I Have 2 Bumps Round My Pubic Hair That I

Bumps around pubic area?

in grown hair.
in the future, shave WITH the grain of your hair, not against it.
for now, let your hair grow out fully (at least a month or two) and let the hairs heal on their own. then you can go back to shaving. make sure your shaving with shaving cream or lotion too so that the hairs won't become in grown again. shaving with a razor that has 3+ blades will help too. also, don't shave every day! wait at least a week or two between shavings and trim with scissors if necessary.

Big red bump on pubic hair?

I have had 2 bumps one on my pubic area. The one on the pubic hair is a little smaller then a dime. and hurts really bad when i touch it. The other is between my sack and under my penis. PLZ some one help me i have never had sex!

Hard bump on pubic area?

About two days ago I felt a hard bump on the area between my pubic area and my thighs and it hurt a lot. I don't think it's an ingrown hair because it's not red or anything. It only hurts if I touch it or if the seam of my pants rubs against it. I do shave there and the last time I shaved it was about 5 days ago on Monday. Can someone tell me what it is or tell me how to get rid of it? Thank you!

Gray and Blue bump in pubic hair region?

Calm down Honey......First let me say this.....These little growths (cysts) are more common than you think....Women and girls have NEVER felt comfortable publicly speaking about the changes our bodies go through, so somethings are just a learn as we grow situation....The "bumps" are cyst like growths that we develop after we reach a certain age. They hurt because the skin tissue in that area is thin and delicate and the nerves are more sensitive. Some bumps have hair roots that get trapped under he skin and it becomes irritated and they simply force themselves out.

Best way to describe it is.......It's a ZIT, like the ones we tend to get on our face. That bacteria wants to escape so it forms a head to rid your body of the toxin, now add a hair follicle....Now add the sensitive nerves....It hurts and when it ruptures (bursts), it doesn't smell pleasant, but it doesn't hurt as bad anymore either once it pops. The more the toxins build the more the color will change. It's like bruising and if you look really close in a mirror you may even see a small white dot where the head of the bump is forming. Sometimes a warm compress will soften the tissue and just slight pressure will pop the bump faster.

My suggestion is...Once you notice one, DO NOT pick at it, it only makes it worse.It has to come to a head on it's own. Clean it with a anti-bacterial gel/cream to avoid another cyst in the same area....Try not to shave often because that tends to irritate the thin skin, trap hair follicles that were not completely shaven and cause possible small infections if you get nicked and a hair grows within that small cut. You can get them under your arms, inner thighs, under your breast and even on the inside of your panty line, you know where your upper inner thigh meets your vaginal "box"...yup right within that crease.....Look up cysts, busting a whitehead...etc on YOU TUBE and you'll see how bad it can get if you don't take care of them carefully...good luck & welcome to

Red bumps from shaving pubic area?

Here is how to shave your pubic hair: 1st cut the hairs short. Apply conditioner or something creamy to the pubic area. Then shave upwards in the opposite direction of the hairs with a 5-bladed razor. Be sure to shave hard to make it smooth. Afterwords to avoid getting beginners side effects wash the area off with acne cleanser or anti-bacterial dishwasher soap. It only takes me 5 minutes to shave it & I shave about 3x a week. If done right you will be incredibly smooth like me. If you do experience beginners side effects don't panic, just put acne cream on the bumps, pop them if you can, keep up the shaving routine, & they should go away within a month. It's just like starting a new medicine.

As with the red bumps I think they're from shaving. Maybe the sexual activity produced alot of sweat & stuff & that caused the bumps. (this still doesnt make me not wanna have sex)

You can also get it removed permanently with electrolysis which is painful & costs $55 an hour. I've gotten 3 treatments on my pubic hair. Email me for more info about it.

Here are the benefits of pubic hair removal: 1st of all the absence of pubic hair is alot more erotic & sensational. It's easier to get sexually excited & masturbate. You'll feel sexier, younger, & more naked when you're naked. If you're a girl your guy will be able to see your vagina when you're naked. For girls it makes their periods easier to clean up because the hair just traps in blood & junk. It's cleaner because hair traps in odors & dirt & is one less thing to wash when you take a shower. One of the reasons I started shaving is because pubic hair was a distraction when I saw that area, I would kill time twirling the hairs. Pubic hair can get caught in stuff like your zipper. & you won't leave long gross hairs on the toilet or in the bath.

