I Had The Weirdest Dream Last Night

I had a weird dream last night?

I had this dream, that I was with my little brother and my great grandma and she told me she was going to take us for our favorite dessert; chocolate milk. (lol, not a fav dessert but okay),

Anyways, we are walking through the town and as we continue walking, the buildings begin to disappear and are slowly replaced with trees, animals, and butterflies. I then look up to the sky and see clouds moving in every direction, which made me nervous - perfect for a tornado. My great grandma then looked up and said "This looks just like when I was a little girl.... the clouds make me nervous, lets head back." I agreed and we started back.

We were on a paved road headed back the direction we came when we saw tornados sprouting up everywhere - close to the houses we were headed back to. I stopped and looked and noticed there were no ditches "What are we supposed to do?" I asked, she said "They aren't on the road... so lets just stay on the road and see what happens." So we kept walking back to the houses, when we got there we realized the tornados were multi-colored depending on which house they were headed towards, mostly blue and white striped. I grab my little cousins who were outside playing and we run inside, the tornados never actually hit, but people were preparing as if they would...

Anyone else have weird dreams or have an interpretation?

My ex sent me a text, "I had the weirdest dream about you last night..." What does it mean?

He broke up with ME two months ago. Should I take this text to mean anyting or not? I would like to think it means he still loves me b/c I miss him so much. What do you think? I never responded. Should I have?

OMG.. i had the weirdest dream last night! does it mean anything?

Okay.. i had a dream that a guy like molested me.. like it was so graphic too! he fingered me in it, ate me out, and then i played with his penis? idk it was so weird? does it mean anything? I can't stop thinking about it.

Erm, I had a really weird dream last night and was wondering...?

Could somebody please interpret it? It's a little 'erotic', so it's a little discomforting to ask for advice/thoughts on it.

Okay- a couple of things before you see the dream:

1. Let's make this clear: I'm a GIRL.
2.I'm Gigi's favourite student (he's said so on several occasions, even in class in front of the others although I get really humiliated and feel like he's just using me to get the others annoyed, and also he's the kind of teacher who feels more like a friend).
3. He's leaving at the end of the year, and I'm the only one in the class who's going to miss him (he plays with/teases the other students quite playfully) and he said that he wants to keep in contact with me because he keeps in contact with all of his favourite students.

So, the dream;

It starts off when I'm at university, and I've kept in contact with Gigi. In the dream, I've continued with Italian at university, and he's invited me over to his home in Sicily for a couple of months in the summer. Then I'm at his home, and it's just me and him, and then it's night and I'm in bed and it kind of goes over three 'nights' from there because the first 'night' I'm on my own in the bed, the second 'night' he's just lying next to me and trying to cuddle, and the third 'night' it's full-blown sex, and it feels kind of wrong because he's Catholic and I;m quasi-agnostic, and I know how adamant the Catholics can be about that sex before marriage. The sex was really passionate, and he kept whispering 'bella' in my ear, and he was kissing all over my body...
...and then I woke up just as I reached 'orgasm'

Also, if anyone can answer this 'bonus question', I'd be very grateful: is it normal that, if you orgasm in a dream, you orgasm in real life?

Thank you.
Best answer to best thought-out/resourced.

G, xxx

A girl told me that she dreamed about me last night. What does it mean?

It means that while she lay sleeping, her mind was still at work, clearing clutter from the day’s inputs, and seeking patterns and conclusions to be drawn in its daily observations. Some of those tasks involve sending information to the sensory apparatus of the body to trick it into thinking it’s observing things and interacting with them in real time, while the things being observed are essentially manufactured images and senses, and the body’s actual ability to move and interact with the images is suppressed. We call these experiences “dreams,” or if they provoke a fright response, “nightmares.”When the girl tells you that she dreamed about you last night, it means that you played a prominent role in the imagery her mind was playing during her sleep state. That is literally all it means.There are some who study dreams who believe that no matter who the various characters in a dream appear to be, they are all manifestations of the dreamer’s own personality. That is, you are every character in your dreams. I’m not sure how to interpret that notion in light of this girl saying she dreamed about you.Many who study dreams will suggest that we all of us dream every night, but that we usually do not remember our dreams. Indeed, in my own experience, if I don’t awake from a dream, I will not remember it at all. If I *do* awake from a dream, it will be vivid in my mind for a few seconds, but memory of the dream will fade very rapidly, so that only a few minutes later, I can remember that I had a dream, but I cannot recall any details beyond that. They suggest keeping a notepad and pen by your bed, so when you wake up you can record what you were dreaming about, but I have difficulty with that: by the time I got the first sentence written out, I would have forgotten whatever else the dream was about.

