I Had A Strong Argument With My Parents And They Want Me Out Of Home But With Grandma Help

I can't stand my grandma, what to do ?...?

Have sabr (patience) sis.

Not so do those who show patience and constancy, and work righteousness; for them is forgiveness (of sins) and a great reward. (Qu'ran 11:11)

"Seek Allah's help with patient perseverance and prayer. It is indeed hard except for those who are humble." (Qu'ran 2:45)

"And be steadfast in patience, for verily Allah will not suffer the reward of the righteous to perish." (11:115)

From the above verse it lets us know that whatever problems we face we should turn to Allah (swt) and be patient. So yes you can make Du'a you can ask Allah (swt) to make it easier for you.

Please sis try not to break the family ties as this isn't allowed in Islam.This is a test from Allah (swt)

"And those who break the covenant of Allah, after its ratification, and sever that which Allah has commanded to be joined (i.e. they sever the bond of kinship and are not good to their relatives) and work mischief in the land, on them is the curse, and for them is the unhappy home." (Qu'ran 13:25)

Keep being patient sis you will be greatly rewarded Insh'Allah. Don't be rude to her, leave her to Allah (swt).Allah knows best. You are not sinning by 'hating' her because this 'hate' is coming from shaitan (waswas). If you do something to her because of this 'hate' then you will be following in the steps of shaitan and it will then be considered sinning.

''And if a slander from the devil wound thee, then seek refuge in Allah. Lo! He is Hearer, Knower.'' (Quran 7:200)

When you are angry. Say.

''I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed satan.''

It has been narrated by Abu Huraira (May Allah be pleased with him) That Allah's Messenger Muhammad Said:

“ The strong is not the one who over comes the people by his strength But the strong is the one who controls him while in anger."

''Verily, with every difficulty there is relief.''(Qur'an 94:5)

Insh'Allah the best. =)

How do i convince my parents to let me stay home over spring break?

OK first talk to them about it, if they don't understand because parents can be like that move on to step two.. you have some time before spring break and instead of fighting with your parents to let you stay home alone, show them that you can, by taking care of your sisters, making dinner, washing dishes, making sure your younger sister takes a shower and help them with their homework, keep your room clean, all these things may seem stupid but if you are home alone you'll need to be the mom/dad this will show them that you can.. also this may sound hard to do but take a few weekends off from your friends and focus on study and helping out, this will show that when they are gone you won't just be partying. If all this fails, talk to grandma and ask her if she could maybe put in a word with your parents, maybe even make an agreement with her that she'll check in twice during break to make sure you guys are okay. Some other things to do are call your parents if your going to be late, if you can drive bring the car back with a full tank, and most important DON'T ARGUE, it will just make your parents more upset.

How can I convince my parents to let me live with my grandma (I'm 14)?

months ago I went through a bad phase , joined a bad crowd, fpught a lot with my lil brother. I realized I was wrong, apologized, explained it was a bad phase and that thing was over. I was being sincere but they punished me anyway, Mom said I had broken her trust and this was devastating to me, I've always been a good girl , just made some mistakes and since I sincerely regretted then there was no reason not to trust me. But my parents were cruel, couldn't understand I can make mistakes and I got in a deep depression. For 2 months my mom was kinda cold with me, this was completely wrong, cause as a mom she should understand and forgive, instead of torturing me emotionally treating me like someone who doesn't deseveve trust. Now my parents are sure this was a bad phase, are proud of me and though they don't say I'm sure they agree They were too harsh . My granma who loves me and know they were cruel invited me to live with her but my parents won't let me go

What did your parents do when they caught you smoking weed?

