I Hate Being Short Any Tips

Why do guys hate being short?

I’m of average height in terms of US statistics. But I’ll weigh in.Guys hate being short mainly because of how many women perceive them. Being tall is something that girls seem to associate with manliness, strength, in other words the ability to protect. Shortness to many of them project the opposite traits. Being short makes you the butt of a lot of jokes as well, I’ll admit I called my coworker today a Christmas elf (He’s like 5′4″). But I’ve seen it both ways. I didn’t get my growth spurt until I was 15, so I also got grief in middle school.In the US, in this day and age, you’ll hear a lot of girls say things like “I won’t even consider dating someone who isn’t at least 6′”. (Are they trying to get dunked on or something?). Ironically enough, they are ruling out a significant chunk of men over ONE single physical characteristic. Imagine a guy saying, “I won’t even consider dating a girl who is over 115 pounds.” The statement is not only shallow, that guy would shortly be lynched by an angry mob of women. But it gives you an idea. Even if a girl is overweight, she can lose that. Short men can’t grow their bones at will, so why hold it against them?Fortunately, this perception isn’t all-encompassing, and many times it’s held by people who are young and immature with unrealistic standards.

I hate being short and curvy?

I'm 5'2 and I've always found it so hard to buy clothes because they just don't look right on me what so ever I try and shop in the petite section but they don't have as big of choice I'm so annoyed I bought 3 tops today and they look like dresses on me and just make me look awful. Is there any tips you guys could give me with clothes? I feel whatever I wear I just look boxy? I don't know

I HATE being short, short, short!?

Aw Hun.
Im 16 and Im only 4'10, but I've learn to accept it, and actually I like my height. Im grateful with what I have, cause I understood thats the only way to get to happiness.
We all are different but that doesnt makes us bad persons that just makes us ourselves.

Suggestion: Try to accept yourself the way you are.

Personal experience: My height has never gotten on my way. My bf loves my height, he actually thinks it cute. And though my friends and even my 14 year old sister is taller than me I know Im pretty. Cause the way others see you is the way you perceive yourself.

I hate being short. Any advice? ?

I'm 15 and 4'11. I don't get bullied or anything but Im worried about my future because of my height. 1. I feel like a child, I feel wrong for having big boobs and an ***, it just feels wrong. I hate myself for it, it feels like I'm a 11 year old that went through puberty way too early. 2. I won't get a good job, and won't be respected. 3. Guys think I'm really pretty and all but apparently I'm considered a "little sister" because they feel bigger and way older. Wow having that conversation today with a bunch of guys really ****** me up. I'll have to face that not many guys are gonna find me sexually attractive. FML. 4. I'm gonna **** my kids lives by making them short unless my partner is over 6'3, that way they might end up AVERAGE. 5. What if I go to some club, or go out to a movie and they say I can't be let in cuz they think I'm 11? Imagine the embarrassment. 6. What if I'm on a date and they bring me the kids menu? I'd get so upset. Anyway, help? Any advice to make me feel any better?

I hate being short and getting picked on?

I really hate my height. I'm a girl, about 15 and I'm 5'0. I don't think that I'm a midget but I hate people constantly tormenting me about my height. I get comments every day like "you're really short," "you're so little!" And "wow you're tiny!" Well I certainly can't help that! And as much as I usually don't let things like that bother me I just can't shake this one. I've even gotten "you're like the shortest person ever!" When I'm obviously not. I wear high heels just about everywhere but even then I'm a lot smaller than everyone else. Does anyone have any similar experiences or ideas on self acceptance? I know there isn't a definite solution to this but it would be nice to hear some feedback from anyone. Thanks a ton!

I hate my life cause I'm a short guy?

Ok so I've 16 and a half and my face has been developed since like 8th grade. Like I have a really defined face. People tell me if I were a little taller, I'd pass for 19-20. I'm also muscular and I have hair everywhere and I've been recently growing a lot of facial hair like this year. And I just got a bone age done on my wrists and it looks like I'm done growing. I stand at 5'3. What I'm trying to say is I'm short and fully developed and there's probably no shot of me growing especially since I'm as tall as my dad. I ******* hate my life. Honestly it's so difficult being short. Not even people picking on you, I just ignore that **** and roast back. Like I'm not little *****. People see me as like a tough kid. And they think I'm really funny too. But still it's so hard to get girls when they're all taller than you. They all want like a guy whose like 6 feet and it's horrible. To be honest, it's been making me contemplate suicide cause I literally have no options. And I don't wanna hear the whole "you'll find someone who accepts you" bullshit because I hate the fact that now I'm limiting myself to girls who can deal with my height. Like so many girls have told me they'd date me if I were taller. It's ridiculous and I don't wanna limit myself to only shorter girls who accept me. Wtf do I do? I actually wanna like kill myself

I hate my short legs!!!!!! Help!?

Okay. To tone your stomach, butt, and thighs you'll want to jog, do stairs, crunches, and these things that have something with the word 'dog' in the name. Basically get on your hands and knees, lift up one leg so your side and thigh make a 90 degree angle and bend it at the knee. Move it back into place and then back out like 20 times. If my poor description made sense it does wonders for your butt.

As for making your legs longer: do you mean literally? Because other than this super nasty surgery (it's where they break your legs and put some metal thing in--my cousin is a dwarf and he could have had it done but said no because it sounds more like medieval torture) I don't think there is a way to literally make your legs longer.

I absolutely hate being short!?

To reach your potential height you need adequate sleep (from 8-10 hours per night), adequate calories and a normal healthy diet.

Plenty of protein from eggs, meat, poultry, sea food and dairy products helps as well as calcium from milk, cheese and other dairy products. You also need plenty of zinc from red meat, oysters, mussels, nuts and seeds and zinc fortified cereals such as Weetbix. Vitamin D3 via the Sun also helps.

Girls usually stop growing at 15 and in most cases any further height growth from 15-21 is insignificant but there are exceptions such as late bloomers.

Guys usually stop growing at 18 and in most cases any further height growth from 18-25 is insignificant but there are exceptions such as late bloomers.

Under eating and under sleeping can, to some extent, stunt your height growth. Exercise does not help your height growth and smoking can actually reduce your potential height by a whole inch. Too much junk sugar can reduce your HGH level as in item 40 in

You can see further tips in a web search for "how to grow taller naturally".

Why do girls hate short guys?

yes, you are kinda screwed. i'm only 5 feet tall and i usually date guys who are at least 6'2". there is something powerful about a tall man that really turns me on. :-) that being said though, i did date a guy who was only 5'5" and it was a horrible relationship, emotionally speaking, but he totally turned me on and we had awesome sex all the time. :-) so i don't discount short guys altogether, but if i have a choice: i pick tall man. yum!