I Hate My Sister How Do I Handle Her

I hate my little sister. What should I do?

Hi. My younger sister is 3 years younger than me. She's a spoilt brat,has always been. She is also overtly proud of her good looks and never thinks twice before insulting me for my look or weight issues. She also has no qualms about lying for petty issues, implicating me for something wrong she has done is no big deal.When we get guests at home, she gets down to help my mother, but otherwise never. She is self centred and is promoting herself all the time. Even my mother appreciates her and I feel completely ignored, unappreciated and unwanted. She lies and everyone just believes her, afterall she's the smaller child. Young children don't lie.WHAT SHOULD YOU DO -Talk to your parents and tell them how you feel. Tell them about the bullying. Preferably do this without the presence of your sister, because lying and manipulation come naturally to her.Talk to you sister, not about how you feel, because she may enjoy in your misery. Take control of the situation , assert your position as the elder sister and demonstrate to her that AS YOU SOW, SO SHALL YOU REAP. Also DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WANT OTHERS TO DO UNTO YOU.And lastly, if you are irritated that she is copying you and trying to be a better version of you, thenImprove yourself every day. Make it difficult for her to better you.Do some meditation for self-control, peace and strength of mind.

How do I get get over the fact that my sister hates me?

I know exactly how you feel. My sis is 2 yrs older and she has hated me (SERIOUSLY) since i was born. As a child i wanted to love her and talk to her but she never once wanted anything to do with me. Always negative comments and telling evryone my embarrasing moments to try to humiliate me and bring me down. And now we are both in our 30s and she still brings up past things to judge me as if what i did was tge worst thing ever. She tells people she was good and i wasnt. She lies about me all the time to try to get people to not like me. And all i ever wanted was to give her my love. So i have come to realise, the problem is her, not me. I have my own life and im very happy and alot of other people love me. I dont need her, and i have grown to not want her anymore. Blood is blood, yes, but when blood hates you for no reason, then i have no reason to stress over it. You should forget her and move on from wanting her. She will always be who she is, and who she is doesnt love you. You deserve love and plus it will make her hate you more when she sees you so happy. So, you win

How do you handle a situation where your sister hates you more than anything?

This just breaks my heart. I am so very sorry. I grew up in a large family, but as each of us became an adult, we seemingly couldn't wait to get out and leave family behind. Two of my siblings hate the rest of us, and will not even discuss why.I wish I knew their motivations. It really hurts.But I am very much hoping that (depending on age and living circumstances) there is still hope and an optimistic light in your situation. I really believe there can be, and is.Be as kind as possible to her and keep in (gentle) touch whenever possible.Make sure there is always an opening available between you. People and feelings can change dramatically as we age. Please don’t give up .

My sister hates my husband. How do I handle that?

I used to spend most of my time with her. When I first started dating him I spent less of my time with her. She has never liked him. I have say he is 50 and I am 28 which I'm sure is a problem for her. One thing that I think she doesn't like is that we tease each other a lot. Call each other names(nerd, loser, butt head, that kind of stuff) but lovingly. I think she just see's what she wants to see, that he teases me but ignores the fact that I tease him back. When she's around him she's civil but you can tell it's forced. Now she rarely acknowledges me. I mainly get hello and goodbye (not always).

My niece(18) doesn't like him either(actually hates with a passion). When I got married I didn't spend as much time with her as I used to. She doesn't speak to me and won't be somewhere if she finds out I will be there. It's been several months. Apparently she thinks I abandoned her when I got married. My mom called her out on it and now she's not speaking to her. It's been several months as well.

It's at a point where I don't want to be around them much either, I hate the tension and I hate the drama. I don't like tiptoeing around their feelings.

They are the only 2 people who feel this way. Everybody else loves him and is supportive. I would think after 3 years they would get over it. My husband is wonderful and he treats me well. He is being supportive of me and doesn't like seeing me upset.

How do I handle this? Is there a way to get them to see what a good man he is?