Haha okay this still makes me laugh!I'd been smoking weed since I was around 11. I was about 13 and while I was looking for sand paper for a school project, I stumbled across a random seemingly empty coffee can. Curious, I peaked inside and found a rolled up sandwhich bag with green stuff in it. I unrolled it to check out it's contents and found an 8th of weed! I was so excited because at the time I didn't have any. So I dipped in and took a good size nug and put it back before I got caught!!I continued to randomly take some here and there. Making sure I didn't take a noticeable amount, and rolled it up how I thought it was. I did this for a few months, thinking how sneaky and awesome it was…Well one day I ran out so I want into the garage as usual to dip into my parents stash can. But this time, the lid had in black bold sharpie: “Gotcha!!!” and the coffee can was completely empty. I was so scared, I want out the side door and went for a very long walk to think of what excuses I could give them. Nothing was really going to work. So I get back home an hour or 2 later, hoping things would just be left unsaid. NOPE. Haha they were in the living room waiting. My heart was racing, my mind about to explode thinking of my punishment. Starting blushing and sweating. Finally after what seemed like hours of silent parents staring me down, they finally said:“we always roll the bag up differently everyday so we figured you were taking some when the roll wasn't right… you need to ASK us next time. Can't stop you obviously from smoking, so instead of STEALING it from us just ask please.”I sighed a huge breath of relief. “Yes! I'm off the hook!” I thought.“Oh Megann, by the way, your also grounded for 3 months… “Damn… haha almost! They couldn't have been more mellow and nice about it. Surprised the hell out of me that's for sure! They could've done locked me up and thrown away the key for WAY longer then what I got, so that was pretty cool.The same scenario played out almost exactly the same when I got caught stealing their cigarettes too. Haha after I got a job at 16 my mom agreed to just buy me my own pack as long as I payed for them myself.

What is something you want to "get off your chest"?

I got gang raped.Gang. Raped.I'm going to give some details… so I guess trigger warningI went to a fish market with my uncle and grandma. My grandma is old and can't walk very well so I was waiting with her for my uncle to get some fish. This huge man comes and picks me up from behind. I'm pretty strong, but this man was much stronger. He grabbed me and ran as I screamed for my uncle to help me. He came too late.So. The big man “A”The other men are “B” “C” and “D”A grabbed me and brought me to a cornerB C D take turns throwing me against a fence as they all undress. They all are on me at the same time. One would be one my face making me suck his dick. One would be masturbating on my chest. One would be doing whatever he wanted on my vagina. One would be holding down my legs.They tied down my arms above my head, stripped me naked, did their rotations, and broke my ankle.I kept squirming so they punched me, gagged me, and stabbed right below my ribcage with a knife. I stopped moving and they rotated a few times. When they were done, about and hour later, they tied to me to fence.They would grab me from behind, touch all over me, cum on me, and then forced me to masturbate. They stuck their fingers up my vagina, put their dicks in my mouth. They made me masturbate on the floor, and then would smack me with their dicks wherever they felt like it.It was torturous. I was in so much pain. They ran Away. The police were searching everywhere, and then one found me on the floor behind a trashcan in an alley. They took me to a hospital, and it gave me so much emotional trauma.Right now, a year later, I am crying in my room, too scared to go anywhere, ripping at my thighs and stomach with a blade. Burning with lighters. I never told anyone else. The only people that know is my grandma, uncle, mom, and dad. I'm too scared to tell anyone.

My parents' marriage sucks, How to deal with it?

I'm 17 & have to deal with the fact that my parent's 20 year marriage is suffering.
Dads had two affairs. The first was when I was in third grade. I remember me & my older sis having to move from our aunts' house to our grandma's. Then Mon & Dad would just fight & fight. Then the (biased) male counselor who ALWAYS took the mans side, & the divorce courtroom. They ALMOST got divorced, but mom just HAD to get back together with Dad. They were fine after that (or so I thought.) Our youngest sis came along in 2005.
Fast forward to summer 2010. Mom caught Dad emailing some other bxtch & they had a huge argument. But this time they're not even trying to get divorced. Theyre not fighting as much as they did last time which is UBER WEIRD. Their reasons:
Of course Mom hates him now and calls him a wh*re behind his back. She holds it against him no matter how hard he tries to make it up to her. BUT... she's never had at least a GED so if she leaves, she won't be able to get a good enough job to support herself. And Dad is LOADED cuz he works in the oil business. Why would she leave & let some tramp have all the money??
Dad doesn't want to leave cuz hes scared it'll affect our college $$$, & I believe him cuz he's always telling us to work hard, do our best, etc. My oldest sis is IN college now & the youngest sis is only five. I'm in the middle, a HS junior. Yup, he'll be stuck with her for YEARS. Mom would be pissed if I said this, but he's the more RATIONAL person in this situation. He doesn't call her names behind her back, he says she has a "bad attitude" & she doesn't know how to forgive & I agree COMPLETELY. He doesn't put sh*t in our heads like Mom does.
I wanna tell them that having marriage counseling again and a little TLC will fix it, but who would take even legit advice from a 17 yr old?? Seeing Dad miserable in this "marriage" & hearing mom talk sh*t bout him is just sad.
Hell, after all this, I'm not getting married ever. Marriage sucks @$$. Seriously.