I Hate Where I Live -.-

Why do I hate to live?

This statement clearly indicates that you need to open your heart and start loving everyone including yourself . Your energies are blocked with emotion of hate or could be any other destructive emotions . This energy results in inflammation of cells , than dis-ease and you attract chronic diseasesAs we all are tangled in a web and we are not individual being . Love every one in Universe ( all living beings - plant nature , animal kingdom and human beings as we all are tangled . Everything is energy and every energy has its frequency levels. Vibrating on higher frequency helps you to stay healthy .We our Creator - Our thoughts , emotions , feeling create us . We can be destructive also by having low level emotions .Creator Emotions are - Love , Compassion, Empathy , Joy , Cheerfulness , Happiness . Vibrating on this level takes you up and you manifest high level situations.Destruction Emotions - Hate , Jealousy , Guilt , Fear , Blaming all these will pull you down and you start attracting and start manifesting low level situations .Universe is within U . Life is beautiful and colorful .Keep Chanting I am Universe and I love everyone in this universe . Soon you will attract all good for yourself . Turn your focus to yourself and not others .

What do you do when you hate where you live?

Isn't it nice that we live in a time when we can actually entertain leaving somewhere and going somewhere else? It wasn't too long ago when we were stuck in the town that we were born in. And we couldn't leave.Wait until it feels right to go and then just go. Sometimes it just takes time for the feeling to turn into some sort of a motivation. For me, it's often very uncomfortable and seems to last forever. But finally, one day, I wake up and I decide it's time to go.I’ve lived in a lot of places, it's just part of who I am. Each time I move somewhere, I typically love it when I first get there, and then overtime I begin to hate it. Eventually, I get the motivation to move again and start over. Such is life.

I hate where I live!!! What to do?

You say you are a college graduate, so why not look into something like the Peace Corps or Volunteer America, perhaps some other sort of humanitarian organization which could take you to another part of the US or a foreign country.
You evidently do not care for rural areas, so perhaps start researching more urban areas and larger cities. Promise yourself to make a concerted effort to devote some time each day researching other areas, cost of living, job availability, etc. Off-hand, I don't specifically know of any, but I'm sure there must be international job search organizations. Do some research on the Internet about jobs in China, etc., for English teachers.
The first step is always the hardest, but stick to it, make it your mission. One thing can lead to another. The only thing in your way is you, and you'll be amazed at how much better you will feel once you see the real possibilities out there for you.
If necessary, get a second job and save all that money so you can take off to wherever you want and live off your savings while you look for employment.

What would you do if you hate the place you live?

The place where i live in the Lisbon suburbs is pretty ugly and boring. Just a bunch of ugly buildings, concrete, no green areas, nothing to do. When i am not working abroad, this is the district where i live.Entertainment and leisure here consist of watching tv, playing videogames, going to the mall and for those who don’t like the aforementioned, getting depressed.So, for those who (like me) like outdoor activities and nature (hiking, climbing, walking, etc) there is nothing to do if you cannot afford to pay your way out of these concrete jungle. You just stay here, drowning in boredom and depression. In such a ugly place, if you cannot move, money means a lot. Also if you have a place of your own, create your own personal space, with decoration at your will. But again, IF you have money to do so. Most of us there are over our 30’s and cant afford a place of our own. The only thing that kind of save us a little is to have family and friends nearby. But if you are alone in such a place, and broke - it is terrible, really terrible.When i had a decent paid job it used to bearable to live there. I could afford to travel, go to the forest, play music and more. I used to minimize the fact i lived in a boring, ugly place by doing the best out of my free time and going out of theere. But when i lost my career after the crisis in labour market, the place started to be a prison, unbearable and hopeless, only softened by the warmt of friends and family.However if you can pay for transportation, sports and leisure, it is possible, even if you live in this ugly place, to do things such as join a gymn, a outdoor sports association, play music, and travel inside and outside the country.BUT that is only if you can afford it, and it means that you must have a decent paid job. In that case it is possible to endure living in that ugly boring place, trying to make the best out of your free time with sports, leisure, art and travelling out somewhere - out from the suburbs Portugal has nice enjoyable places - if you can afford to visit them...

I hate where I live and I want to move?

I live in the ghetto part of North Miami and I hate it. I really want to move and tried convincing my mother to sell the house and to move somewhere nicer that's not in a city but she doesn't want to. So what should I do if I want to get out of here? Am 18 and just finished high school so I don't really have money so any ideas on how I can get out of here?

I hate where i live and i hate my school?

I've been places. I've done some sh*t. I've moved three times during my high school career. At each school I've been well liked and "popular." The school I'm at now, I hate. I've never hated school. There's a group here that people like to call the hillbilly brigade. They are really like terrorists. This is such a small school, so they're well known. They take up about a third of the areas population. They shoot deer for fun. Sometimes 50 times on one deer. They'll kill deer and stack them in peoples driveways. They key peoples cars. They egg peoples houses. They are racist to the very core. They have caused five car accidents in the past three months because of careless, reckless driving. It makes me fear for my life when I drive because I was in one of the accidents, already. They don't scare me with their stupidity, I just hate them. I hate being here. I hate my schools curriculum. I hate that they're horribly unorganized. I hate most of my teachers. And I can say that I've never ever hated school in all eleven years of attending. Advice?

I hate where I live so much?

I know how you feel.

I mean, my town is FILLED with stuck up people and snobs. It's a "richy rich" type of area so everyone things they are the best things that walked this planet and if you're different they treat you like trash. Also, everyone is so competitive and try to be at the top (that's what she said), and it disgusts me. I want to be in a place filled with people who treat everyone as equals!

There's also nothing to do here. I'm not the social type, being 16. I don't really like to shop as much, and I guess the only thing I enjoy doing is watching movies (any kind), but my friends are picky and only want to watch chick flicks or watch nothing at all.

I mean, I'm happy that this is a SAFE area though, but other than that, the people here are crappy and the only people I love and can handle are my family members. THAT'S IT.

Don't worry! You say you can move next summer! It's awesome! Live wherever you want and be in an area you can enjoy! :)

I hate everyting .Why should I live?

Trust me....... You have a purpose to be here...... A special one....Every person in this world, doesn’t matter how successful amazing or popular he/she is, has gone through this phase in their life, when they think they are good for nothing. But those few who try and look beyond this feeling are not ordinary people. Don’t see what you have lost. Don’t live your life to get approval or love or appreciation from others.Live like yourself and not like defined by world.Go and find out why you were born, what was your purpose to be here. Don’t ask what life has offered you, ask what you have to offer to your life.Ask yourself everyday, why are you here.Your life is a blank canvas which you fill by your choices. It’s up to you that how you want to see it when you leave, a beautiful painting or zigzag lines.And if any of above doesn’t make sense, then live it anyway. You have got a life, so spend it. Don’t bother at all. There are millions of people who don’t.Good Luck !!!