I had a really weird dream last night. What is the meaning behind it?

Here is my answer to all questions about dreams:When we sleep, our brain produces a lot of random signals as it is sorting through and organizing information we dealt with during the day or in recent days. Sometimes this information can manifest itself in our dreams. Other times, our dreams have nothing to do with anything we've been thinking about and simply result from our brains making sense of the random signals they're producing.Sometimes dreams can indicate something you're thinking about, but the extent to which they reveal some hidden truth about your thoughts only goes as far as whether or not you think it's true. Your dreams aren't "telling you" anything. And they're definitely not predicting the future.That's pretty much the answer to every "Why did I dream about _____?" question in existence.

Weird dreams????????

last night I had this dream that I was back in school only I was in 4th grade. , I was with some of my old friends and we were at recess, and all of a sudden I threw up. it never happened to me before when I was little except in preschool. and then I had another dream. I was with my friend, Brandon, and before he showed up I was in this cave with a starwars person. they were hurt and bleeding and I asked them what was wrong and they just walked away. I followed them and I found they're skeleton leaning against a wall. THEN these weird spiderthingies came and tried to attack me. and thn Brandon showed up. we ran away from them and came into my neighbor's yard and were hitting eachother with sticks. (stupid...) he scrachhed me on the leg with one and I felt the tip of it on my skin. and the giant white spiders howed up again and chased us over to my house, this white-clay stuff started pouring down on my house. I got inside and my friend got eaten by the giant spiders. O.O' I got inside and seen myself. only it wasn't me. the girl that was supposed to be me was a little bit like this drawing I ddid a few years before. she had brown hair and deep green eyes. then my third grade teachor was in the background. and the house was dark. please give me some logical answers if you can!



I had a strange dream last night about a man who was obsessed with me. What does it mean?

This dream appears to be about lack of control more than anything else. And based on the severity of the dream, it tells us that you feel pretty strongly about the lack of control.In your real life, you are probably being forced into an action that you don't want to take. Either you are currently being forced to take that action, or you have a fear that you might be forced in the near future.Looks like you have been able to dodge the force (when you dodged the arrow) once or more, but don't believe that you will be able to dodge it for too long and will eventually have to give in to it. Sex/rape is about power more than it is about physical pleasure. The fact that you dreamt about it means two things:1. You believe that you lack the strength to resist the force.2. You believe that the only way you can live without the guilt of taking that action is to be forced into it.All the best.

What's the weirdest dream you had recently?

**graphic imagery included in this answer**This is a dream I had today, the first dream I've had in months:There I am, holding my own beating heart in my hand, my chest open like I dug it out myself.I feel like I can't breath, like a fish out of water and I turn to my fiance, gasping for air and I put my heart in his hands.“Baby I can't fix this” he says taking the heart in his hands, “I CAN'T”the last part i remember is the image of my heart sewn back in place, blood still oozing from between the stitches.Another weird dream:I'm wandering g the streets, blood pouring down my face and hands as I press both hands firmly against my mouth and neck.I stumble and my bottom jaw falls off into the street and I scramble to pick it up and put it back in place.No doctor will help me, I try several and they all push me out the door screaming they can't help me. I try to see it back in place myself, but the flesh begins to rot, and then I wake up.

What does my weird dream mean?

I'm assuming you are a woman. Stating your gender and the gender of other dream figures is essential for understanding.A bridge symbolically connects the opposites. It's a transitional place, a transition for you. The ending of a dream is important.In the dream of a woman a man represents her masculine side. It's this side that is also her executive function. This function gives her assertion power in her life. It puts her in the driver's seat of her life. It gives her power to make her yes mean yes, and her no mean no.Given your description you're about to jump off. Then this man approaches you from the back. The back represents your unconscious side.To give you kisses is a blessing. You are being blessed by this inner man. This is very positive.You say you hate him. This man will have some very important opposite qualities and attitudes from you. Should you integrate these qualities and attitudes into your life, it will enhance your life.Opposites attract, and want to come together either in love or conflict. Here you're in conflict.It's not the outer man that's important here for you, its those opposite qualities that are important for you to express in your life balanced with respect for the other.My guess is that you are not being assertive enough in your life.If this fits then it will help you in life to use your power represented by this man.Best wishes.