My sister hates my guts what should i do?

my sister hates me she hates me because her mother is jelouse of my mom for getting with my dad and having me so she told my sister that im not her real brother and that she should treat me like crap and she does treat me like crap. she throws stuff at me and when ithrow stuff back she says "dont do it again *****" im not scared of her because i kill her if i want but it will be all over the news i would go to jail and i dont want to deal with any of that so what should i do? my sister hatess me because her mom hates me my mom and my dad, she even once got my dad in trouble she is just a hatefull person what should i do?

I hate my sister's boyfriend. What do I do?

The only thing you can do here is to grit your teeth, bite your tongue, and keep saying to your sister, "I just want you to be happy." Repeat as necessary.

You don't have to like him, but if your sister feels like her family is ganging up on her about this guy, she'll choose the guy. Furthermore, is she ever DOES decide she doesn't like him as much as she thought she did, she'll be reluctant to break up with him because she won't want to hear, "I told you so!" out of her family. So you need to make it clear that you love and support your sister. Don't mention the guy. Don't bring him up. If she brings him up, just tell her, "I just want you to be happy."

I dated a lot of jerks, and some stuck around longer than others. But when the inevitable meltdown happened, I knew I could go to my family, because they always made it clear that they "just wanted me to be happy." And they NEVER said "I told you so." Even when they had.

Good luck.

What should I do if my sister hates my girlfriend?

I've been dating my girlfriend nearly for half year. I love her so much.And she loves me too. And at the begining everything was so perfect. But lately my sister is acting like a baby. She is obviously jealous, and I would been able to deal with that but she's writing irritating notes on the Msn as a personal message, and last time she used a photo of me and my girlfriend and wrote on it things like I betrade her.And obviously it distracts my girlfriend. The thing is my mother behaved like that but she realised that I'am happy with her and she is ok with it now. But my sister is the same and she doesnt let me talk to her either about this.My girlfriend is suffering a lot because of this and I don't want to lose her but I just don't know what to do...And of course she doesnt want to stay atmy place because she feals incommfortable, and because of that I spend less time home , and it just makes things worse...Please help me with this situation because my girlfriend means everything to me

My wife hates my sister being around me?

Me and my younger sister grew up together, we understand each other and we care for each other a lot. I've been married for a year. My wife also cares for my sister as her own sister, when I'm not around. But when my sister is around me and when we're joking or even discussing a serious matter, my wife hates her. Later when my sister is gone, she complains about and accuses me of all sorts of things. She even shouts why don't a marry my own sister if she loves and understands me so much. We always have a huge quarrel whenever my sister visits our home. And this frustration is hampering my work and career. I can't stop my own sister to visit our home, nor can I leave my wife because I love her so much. What shall I do?

How do I handle the situation when my wife doesn't like my sister?

Your wife needs to grow up and behave like an adult. Unless your sister has committed some transgression against her, she has no excuse for her behaviour. As married adults, you need to set some ground rules and boundaries about each other and family. Your family is important to you and you have every right to a relationship with them. Same with your wife. Neither of you has the right to pick and choose who the other can or cannot have in their life. The sooner you both understand and accept this the better. I've known couples where one or the other starts this controlling aspect. Dictating do's and don'ts to the other spouse. Not a good idea as this can continue in other aspects of your marriage and she'll start seeming more like a shrewish mother than a loving wife. You will end up resenting her, and her you for allowing it. Put your foot down. Sit her down and tell her how you feel and that she doesn't have this right. As a couple you'll work through it. Happy wife happy life, doesn't mean you're supposed to be miserable. Happy husband needs to be in there too.

I hate my sister in law seriously?

Wow your sister in law is so self-righteous, egoistical and snobbish ( not to mention the type who laughs at people in worse conditions than them ), I would get mad at her too.
Now you can remember never to confide anything in her. Ignore them , but don't purposely do something bad to them so you can remain as the "good one".

well the child was "adopted" by your sister in law. I wonder what the child will feel when it grows up? I feel pity for the child who is going to call your sister in law "mamma". Seriously, I don't think your sister in law is even fit to be a mother, I think it was your brother in law's idea because I can't even see how your sister in law will cope with a child.

Scenario 1:
Child : mommy I want ice-cream
Sister in law : Okay I'll buy my own. You go get some of your money to buy for yourself.

Something like that.

Or if not, she is just the type who likes to brag and become triumphant over others' losses.