I Hate My Sister 10 Pts

I hate my little sister. What should I do?

Hi. My younger sister is 3 years younger than me. She's a spoilt brat,has always been. She is also overtly proud of her good looks and never thinks twice before insulting me for my look or weight issues. She also has no qualms about lying for petty issues, implicating me for something wrong she has done is no big deal.When we get guests at home, she gets down to help my mother, but otherwise never. She is self centred and is promoting herself all the time. Even my mother appreciates her and I feel completely ignored, unappreciated and unwanted. She lies and everyone just believes her, afterall she's the smaller child. Young children don't lie.WHAT SHOULD YOU DO -Talk to your parents and tell them how you feel. Tell them about the bullying. Preferably do this without the presence of your sister, because lying and manipulation come naturally to her.Talk to you sister, not about how you feel, because she may enjoy in your misery. Take control of the situation , assert your position as the elder sister and demonstrate to her that AS YOU SOW, SO SHALL YOU REAP. Also DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WANT OTHERS TO DO UNTO YOU.And lastly, if you are irritated that she is copying you and trying to be a better version of you, thenImprove yourself every day. Make it difficult for her to better you.Do some meditation for self-control, peace and strength of mind.

Why does my crush's sister hates me?!?

Okay this is going to be a long story but here w go!!! there's this guy that has a sister she and me known eachother for a very long time and I always wanted to be like her "best friend". And on Sunday my crush sis and me are talking on the room ALONE! And I tell her ALL my Secrets and after I tell her ALL my Secrets I told her don't tell this to ANYONE!!!! But then in the next day she keeps on telling all the secrets!! So I wanted to do a revenge on her!! I wrote a letter to my crush saying "can you ask your sis to STOP spilling my secrets". So then my crush told his parents that his sis keeps on spilling my secrets and she got scolded!! And the next day my crush sis ignore and doesn't talk to and I wrote a sorry letter to my crush...and then she forgives me but then on sunday me and my family are going to my crush's house for dinner...and when arrive there I read my crush's sister diary and when I read her diary she like says that I HATE MY FRIEND (ME) SOO MUCH! SO that's all pls help me!!

Am I a bad person for hating my "sister"?

I can understand where you're coming from cause i’ve dealt with similar issues. shes so cocky and so arrogant. shes self obsessed and she treats me like absolute shit. i was a fat kid and the only thing she use to do was embarrasses me in front of her friends calling me fat,making fun of everything i do and and my teeth. even after i lost 38 kgs she still found some way to make fun of me. I didn't know it would have such a huge impact on me cause i now suffer with low self esteem issues and am very self conscious. I feel terrible every single day and i know that if it wasn't for her my life would have been 100 times better. Growing up my sister was given more love than me and that didn't bother me until i became as old as her when she started getting things for being the darling daughter that she is.For her 18th Birthday she god a pair of diamond studded earnings worth like 42k or something. and i got ‘Im low on cash’the apparent Reason for that is the fact that i am a guy and she is going to be married and sent off. My parents are aware of the mistakes they have made with her but its not like that are stopping her from doing anything cause she is ‘Beyond repair’. Thats a load of bullshit cause i know how they react when even the slightest thing hurts her. They use her as a bad example in front of me but the moment i turn around they praise her for even the smallest thing she does. if i do something not even remotely connected to something she did they start shouting at me. they are not aware of the things they have done and they think im in the wrong. During fights ive even brought up the issue and they couldn't say a word but they start bringing my studies in between just to change the topic. i basically hate my dad and my sister so much that sometimes i just fell like running away till my feet bleed.

I actually hate my sister to the point of wanting to kill. What should I do?

Look at the implications of your statement. I mean, killing another human is frowned upon. Illegal too. One day you are killing your sister, next day your mom and dad ask you at dinner time:” where's your sister, your mother cooked her favorite meal.”*gulp* you can't say anything as it will implicate you. Time passes, police investigation underway. You happen to be the last one seeing your sister alive. You are grilled. You finally crack. Due to the heinous crime of killing your sister because you hate her, there are no extenuating circumstances. The judge orders you life without parole and you are transported to prison. Your cellie seems to be nice enough, right until Bubba makes you his bitch.But seriously, chill out. Ignore her for some time. No killing your sister, that would be bad ;)

My autistic sister is out of control. What do you recommend? 10 pts?

I work in a school with some autsitic students. When the Austic students are in the cafeteria eating, if the cafteria gets so loud for the sudents with Autism they yell. As your mother is yelling at her, your sisters reaction to yell even louder.

Does your mom get any in home support services for your sister? It would not be a bad idea to see if your sister can get some respite services. Not only it will help you, but your mom also.

Every behavior has a purpose. So when your in the car with your sister and she starts to throw things at your mom. Your sister is sending a message to your mom. Does your mom or you play the (music) radio in the car? That noise from the radio maybe too loud for your sister to listen too.

It can get better if you & your mom work on getting some help in your household. Contact your local human service agencies to see if you can get some help. If your sister gets social security or disability benefits there should be some funding for clients who need services. Don't worry about the expenses of getting the support your sister deserves.