I Hate Cats So Much Much

Why do men hate cats?

Hi! There is no right or wrong answer, just an opinion. Men tend to like dogs better because they are simple and easy to understand. Also dogs are eager to please, interact more and guys' can walk, hunt or take a run with them. Men that hate cats, tend to also have crappy relationship with women and will never understand them ever. Cats are mysterious and it is often hard to figure out what they are thinking. A dog is pretty easy to get because they are obvious for the most part. So I think guys that do NOT get women, will also not like cats. Some guys say cats are sneaky and fickle like women where a dog is loyal and follows commands. I think that pretty much sums up why some guys do not like cats. I also think men do not like cats because they call the shots in the sex department. A female cat will PICK her mate, roll around to seduce him, mate and then tear his face off or bit his ears when she is done with him. Men do NOT get that the cat penis has barbs on it and actually simulates the female to ovulate, but it can also hurt her as well, hence the biting attack behavior afterwards. Also females mate with more than one male, hence multi-color kittens. I think that is what most guys really hate. IMHO. LOL

WHY do SO many people HATE CATS?

Let me tell you why....Cats are smart animals and people who do not like cats is because they feel like the cat is under estimating their Intelligence. That is why they choose to get dogs, because dogs are stupid and dumb and will lick anything!! Cats on the other hand are really really really RIDICULOUSLY SMART.

Why do so many people hate cats?

I don't get it. I'm a cat person, and I don't hate dogs, so why are there so many dog people who hate cats? It really hurts me when I hear people say that they absolutely hate cats, for no real reason at all. Someone, who is a cat lover, mentioned to me that some people despise them because they're effeminate in nature. Is this true? Do these people also hate women? Cat's also reflect female sexuality and independance. Are these people against the emancipation of women and other oppressed groups within society? Do they hate gay people? (To me, hatred of cats is the same as homophobia. I'm a lesbian, and whenever I hear someone say something negative about cats, I get the same twinge in my stomach when I hear a homophobic comment). I want a better understanding of the psych of an irrational 'cat hater'.

I don't mind dogs, but I don't ever want to own one as a pet because they're too high maintenance. I can't cuddle dogs, because their fur smells terrible even after having a bath, they demand a lot of attention all the time, they bark and your neighbors get mad, their fur is coarse, they don't know how to use a litter tray, so if they make a mess you have to clean it up, you have to walk them a lot, Some dogs are vicious and attack people, causing harm to the victim, resulting in the owner being sued. And as for having a guard dog, security systems and smart locks serve the same purpose. That's just the way I see it.

Why do people hate cats?

Why do so many people hate cats?!?

Cats are the best pet ever! I love kitties! I keep hearing EVERYONE saying they hate cats and want to kill them and tourture them!!! As a cat lover It really makes me upset to have to listen to this at school and whenever i go out. I don't have anything against dogs but EVERYONE seems to like them better! i don't understand why people love dogs more than cats! Cats are incredibly smart, they clean themselves, they are adorable, and are such a nice companion to have! I live in an apartment and there are a lot of stray kitties living around and i always freak out when i see one on the sidewalk because i am afraid these bratty kids and teenagers are going to scare them or hurt them! I watch them until I can't see them anymore to make sure they are ok because I have seen these kids being mean to them before and they run off all scared. Now they don't trust any humans! I see one outside and want to pet them and they run terrified. :( It's so sad. Sure cats claw things, get into trouble, and shed all over, but dogs are trouble too! People act like they are perfect and never get into trouble! Uhhh no... Like i said i don't have anything against dogs. I am just so tired of people being mean to cats and laughing when a cats gets hurt on a youtube video and just being so mean. I mean come on what did a cat ever do to them?! A lot of them never even owned a cat... Sure, I might be the only one who cares this much about this, but at least I'm an animal lover. I know there still are a lot of cat people out there, but i never see any. Why do people hate cats so much and want to hurt them?! Please no rude comments like saying i'm nuts or going to be a lonely cats lady some day... i want a real answer. :(

Why do so many men seem to hate cats?

Hope this doesn't "rile too many feathers", but.......In my like animals that "fawn" over them (dogs, women, etc).

Cats are too independent and men seem to be intimidated by that. Have you ever noticed that most men don't like "independent" women, either? Women appreciate that cats "do their own thing".

I know people aren't going to agree with this, but as I said, this is MY OPINION, and I've been observing men (and women)f for over 65 years!

I love cats and dogs, and my husband "tolerates" my cats!
So......that's my opinion!

I hate cats, is this normal?

I hate cats too.

Why do some people hate cats?

I used to hate cats. Here’s why.Cats are elusive, hard to read, and they hang just out of reach. They remind me of guys that flirt but never put out.I’m not a subtle person, I like big obvious mammals. If they love you, dogs are in your face, on your lap, or busy licking your feet off. If they hate you they bare their teeth, snarl, or avoid you. You know where you stand with a dog.A cat stares at you, you pet it, it moves a couple inches beyond your fingertips, then lies down. You move towards it, it moves again, at which point I’m thinking ‘fuck you you’re not a dog.’You don’t snuggle with a cat so much as provide a bed for it in the form of your chest or belly. Usually before this happens it has the need to parade it’s asshole around like it’s on a runway in a gay porn flick.They shred furniture, they shred rugs, but recommend getting them declawed and your boyfriend doesn’t speak to you for days.Speaking of boyfriends, did you know that they all come with cats? A question asked in most gay dating apps is how many cats can you stand before you really begin to lose it. The lowest number available is three.They devastate wildlife, birds in particular. I like birds in particular but all wildlife in general. No ecosystem benefits from having an insatiable grim reaper in its midst.Have you ever heard cats fuck? Nothing making noises like that is having fun. I think they’re all rapists.What’s with the food issues? Why won’t the little bitches just eat?I don’t need a tray of shit and piss to adorn my already less than pristine house. I have enough stink going on as it is.So I used to hate cats, long ago, before I met Pete. Pete was a red haired cat that decided I was ok despite all evidence to the contrary. He’d hang out with me, sit on my lap, or place his paw on my shoulder just to have it there. He came with a boyfriend and two other cats, but in the end it was only Pete that mattered.When I woke up in the morning Pete would be staring at me as if his day couldn’t start without me. When I came home in the evening he’d be there waiting.I altered his name a bit, called him Pedro. Sometimes I’d give it an Italian twist then call him my Italian boyfriend, hairy one, or my Mediterranean love lump.One day I declared him an Honorary Dog.Then I announced that no, he really was a cat, but he was the only cat that mattered.Slowly I began to see a little of Pete in all cats.Finally I graduated; I was done hating cats.

Why do some people hate cats so much?

I was looking through the comments of some videos where dogs were attacking cats (and some even managed to kill them) and people were cheering on the dogs saying stuff like "good boy! Kill that cat!" or threatening to kill cats themselves "Cats are completely useless/worthless, I'll take my gun and shoot every cat I see". Now this is the kind of stuff that makes me mad/upset. So I'm really curious, why are people like that? Why do they hate cats that much??