I Had A Dream That I Shot Myself In The Mouth

What does it mean when dream of getting shot in the mouth?

The first dream I had like couple weeks ago was at a robbery at a store and ended up with me laying down to not get shot but the robber put the gun to my mouth and shot it. Then a couple days ago he appeared again but as my uncle and FBI came to my house took me in the car with him and the driver pointed a gun to my mouth and shot it. After I felt the gun against my mouth I closed my eyes, he shot and I saw skeletons with flames behind and on them.. Anyone can tell me what this means or whats going to happen to me?

I tried to commit suicide by shooting myself in my dream, what could this mean?

It could mean that you’re actively trying to end a particular stage in your lifeIt could mean something about you has come to an end as a result of your actions or decisions.It could also mean that you’re trying to escape a situation that is painful, monotonous of frighteningThese are possibilities…

What does it mean to shoot yourself in a dream?

Is there an idiom in your language involving “shooting yourself…”? Like ‘shooting yourself in the foot” in American English…Dreams are often based on puns, language idioms, and mean just that - in the ‘shooting yourself in the foot” case - it would mean doing something really stupid. Just google ‘shooting yourself” idioms” in your language to get exact meaning…If you speak several languages - do the search in all these languages.If it is a repetitive dream - it might be a past life memory, when you really did shoot yourself in a past life. Wearing antique clothes and having historic scenery in a dream would add to a past life recall possibility…It can also symbolize a heartbreak - especially if you shoot yourself in the heart in the dream. Emotionally it would be important where did you shoot yourself - this would be the part of the body where you are holding negative emotions, and you might want to send healing light to this part of the body in meditation to get rid of the negative charge. This would prevent developing a physical illness in that part of the body.It can also generally mean “self-destruction” - if you are doing something dangerous like hard drugs or risky behavior, or running with a bad crowd - this might be a warning dream.See what resonates, only you know the real meaning of your dreams, we can only suggest possible meanings, nobody but you knows the full truth…

Is it normal that I dreamt of shooting myself with a pistol?

I’m not a psychologist or dream analyst by any means, however I am your age, and I have had some equally confusing and somewhat scary dreams as well. There are multiple possible explanations for having a dream like this, and only you (with maybe the help from a psychologist) can truly know why you would dream about this. One possibility is that you watched a show where someone committed suicide/shot themself, and your brain simply retained the information. I’ve had multiple weird dreams which were influenced by the television I was watching the day before. The other possibility is that you do have some underlying suicidal thoughts due to anxiety problems. Although I would avoid jumping right to this conclusion, I would take some time to think about how you feel about yourself. What’s going on in your life right now that is contributing to these anxious feelings? Are you confident in yourself as a person? If after considering about how you feel in general, you feel even worse, then I would consider talking to a therapist.

Dreaming of being shot by an arrow?

The two dogs represent parts of your personality. The arrow through the one is a part of you that has been damaged the unshot one doesn't appear yet but could in time.

The reason you end up with the arrow is that it is the pain that was inflicted on the part of you that was signified by the dog. And the reason you do not find the hospital to get help is because you give up on yourself to soon.

Seeing the scars in the mirror are a reflection of the pain that you still feel but are unwilling to face in reality. The reason you woke up without getting medical help is because know body but you know what caused the scars and nobody but you can do the work to heal them.

Take the time to learn about yourself so you can heal the inner reflection and it shall show as outward perfection.

I had a dream my ex shot me and im scared?

Calm down and just remember that dreams cannot hurt you.
If he told his friends that he wanted to fight you,
1. he is a coward and you are well shot of him
2. if its got back to you through gossip, it is unlikely that he is actually going to do anything.
If you are still scared and worried, call someone to be with you, or if it is bad enough, call the police.

Dream of pulling fish hook with something on it from my mouth.?

I had a dream last night in which I pulled fish hook with something on it from my mouth. I can't quite put my finger on it what was on the hook. It took me awhile to get it from my mouth because hook was deep in my throat. At one point I wanted to just give up but then my friend appeared and said that if I want to get it out I need to twist it a little bit and so I did. The pulling part was unpleasant. It didn't hurt it was just uncomfortable because I could feel all the way that I was pulling something from my mouth and it was much longer (?) than I expected it to be when I first started pulling it out. But when I finally pulled it out I felt relieved. I felt lighter and I felt emptier somehow.

How do I interpret this dream?

I've read some explanations on the internet but one caught my eye:

'Pulling stuff out of the mouth, such as hair, is a common dream, and most likely expresses the feeling of discomfort we feel if something foreign is in our mouth or throat. It shows the feeling of urgently trying to rid yourself of something that is unpleasant – perhaps feelings you have taken in, or things we have said or done that leave a nasty taste in ones mouth.'

I'm sure this was just my unconscious brain getting rid of some emotional baggage but let's say that someone was shoving his dic* down my throat, could this be some coping mechanism or my brain warning me that something is wrong? Would I woke from such invasion? Would I bite? What? Would I have aftertaste in the morning? How would I know?

I sleep with my mouth open.

Please, do share your opinions with me!

What does it mean to have a dream where you are shot in the head?

In some circles it means you have some hidden guilt the officer is punishing you to the extremes because you have done something that legally could come back and bite you in the butt. You have also done something to your friends you feel a deep guilt over. That's some circles. I am of a mind that as we move throughout our lives our minds record everything we see,feel,touch and smell. It categorizes this information in the best way it can and files it away. Then when we sleep and dream it replay's that information the best way it can. You might have treated someone unjust depending on your moral compass you might have done something so severe you deserve a bullet. Then again you might feel so guilty over missing an anniversary. Then again it could be your mind has seen or heard something about your friends that its trying to warn you that their actions are going to leave you tied up in the middle between your so called friends and the long arm of the law. This is the kind of dream someone would have who has never broken the law and your friends are asking you to go rob a store. A psychologist will not answer questions they will have you take them back through your life opening doorways until you find that spot that is causing your nightmares. He or she is trained to allow you to lead and follow at the same time. Give hints of direction where needed without actually interfering.

What does it mean when you get shot in a dream and you take the bullet out?

That is a brilliant dream. You are wounded by some external force, but you remove the remnant. I would take that as great encouragement. You are capable of moving beyond how external events have affected you, and need not be a victim.