I Had A Dream That Made Me Forget Who/where I Was

I always have dreams where i accidently forget shoes!?

Feet are our foundation and help us move forward in life. Shoes are our protection. Forgetting your shoes is a fear of making mistakes or not remembering necessary things for your own forward movement.

Why do I sometimes forget who and where I am when I wake up?

Here’s some information on an article from WebMD:“Sleep drunkenness" is more common than previously thought, affecting about one in seven Americans, or 15 percent, according to a new study that looked at the sleeping habits of more than 19,000 adults.”*Note: I don’t like the term sleep drunkenness”, since it implies that you are somehow drunk and in a blackout. The term below, confusional arousal is much better, but doesn’t specify that they mean “waking up” and not sexual arousal.Also called confusional arousal, the condition causes people to wake up in a confused state, not knowing where they are. In the most severe cases, they can injure themselves or others, explained lead researcher Dr. Maurice Ohayon, a professor of psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine."There was a case of a man on a ship who awoke in a confused state and fell off the deck to his death," Ohayon said.In addition to such extreme cases, there have been cases where waking up in a confused state led to the person striking a bedmate. Most people can't remember the incident afterwards.Ohayon noted that these episodes can occur even while taking a nap. "This happens to most people occasionally, like when you are jet-lagged," he said. The difference is that these episodes are frequent among those who suffer from confusional arousal, he noted.”'Sleep Drunkenness' Is Common and Linked to Other Behavior IssuesSome people experience it frequently, while for others it is uncommon. I’ve had it happen 2 or 3 times and it is frightening! It can cause momentary panic. I noticed that each time it happened, I was sleeping in an unusual place, such as at a desk one time, on a lawn near a beach (I can never sleep comfortably in open places), and another time in a lounge chair in a lobby. This has never happened in my own bed but a bit when I am sleeping at someone else’s house.They have studied people with this and are still not sure if it is caused by certain sleep patterns, medications or underlying neurological conditions.For more on this, read the rest of the article above. In one study, 84% of those with sleep drunkenness were taking psychotropic medications, especially antidepressants. A small percentage said they had other sleep problems.

Dream Interpretation--forgotten hamsters :-)?

Holy crap! I'm glad I'm not the only one. I've often had dreams where I've got some pet that I forget to feed.

I hate to think what that might say about me, but if you're willing to admit it, I will too.

I've tried to analyze it myself, but I guess it creeps me out so much and I feel so bad about it that I was afraid to look into it.

Let's see what others have to say....

Maybe I'll be brave enough to give it some thought and will come back on Monday with an update.

For now, the pop psychology answer is: It would seem to indicate fear of forgetting something important. Or perhaps just a general anxiety. I'm a little OCD, but I can't say I spend an inordinate amount of time making lists and checking them twice. I take very good care of my pets, and I've never forgotten to feed them!

Those are some obvious answers, but they just don't resonate with me. Like I said, I'm not overly ocd so I don't have a waking fear of forgetting anything. I'm a good caretaker of my pets, so that's not it.

I wish I knew!

Last night, I had a dream about people forgetting me, the environment around me is faded and monotone. Does this indicate anything?

The details in dreams are not important, only the themes should be considered as a message. Themes such as rejection, control, abandonment, loss, and themes of that nature are connected to the emotions of the dreamer. It is easy to get caught up in trying to understand the details but focus on the themes and you will be able to understand and appreciate your development profile.

Last night I had a dream. However, I have forgotten most of it. How can I recall what my dream was about?

I’m sorry Adam, but there isn’t really a way to recall what your dream is about, maybe if you think really hard?There’s actually a scientific reason why we forget our dreams so quickly. But generally, there are two reasons why you tend to forget most of your dreams: a lack of norepinephrine, and nonessential parts.During REM, your brain lacks a special horomone called norepinephrine in the cerebral cortex ( a region inside the brain associated with memory, thought, and consciousness). And a recent study showed that norepinephrine actually enhances memory in humans, so the less amount of the horomone you have, the less likely you are to retain your memory or dream! However, the lack of norepinephrine doesn’t completely explain why we forget dreams so easily.The other reason is due to your lack of forgetfullness. In general, humans are very good at forgetting nonessential, or unimportant thoughts. We tend to recall things that are only of significance like problems, dates, meetings, schools, etc. That’s why beautiful or bizarre dreams tend to remain behind! It’s because they’ve captured our attention and increased activity in certain regions of the brain, leading you to a larger chance of remembering it!To sum what I said above, there are two reasons why we tend to forget our dreams so quickly, and they are associated with a lack of a hormone called norepinephrine, and the fact that we tend to forget nonessential thoughts or memories. In general, it’s only the interesting or strange dreams that are left behind, because they are the ones which grab our attention.

I had a dream about getting beat up?

Breaking this dream down: First of all your in school which represents of course new ideas and experiences, but singling out a specific class, with negative feelings, is associated with anxieties and conflicts that are becoming very stressful in waking life. To be beaten by someone you know indicates a warning to you that this person may be trying to undermine your integrity and talking behind your back. Alternately it could mean that there are unreloved issues with this person that should be dealt with.

Dream Help: My best friend got shot?

All dreams have a significance....its what we do with those dreams that matter...Its good to seek some sort of relieve when we have such dreams. If you don't releave that tension created by the dream, who kows what it might escelate to in real life. My father always said, sleeping is half our life. So it makes sense that the half of life we spend dreaming, our subconscious mind will play tricks on us.

As to your dream, perhaps its a message that you need to spend more time with your friend...most recent, as there been space between you to? Any friction or arguments? We tend to care for our friends as much as we care for our own its common that we may dream of our dear friend getting hurt.

I don't suggest you take this translation of your dream to heart, but I can advice that you clear any friction you may have had with your friend....good luck.