I Hate My Job And It Is Making Me Depresse. What Can I Do To Make Things Better

Job making me depressed what should I do? Quit?

I'm 21 years old working in a supermarket, and I hate it so much the pay is shit the job is boring and I never get enough hours. I've been there for two years now and am really fed up with it, im 21 and wasting my life away, just thinking about going to work makes me depressed to the point where I don't wanna live anymore. My ex and his new gf work there which makes things 10x worse. I really wish I could quit but I need money to pay the rent and help out my mum.

I know there are people worser off then me and I am grateful for my job its just I feel like I'm wasting my time doing a shit job for shit pay and doing nothing with my life. It feels like everybody else has their shit together except for me. What would u do if u were me? Would you quit?

My job is making me depressed, please help?

I completely get what you're going through.
I have to say, if you've been there only three months, then it might be a bit early to throw in the towel just yet. Fast-food is one of the most stressful areas to work, but it's definitely a growing experience. You learn a lot of skills that are helpful everywhere, and it toughens you up for the real world. That said, it's not something that's suitable for everybody. I'd say, give it a few more months, and if by that time you haven't either toughened up or found it easier, feel free to quit. In the meantime, look for a different job. Try harder to find one, maybe, than you have been. People I know who have worked both in and out of fast food say it's hell. I don't have another job to compare it to, but I personally value the skills I'm learning.
Also, I'm aiming to stay for at least a year so I can put it on my résumé and also stick it in my friend's and family's faces and say, "Ha! I beat your record for the longest time holding a first job." But you don't have to do that.
I'm always scared I'll stuff up, too, and I usually do. A lot. But you know what, most of the time it doesn't matter at all. So don't panic. Keep calm, relax, and concentrate on doing the best you can. The world hasn't exploded yet, so I'll assume you haven't stuffed up too badly yet. The worst thing you could do is die. So don't die.
Now about the managers being mean, if you don't think they are trying to help you and are genuinely trying to put you down and make you want to quit, then that's called bullying and in my country that's illegal. You should probably tell someone about that. It doesn't sound too bad, though, so don't make a fuss about it. Maybe just talk to them and explain that you feel like they're being mean.
And the customers, I'm not sure if they're allowed to do that or not. But chances are, they're having a pretty bad day, so the best you can do is be helpful, smile, and wish them a good morning. If it's not busy, have a conversation with them, make them feel like you actually care, try to make them like you, ask the managers if you can draw a smiley face on the burger wrapper of someone you just had a conversation with and then do so. Hopefully, eventually, the regulars will remember you and possibly be a bit nicer.

My job is making me more depressed and making my anxiety worse, what do I do?

Hi Aleasha,The easy answer would be to tell you to find another job, right? However, unless you absolutely know that it is this particular job at this particular company at this particular location with these particular coworkers, that may not solve your problem. You could go and get another job somewhere else and be in the very same situation, right? So, what to do?First, are you getting treatment for your anxiety and depression? If not? What are you waiting for? Go see your physician and get checked out. It is entirely possible that something else is going on that is presenting itself as anxiety and depression. What if your hormones are messed up? Something is up with your diet? It could be any one of a lot of other things, most are fairly benign, a few are serious but better to know, right? If indeed it is Clinical Depression and Anxiety, there is treatment that can help you and then your job may not be a problem at all.Second, if indeed the issue is something at this particular job, is there something that can be done to fix it? What is the source of all of the anxiety? Is the issue the something or how you have been dealing with it? Sometimes when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at tend to change. Perhaps talking to a therapist would help you?If at the end of the day your best solution is to change jobs then do that but whatever you do, please make sure that you aren't simply changing jobs only to have the same issue somewhere else.

How do I know if I'm depressed because I hate my job or if I hate my job because I'm depressed?

The answer to the question is very simple..To answer the FIRST PART of the question, ask yourself do you love your job? if not working everyday toward it just makes it more stressful and eventually it becomes strenuous working 8 hours or 10 hours straightyou won’t believe this image was the first suggestion in google when i typed simon sinek’s quotes, he’s a british american optimist and the author of four books, mostly known for his books start with why and find your why, so if you don’t love your job of course you’re gonna be depressed and that relief you get back home or when you meet your friends is a sign that you are not depressed when it comes to anything other than workNow to answer the SECOND PART part of the question, ask yourself that when you’re depressed do you hate everything you see? do you feel too lonely? do you avoid commitments ? and what not, when you’re depressed you will start hating everything and won’t feel like doing anything, you’ll start avoiding commitments, you’ll feel too alienated, so that’s a sign showing that you hate your job because your depressedJust remember this“Time heals all wounds, stay strong but loving what you do is very important”

I am living in a city I hate, with weather that depresses me, and at a job that completely and utterly numbs my mind and sucks the life out of me. Should I stay or go?

