I Hate Myself And Everyone Hates Mee

I want to die, everyone hates me and I hate myself?

I'm 15. For my entire life all I've done is make mistakes. I'm a bad person. Everyone hates me. Family, friends, anyone that I meet or talk to. I'm better off gone.

I love everyone, but I hate myself?

I'm usually very nice to other people. I wish the best for everyone, and I believe everyone has good in them. I also don't like leaving anyone behind.

But I still get depressed a LOT, and I don't know why. It feels like everyone is bad on the outside but good in the inside, while I am good on the outside but bad in the inside.
I am usually nice to people, but when someone acts like they like me a lot, I treat them like crap. I feel very aloof a lot. I often feel it is terrible for someone else to feel unhappy, but for me to feel unhappy it is normal.

Last year, 2 people I know in the Army died in Iraq. A few weeks ago, one of my buddies from basic training died from rpg attack in Baghdad. They were all assigned to 1st Infantry division.
I was so depressed when I found out they died. Seeing their pictures of their families at their funerals bring me to tears.

I keep wanting to reclass as an infantryman, and I keep hoping to get assigned to 1st infantry. My mom cannot wait years of army service to expire, but I insist on being a soldier, especially for 1st-3rd id. Honestly, the idea of me in that kind of danger doesn't seem too bad, in fact it might be a relief.

I think I want myself to die. I keep thinking, is something wrong with me? maybe there is, but maybe its okay because I'm good soldier.

Everyone hates me. I hate everyone. Should I die?

Why shouldn’t I kill myself (if) everyone hate me?Because you don’t live for them, you live for youself and someone you will really care in the future.Hey listen, I don’t care who the fuck you are. You may think that your life is really bad, but I believe my life is very unlikely to be any better than yours.When I told my family that I wanted to commit suicide, they just mocked at me and said I was a mentally ill person; but when I wrote in the diary about my suicidal thoughts, my head teacher immediately asked me to go to his office and try to enlighten me.Do you know where the difference is? The people I think who should care about me mocked at me when I need them, and the people I don’t think they are necessary to care for me willing to spend his time encouraging me. The truth is that people choose what they want to care about, not for you to decide what they should care about. Do you think everyone hate you? Just let them hate, that’s their bussiness, not yours.And yes, there are a lot of people who don’t care about me. Sometimes I feel that even if I was killed by a car one day, my family would just drinking coffee and go to work as if nothing had happened. But what I am doing now? I am trying to tell you that your life should not be wasted. You deserve a better life.Remember what I’ve just said? There are always someone who you think are unnecessary to care for you willing to spend his time encouraging you. I may not do well in enlightening you, but please do not give up your life. I can guarantee that your life will only be more splendid than those who hate you.“Live a meaningful life, be the best of yourself.”Good Luck! Feel free to message me.

I hate myself. It just seems everyone around me just hates me and I got betrayed by my friends. What should I do?

There’s usually a germ of truth in the self-hatred of the self-hating. My guess is that most of your waking hours are spent thinking about yourself. This doesn’t make you selfish. It does make you self-absorbed.If I’m right, then to others you’re like the bowling ball without finger holes. Heavy and useless. Your only topic is yourself and what you think others think of you and what you think of what you think they think of you.Putting you in a circular firing squad of yourself.Here’s what to do:Accept your self-hatred—that it may be justified.Do something about it that doesn’t involve sitting there thinking about poor little you.I suggest something that involves both helping others and strenuous physical activity. I once spent a day helping Habitat For Humanity build homes for poor families. That would do the trick.You will find that after you do things like that enough, your self-hatred will gradually dwindle without you thinking about it or trying to do something about it, because self-hatred is a SYMPTOM of something else, as I’ve described here.Once you’ve done enough for others to quell the demons in your head, and once you’re thinking about the world and all that’s in it instead of poor little you, real friends will appear in your life. Until then they won’t.

Everyone hates me and i hate myself too please help?

so basically last year and the year before that i made ALOT of mistakes. I hurt my so called friends (who hurt me too), and the people that i love. I was manipulative and a bit of a bully.

Im not proud of it im really not. Im killing myself inside!! everyone hates me because of what i have done but i have changed so much! i am not expecting everyone to forgive me and the popular girls who i was once mates with to want to be my friend again...cus i know that will never happen, i just want people to stop holding it against me and see that i have changedd!

do u think everyone deserves a second chance?

i reallly hate myself and the things that i have done but i just want someone to give me a break. My friends-the few that i have forgive me so im happy about that but it seems like everyone else is against me even myself.

i have a feeling im never going to let this go, and my mistakes are going to haunt me for the rest of my life. I dont understand how i cannot be forgiven when others who did the exact same thing as me if not worse are all friends!!

Im just sooo upset :( please help and tell me how i can get over my past

thank you in advance

Why do I feel like everybody hates me, and why do I hate myself?

Because a region in your brain, namely medial prefrontal cortex. Is not working at capacity, and this area of the brain that acts as our own internal Fonzie…”Eeehh” loved by one and all.. Without fonzie the brain doesn’t remember what cool is, what success is, that it even exists. And fall the negative shit that the Fonz smooths over reaches you. And after enough time of being reached consistently you believe it after a is the trick I teach anyone who asks me about specifically this kinduv stuff.If the sunset strikes you as beautiful and you smile genuinwlt just say to yourself. And it kinda uses the conscious mind to to and i haven’t done a lick of research on this, but it uses the conscious mind to enhance the recall of positivity. I swear to god your brain has only forgotten what it feel like to be happy and to have been the cause of others’ happiness.(Unless you are just a horrible c***t with everyone including you have some justification for that feeling, but i don’t think thats the case. Evebn hitler had a girlfriend. no one is truly unloveable it seemss.Hope that helps notice when you are happy and full of estem and that will tag it for easier recall when you need you innner Fonzie :)

Why shouldn't I kill myself? Everyone hates me.

Because there is always another day and another and another. And one of those days these heartless people who hate you will be gone and you will have new people who love and appreciate you around to spend your life with.When we are facing troubles they feel so immediate and powerful. They have no power but what you give them. Being happy is a choice just like choosing to believe what some cruel idiot is saying about you hurt you is a choice.I've noticed that when you just keep on trucking and smiling and being happy and enjoying life, not only does it make mean people angry (because youre not letting them affect you) but they tend to disappear when they see they aren't getting to you. Then other happy people will find you because happiness is magnetic.This too shall pass my dear. Keep being strong and focus on the things you love and make you happy. A new day will come and you will be so glad you are still here to smile and enjoy it. I wish I could give you a hug right now. Wrap your arms around yourself for me and give a squeeze, will ya? *ghost hugs*18002738255 - suicide hotlineOr txt HELLO to 686868Cheers and please wait for you're day to come. It will come.