I Hate High School What Can I Do To Get Through It

I hate high school so much :(?

I am in grade 9 too, i hate it as well. I cried every night and i had countless amounts of anxiety attacks. I over think all the time too. Guess what??? think about it like this: just 5 more months, and your summer break will BEGIN. then in grade 10, just think "thank god i'll be out of this shitty place in two years" Everything is temporary, sure i have anxiety now, but sometimes you have to go through the worst days to realize the best. I have anxiety during lunch, i just want everything to end. but we both have to realize that it shouldn't get us down! we have so much to look forward too! a new car, jobs, college, etc. It will be over soon, and i know everyday feels like a year, but if you keep these things in mind we can both get through it! we are stronger than that, school shouldn't run our life, we should! btw if you ever feel sad, don't worry I'm going through it just like you, you can email any of your probs SCREW HIGHSCHOOL :) btw, consider online schooling, i am going to do that in gr 11/ 12. or get your courses done faster so you can graduate early

How can I not hate high school?

Once you realize how this is the point in your life where you will have the smallest amount of responsibility it gets to be easy and even fun. High school is set up so that failure is nearly impossible, you get a diploma if you attended school enough times. So have fun with it! Don’t be afraid to go to events alone. If there is a huge basketball game and you want to check it out, don’t feel like you need a best friend at your side. Do what makes you happy with yourself, and know that if others talk that they clearly aren’t focused enough on their own lives and are looking for other things to justify their own actions. No one needs to live a life any certain way, it just seems like there is more of a social construct in high school.Always be smart about your decisions of what will make you happy, and mine may get you into some trouble but here are some examples of what made high school memorable for me: sneaking out, having a first time for everything, visiting a diner in the middle of the night, seeing midnight movies, joining too many clubs, driving as far as your parent’s gas tank will go, and making each fast food place a hangout spot.I recommend making a bucket list of everything you may want to do in high school and really trying to cross them all off before you graduate. Take weird classes and make cool friends that will help you with it!I hope you end up loving high school, because I hated it for two years. I thought it was the worst time of my life before I could really see it actually was the best. After my sophomore year I embraced all that is high school and now that I am two years out of high school I would give anything to try one more week out.Good luck!

I HATE high school!!!?

I'm sorry but i just need to blow off some steam!!! I have been having problems in high school for the past 3 years. I am a senior this year and i can't wait to leave. All of my friends have changed none of them care about me. They all treat me like **** and i am getting really sick of it. No one at my school cares about others all they care about is how they look and there reputation. I can't stand people like that because I really have a heart for others and treating others kindly. They all party and smoke weed and it seems like thats all they like to talk about. When I start a conversation with someone it's all about who you've hooked up with and what drugs you tried over the weekend. Everyone always makes high school sound like it's going to be the best time of their life but for me thats not true. I don't know if anyone out there feels the way I do but i just had to put this out there!!

I hate my high school..?

I know I don't have it as bad as others might but I just feel trapped there.. I'm finally a senior, thankfully, but at my high school everyone knows me as the "quiet girl" because I didn't really talk when I first got to this school in 5th grade. (It's a charter school) In 5th and 6th grade I had low self-esteem and hated what I was, how I looked, so I never really felt like I deserved to fit in or have friends.

Well time went on and as I grew up I gained more confidence in myself and became happy with who I was. But the thing is, people still know me as "the quiet girl," so even if I try to change people still treat me as the weird quiet girl. I feel stuck in this identity that I'm not... I don't really have any best friends in my school to be honest..

How can I deal with this? Thankfully I only have a year left, but I can't handle it anymore.

Why do I have such intense hate for high school?

You hate high school because it is incredibly stupid. At the time in your life when you are developing your independence, you are forced to spend entire days in an environment that rewards rule following. You have little say in choosing your classes because curriculum requirements have been determined by others. Due to tenure, it's likely that many of your teachers hate teaching and dealing with teens, they are just passing time until retirement. High schools also focus on meaningless things like school spirit and team sports, and popularity contests like prom queen. It's an artificial environment with no connection to your personal goals BUT getting through it usually has an impact on your future opportunities so look on it as a challenge you must deal with to move forward successfully in life. Many people hate high school, you are not alone.

Goodness I hate high school?

Uugggghhhhhhh. Gag me with a spoon. I FREAKING HATE HIGH SCHOOL. Please don't think I'm some annoying whiney girl complaining about something stupid. I just.. Gosh. I hate High school. I don't really have a lot of friends. Just acquaintances! I'm a very loud and fun person to be around, but at school I'm extremely shy and just absolutely miserable. I'm even on medication for depression! That's how awful it is for me. Why do I feel like I can't be ME at school? I've come to the conclusion that the people at school are my problem. I strongly dislike people my own age, and find it more fun to be around adults that I can ACTUALLY have a meaningful conversation with, instead of something like "Like OMG, did you like hear who Jenny slept with last night? I heard they're like going out now. Did you see like what she wore today? Like LOL.. just WOW. What a like friggin' slut.". This is all you hear. Every. Single. Day. It's such petty meaningless talk. Literaly all these words are coming out of their mouths.. And it's just NOTHING. Then if you're not in on all of the gossip, your chances of having friends just hits rock bottom. You're TOTALLY on your own. I hate feeling alone! I want some friends I can relate to so bad. I never go out and do ANYTHING fun with ANYONE. I feel so anti-social. I also feel so judged by these people too! How do you just NOT care what other people think? How do you do that? Where is a group of friends for me? I think all the time about how exciting it will be living on my OWN! I can have a job, I can cook my own food, I can do everything on MY time. I'm so ready for college! I hope to God it's not a lie when people say college is different than High school... I feel like a total fish out of water at school, and despise it more than anything in this world. Sometimes I feel like an adult with a bunch of immature teenagers, that I can't even relate to. What's wrong with me? Am I the only one that feels this way, or has the same problem?

If I hate High School, will I hate college too?

My son said almost EXACTLY the same thing, only he struggled with the idea of staying in high school for 2 1/2 years, because it was pointless lessons about stuff the kids studied every other year for a decade, lots of busy work and very boring. I was sure he would never go to college, but his dad tried to get him to take a job where dad works and my son got himself into school - at the other end of the state, so I didn't have to worry about whether he was doing his assignments.

My son liked college immediately - he was taking classes in Administration of Justice, and most of his required courses could be chosen so they were related to his occupational goal: becoming an FBI agent. He had to take a couple of science classes and discovered that he really enjoyed them, and he got good grades, too! Instead of graduating at Christmas, he extended to next Christmas so he can take the classes for pre-med / pre-nursing. He still likes AJ - Admin of Justice - from a family of peace officers, that is expected. But he really loves medicine. He has a bit of Senior-itis this term, but he can't wait til next spring, when he is learning stuff that will directly apply to his chosen career.

As far as surviving this semester for you: if worse comes to worse, just keep reminding yourself: this, too, shall pass. Talk to your teachers if necessary, and try to arrange any kind of alternatives they are willing to do. Good luck! It is worth the hassle to get that tassle.