Hi, I’ve been in exactly the same situation as you for many years now. Years ago, I made a move to a new city and country and soon found myself getting depressed. Hated the weather, hated my job, and found myself losing motivation to even go see the ‘friends’ I had made. I initially told myself what a few other commenters are telling you - that the problem lies within me and I must change and try to adapt. That it is homesickness and everyone feels like this. But it didn’t get better, it got worse and worse and worse, to the point that I landed in serious clinical depression, lost my job, and besides, any motivation to work because I was depressed. I then went to a therapist to get help and one of the first things we realised was what you are already realising (but understandably need validation for, as it is a huge life decision) - that I’m in the wrong country, in the wrong city, trying to live the wrong life for me. So here’s what I would suggest you do, since this is not an something you can fix overnight:Please find a counsellor or therapist to talk to. You are tending towards depression, if not clinically depressed already, and NO ONE can make rational, empowered choices when they are not functioning well.Start looking for jobs in the cities/places you would like to be based in, instead. Looking, by itself, doesn’t cost you anything and doesn’t make the decision for you. What it does is open up options.Focus solely on being good to yourself. Cut down on the alcohol, focus daily on alternative job hunting, exercising and doing one thing a day that you really enjoy - whatever it might be. It could be reading, listening to music, going to a concert once a week, walking in the park, going for a run, playing golf, spending time with animals or a favourite person - anything, except alcohol :)Give yourself a deadline - 6 months, perhaps? Do all of the above in those months, and I promise you will find your answer.Good luck :)

Why am I depressed and angry on my days off, and I hate my job?

I work at a crappy park, making crappy money and I hate it, so obviously I should be in a better mood on my off day(s),but that's not the case. Every time I have a day off I feel angry and depressed, get headaches, feel like general garbage. My only guess is that internally I know my life is not going to get much better, and I am wasting my time even my I have off time ("warning incoming self loathing"). I suck at everything, have no dreams or aspiration, virtually no sexual interest, talents, hobbies, hate my friends and people in general. so basically I can't find much to like about anything. and any attempt and finding solutions always comes up with worthless answers. so any takers?. Also no religious garbage please, and no "you gotta have a positive attitude" garbage please. Alright proceed with telling me that "I have to find what I like" like it's simple or even possible. Now attack!

22 year old, male

Looking so young is making me so depressed!?

I know this sounds so stupid to some but me looking so much younger than my age is starting to depress me a lot.
I’m 25 and most people think I’m 18. People at work view my as a teen with little experience which is super frustrating. I have to constantly reassure everyone that I’m 25 and have a lot of experience.i work as a teacher and I swear parents look at me like I am a kid myself!

Is there anything I can do to look older because i am in desperate need of some help :(

School is making me depressed?

Your totally wrong.

I get the whole artist thing i really do. but how can you hate school? were the same age and at my high school you can practically major in art. If you hate school just take courses that interest you, take music, guitar, key bored, computer music anything. Just the bare minimum to graduate. Who knows maybe once you start studying what you love you will be happier with getting up in the morning. You may even want to study music after high school which will open you up to so many new people who share your interests its unbelievable. Which in turn will go a LONG way into helping you land that dream job.

don't give up on it yet, i'm telling you you never know how you will feel in a few years just don't close the door.

Being a cashier makes me depressed I need help on quitting this bad job :(?

Hi Sharlene, I'm so sorry you're suicidal. You should definitely quit. Are you at least able to take a sick day w/ a doctors note ? What about talking to the store owner ? Sometimes the senior managers are not aware of how the lower employees are being treated.

Let them know that you hate being a cashier because of the daily abuse. Ask him if he can find you another job where you can work alone ? like stocking or warehouse or accounting ? Ask senior manager this option before quitting. If you can't talk to them at work because you are so busy, call them from home.

They may prefer not to lose an employee because they've already trained you in the store culture etc. (go to the the most Senior Manager). Sometimes immediate supervisors are sort of irritable due to daily ups and downs.

Chick Fila has really good and courteous cashiers. I think they have really good customer service training. May want to consider applying there.

Home Depot is ok also.

If you really hate it, just apply somewhere else. If you are really sensitive to rude co workers and customers, try to find a job where you work mostly by yourself - like in a call center. Where your performance is graded just on your individual work, and you deal with everyone only on the phone.

Pls get some help for your suicidal thoughts. Your mental and physical health is so much more important than this job.

It's just a job. I say just quit. It's no big deal. You can work any where else. I've had like 15+ jobs in my life !

Get some support from your parents, boyfriend, best friends, church, or anyone for some moral support.

Should I quit a job if it makes me depressed?

A good way would be to take a break from work. Take a long break, tell them you are not emotionally & physically fit & need a break.Stage OneTalk to your manager, talk to HR.I am pretty sure nobody can deny you a leave on these grounds.Get away from work, do what you really want to do. Meet friends, or make some new ones. Change your environment.See how you feel. If things get better, you can return to your job. If you think it’s absolutely the job which is making you depressed.Stage TwoTime to move the hell out of that place. Now again, you need to introspect what you gonna do after you quit your job. Sitting idle at home, without doing anything is even worse. You become a more easy target for depression. Almost a sitting duck.Analyze if you can support yourself financially without a job. See if you need to prepare for a new job.The worst you can do right now is take an impulsive decision. Ideally, it doesn’t pan out that well.Also, do take action. Depression isn’t just harmful to our psyche but also wreaks havoc on our organs. Weakening our immune system over time. We need to be happy.