive and controlling. Perhaps you are considering marriage. Whoever this man is, he is your jailer, not your friend or lover.

DO NOT pursue this relationship. Pray for wisdom. Discuss it with someone you trust who can help and advise you, but do NOT make any commitment to this person or leave home expecting love and security with him.

I pray God's very best for you.