I have a blog posted on my profile about why there's nothing wrong with pubic hair removal that you & everybody else should read.

I believe my answer is the best & it would appreciate it if you chose it best.

I get red bumps after shaving the pubic area...?

There's no single "miracle cream" that will fix the problem.

If you're married to shaving, you should do the following:
1. Definitely shave at the END of your shower. The steam will help open up the pores and make shaving less irritating.
2. Use a shaving cream or gel for sensitive skin
3. Use a sharp razor (but obviously, be careful!)
4. Shave against the hair growth
5. Put on a good moisturizer (one without fragrance is best to reduce irritation)
6. Dissolve one or two aspirins (not Advil or Aleve, just real aspirin, like Bayer) in about 1/4 cup of water and apply the solution to the area you just shaved.

If you are going to use a scrub in the bikini area to exfoliate it, just make sure you use a gentle facial cleanser mixed with a little bit of baking soda. This will help by taking off dead, dry skin (to help you get a closer shave) but will not over-irritate.

These steps should make you pretty impressed with the results!

Personally, I don't shave my bikini line, for exactly the reason that I'm too impatient to deal with that whole long procedure. Instead, I wax with the cold wax kits by Sally Hansen (there are a few). It absolutely does pinch and hurt, I won't lie, but only for a second. And then your hair won't show up again until it grows back (usually in 1 1/2 - 2 weeks), and it will look thin because when hair is pulled out at the root, it grows in tapered. The reason I use cold wax is that it can be washed off with water, so if you make a mistake and put it somewhere you shouldn't, it's easy to get off. Plus, cold wax means no possibility of burns.

What is this red bump on my pubic region? After a few days I shaved, it appeared, and now it has one hair growing out of it. It looks like a pimple, red bump.

Women really shouldn’t be shaving their pubic hair at all, especially not at 13. At that age you probably aren’t sexually active, and probably won’t be for some time. Oral sex is really the only reason to do anything about pubic hair, and even then it’s not actually necessary. If any guy tells you to shave, tell him to shave his first. He’ll usually shut up then. Shaving down there can cause all sorts of problems. Those red bumps can easily become infected or abscess. We have pubic hair for a reason.It is much healthier and smarter to just keep the area trimmed (carefully), rather than shaved. Scissors are too awkward for that area, so to trim it, you can take a new, clean razor and just run it over the top of the pubic hair when it’s clean and dry. Don’t touch the skin with it, just run it over the pubic hair. It will take the extra length off without damaging your skin. If you are fair skinned like me, shaving down there will result in rashes along with those bumps, neither of which is sexy at all. By the time the rash and bumps are gone, your hair has grown back. So it’s self-defeating.For now, keep the area clean, and put some polysporin on it. Wear 100% cotton panties until it is healed. Don’t scratch it! If you are close with your Mom and comfortable enough to discuss it with her, sure - go ahead. But it will heal as long as you keep the area clean and dry.

Pimple/sore in pubic area?

kind of a gross question i know but on monday i started off with a small pimple in my pubic area, like where my pubic bone is (not near my vagina at all). then the following days it grew much bigger into a large red pimple that was a bit painful (which i believed to be because ive been working out alot and sweating lately and wearing tight underwear) i put acne treatment on it, washed the area with gentle soap, etc.
however the condition hasnt really improved except today the pus inside has risen to the top and i accidentally popped it and the pus came out.
however now im worried because it looks like a sore...the edges are raised and the hole where the pus came out of is very deep, like a pit. and it still is reddish and hurts a bit...i know this could just be a pubic pimple but could it also be herpes?? i admit that i dont really know that much about herpes or what the sores look like. & i havent had sex but have had contact in that area with a couple of guys.
also ive gotten small pimples in my pubic area before but they went away without problem.
im just super worried right now, any help is appreciated! thank you, and also thanks for reading that big paragraph. :p

Pimples under my pubic hair after sex??? HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!?

If it doesn't go away in a few days then go to the doctor