I Had A Dream I Had A Daughter

Dream about my future daughter?

Your dream seems to stem from subconscious thoughts of future career and hard-won success and happiness.

Where was the girl's father? That you walked from 'somewhere very far away' indicates determination - work is implied, that you would be a provider. You are weary upon your return since you collapse on the couch.

But joy displaces all else - this wonderful little person joins you and warms your heart. What a reward that is - worth all that you've struggled for.

The 'new idea' or 'concept' may not be so clear - or need to be. But it does appear that in your heart you hold ideas about who you are and where you will go in life. A family seems to be a warm idea to you by what you felt in this little girl's presence.

You also appear to have confidence in being able to provide. That her father was not evident does not mean that his absence is desired or will be the case - merely that you hold within you the strength to sustain and find happiness without dependence on others, but intend to find it in the joy of having a child to make this journey with you.

All the best to you.

I had a dream my daughter died?

I was so terrified when I woke up this morning, I didn't bare tell my husband. I haven't told anyone besides on here. I don't know what it means? She's perfectly healthy, 10 months old. Even took her first steps today, 4 in a row!

What could this possibly mean?

I had a dream my daughter died?

This is a very common theme for women's nightmares and usually shows a deep seated fear for our children that is so dominant in our waking minds that it appears in a dream or should I say nightmares. It is al common for the dreamer to wake up and be very upset. They can often recall nightmares like this, years after the experience, and they often become and outstanding dream experience for the dreamer.

I would like to reiterate that jut because you dreamt this, it doesn't mean that this will happen! Young women without out children experience equally upsetting dreams involving the death of a partner or parent. Dreams tend to use really significant information and then inflate that, or amplify he image to make its point. A horrible dream, that expresses one of te things that we are most afraid will actually happen.

I had a dream of my daughter that i don't have?

sometimes your eyes see things that you don't even realise, if you go shopping and see a little girl pass trolleys, you don't acknolage the girl because you dont know her, but you saw her, , your mind pictures that out and you dream of things, sometimes takes images and your mind peices things together, like you can dream your with a bunch of friends, 2 faces you know and the rest you dont know but take the names of your friends meaning they are your friends in your dream , making you belive they are your friends, your brain is so smart and can do these silly things to you , have you ever had a dream of picking up a phone and can actually hear it ringing and then you wake up and your phone is actually ringing, that his how fast your brain can conect for you to see an image or what it sounds like, its actually your brain telling you and your knolage of knowing, like if you shut your eyes and get someone to make a noise with dialling a phone number or tapping glass, your brain will know with your knolage what it is and with out looking you can see and tell what it is, thats what your brain works like,

people may meet people by seeing them inm a one of their dreams, but they will have seen this person or thing before, could be round school, work, but they didnt realise they saw the person in reality, the dream make you aware and then you could see them again and think omg you were in my dream, dreams are amazing and extrodianary , sometimes you may have dreams threw worrying, but as they say dreams dont come true !

I dreamt my daughter drowned. What does it mean?

Dream Interpretation cannot be done without understanding the current situation of the person. Dreams are shown as metaphor most of times.To arrive at the proper interpretation, the foremost thing involved in the interpretation of dream is the timing of the dream . Timing may be referred to as Stage of the dream. There are three stages. Divide your usual sleeping duration into 3 parts. E.g. 6 hoursProcessing dreams or wishful thinking. (First 2 hours)Projecting dreams (2–4 hours)Venting dreams (Last 2 hours).This kind of a dream must be Projecting or Venting dream. Time periods are also involved (dress, buildings, of old era or of present life)The situations going on in the life of the person who had the dream.In this case, you may be worried about the things your daughter is currently going through or planning for something to do and you are not liking the situation and has fear of failure for the daughter.I answered in a general sense, the situation may vary.

Why am I dreaming that my daughter falls into water?

Talking to your Mom near a pond indicates a general peaceful nature and your Mom would indicate wisdom. Your daughter indicates immaturity allowing itself to be overwhelmed or drowning in emotion. Diving into the water and pulling your daughter out indicates that by taking charge and being more in control of yourself and your immaturity you can breathe new life into different situations. Purging yourself of bad and/or immature emotions will breathe new life into your existence and allow you to save it, whatever "it" is...
The dream is telling you to control over-emotionalism and immaturity.

Why did I see that I had a daughter of 2 years old in my dream when I'm just 19 years old and single?

Dreams are random like that.

Having dreams about my daughter dying, HELP!!!!!!!! Also had a dream where I died.?

Well, a little background first. I have an 8 month old girl named Victoria. My birth control didn't work and I am now pregnant again. The baby will be born 13 months after Victoria.

My first dream started with me inside my house, about to put some soup on the stove, I turned the gas on and nothing happened. all of a sudden, it exploded, so i started running away. Then I just felt a wave of heat, and I was outside. We were waiting for the angel of death to get us. I thought you weren't supposed to die in your dreams.

Next, two days ago, I had a dream that either God or an angel came to me and told me that I had to be strong, but Victoria was going to come with them soon. They wouldn't tell me when, and they said that, unfortunately, there was nothing that I could do about it ahead of time. They told me to spend every second with her as if it was her last, because soon, it will be.

I had a dream about my daughter being in a car accident??

I'm not entirely sure, but you should always trust your instincts. I dont have a good feeling about it at all, and I don't even know you. If your dream was that vivid, I strongly advise you not to let your daughter go. She may be planning to do something you wouldn't allow, and its always better safe than sorry. If she gets mad at you, dont dwell on it. She doesnt know what could have happened had she gone...

And imagine if she does go. And the accident happens. How would you feel then?

Again, better safe than sorry.

Hope this helps :)

What does it mean when you had a dream of seeing your daughter die?

Without any details it’s difficult to say. Dying in dreams doesn’t always mean actual physical death or wish fulfillment, for example.Depending on your daughter’s age, your dream could be reflective of the changes in her body and her self as she grows. She’s no longer your “little girl”. That child has “died” and you now have a beautiful young woman in her place.Or you may be feeling anxiety about your daughter’s safety and your dreams are exaggerating this— giving you a worst case scenario, because that’s simply what’s on your mind.You could be angry at your daughter and having a truly dandy rage dream— which doesn’t mean you wish death on her at all. Your subconscious is venting. :)Your daughter in the dream could be a surrogate for you— you see certain of your own qualities in her, and your subconscious is struggling with understanding and change.Like many dream we have, this particular dream could also just be a mishmash of images and scraps of memory, clumsily put together by your subconscious, and signifying nothing at all.What the dream does not mean includes a foretelling of the future or a message from a spirit world. All nonsensical and not to be worried about.