I Have A Bump On My Head That

Hit my head now i have a bump?

Just like a doctor told me a bump is a good thing, if the spot where you hit your head is sunk in that is a very bad thing and should seek out a doctor immediately. the doctor told me for a bump on your head use tylenol or ib profun for the swelling and use the ice pack if needed. and that is about all you can do for it.

How can I treat a bump on my head?

It depends on what kind of bump it is, what it looks like, what it feels like, if there's a pigment to it, hair growing out of it, the shape of the bump, etc.All I can personally give you is an answer based on what I imagine it looks like from your question, which is on the vague side. All I know is that it's small and on your head. For all I know, your interpretation of small could be anything from pea-sized to golf-ball sized, and “on your head” could mean on your scalp, your forehead, the base of your skull near your spine — all of which are factors that dramatically change how this could be answered. So, I'll do my best.Anything on your scalp that's around the size of a pea (provided it's not covered in a scab or a cauliflower texture) is probably an ingrown hair, plugged follicle, or cystic-type pimple. If this is the case, the best thing you can do is wash the area well with antibacterial soap and cover it with a warm, wet compress to help draw out the bacteria that has built up within the plug. 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off. Don't pick, don't squeeze. It will gradually come out on its own. And when it does, wash it again with antibacterial soap, pat it dry, put some bacitracin ointment on it and then leave it alone.If the bump has more of a cauliflower texture to it, it could be a wart. Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and tape it to the bump until dry. Leave it alone overnight to see if it starts to flake away. Repeat the next day if needed.If the bump has any other texture, an odd pigment, is larger than a pea, or feels as though it might have “compartments” of fluid or fat, you've gotta head in to a doctor.Best wishes and be well!

I have a bump on my head from a fight . . .?

im a girl and i got in a fight at around 2:25 or 2:30 pm and the guy i was fighting punched my head and i still have a bump on it is that normal? its 1:23 am now so ive had it for about 12 hours what should i do?

Why do I have little bumps on my head?

most bumps on head scalp r harmless.if bleeding, bump growing, open sore, paining, itching, scaling, patchy, hair loss -worrisome.human skull has natural bump on the back of head called inion. marks the bottom of skull where it attaches to the neck dead cells and oil produced by head builds up, accumulate on the scalp, they serve as food for bacteria that can turn into acne, bump.ring worm tina capitis causes follicies on scalp inflammed called folliculitis. then red scalp pumps softy itchy.some do not wash hair haed regularly. some wear tight hats, constrictive head gears.fungus bacteria more in summer due to hot humid air, during heavy work, dusting while house keeping.poorly maintained swimming pools, hot tubs, using poor quality water for head wash.barber's itch bump. razor bumps.epidermoid cysts small scalp bumps. no pain. build up of keratin below skin. goes away.pilar cist slow growing cyst dome shaped skin colored no pain.pilometrixoma slow growing do not hurt.propinibacterium acnes at head scalp.basal cell carcinomas BCC tumours intense sun exposure. take seriously.share not combs, brushes, towels, pillows, etc. some head scalp pumps can easily spread from persons to persons.avoid pet animals.lot of treatments. consult skin dr, dermatologist.identification of causes by skin dr, dermatologist, most important. may call for some tests in some cases.lot of herbs, consult qualified siddha dr.tree tea oil shampoo with antibacterial properties may help in some cases.dry shampoos do not help. may clog pores.salicyclic acid, glycolic acid, ketoconazole, benzoyl peroxide, isotretinoinn medication, vitamin a d e, may help. visit dr.phototherapy light therapy may help.lack of vitamin a d e.head injury bumps due to hematoma, the blood clot. major bleeding inside the skin. they mau go away after some time, say few days.

Why won't a bump on my head go away?

A “bump” on the head could be almost anything from an injury to an infection to a benign lesion to a malignancy. It should be examined by a physician who can examine it, get a history, and determine what further diagnostic testing is warranted.

Why do I have bumps on my head after a haircut?

The bumps sound like folliculitis, which refers to inflammation, or sometimes infection of the hair follicles. The condition can be triggered by an irritating shampoo or hair care product that causes a contact irritant or allergic reaction (note: this reaction is not always limited to the follicles). It can be caused by pulling and tugging on the hair during cutting/blowing/styling; this traction causes inflammation of the hair follicle, leading to temporary bumps. Finally, shaving or clipping the hair too close to the skin can irritate the hair follicles, leading to bumps.The bumps usually respond well to topical antibiotic solution with/without a mild topical steroid.#rash #folliculitis #scalp #hair #dermatologisttwitter @stayskinsafe

Small Bump on my head what is it?

Hi, here are some types of Skin Bumps you may want to know:

Red Skin Bumps

When red colored skin bumps form it can be from a multitude of causes including developing pimples or acne, insect bites, eczema, chicken pox, psoriasis, folliculitis, and shingles but the most common reason for red skin bumps is your body reacting to an allergy. Allergies that cause red skin bumps range from food or medicine based allergies to pollen, dust mites or mold.

Colorless Skin Bumps

Colorless skin bumps are often insect bites but can also be developing acne or signs of problems underneath the skin. If the colorless bump itches then it is likely a mosquito bite or an allergy. If the bump is hard it may be a cyst or nodule under the skin. If the bump is under the skin you may want to get a biopsy if the bump is changing in size or reoccurring.

Puss Filled Skin Bumps

If you have skin bumps that are filled with puss it is important to determine the color of the puss. If it is clear puss then it might be eczema or a blister. If it is blood filled puss then it might be psoriasis or a bug bite. If it is white puss then it might be acne. If it is yellow puss it might be herpes or a bacterial or viral infection.

if you want to learn more about skin bumps, you may take a look to
This website is dedicated to the most common causes for itchy skin bumps, detailed medical descriptions and other important skin bump diagnosis information.

I have a soft squishy bump on my head?

Much more likely is that this is a cyst of some sort. A sebaceous cyst or epidermal inclusion cyst can develop from clogged/infected sweat glands and can enlarge.

Keep it clean, don't mash it. If it really bothers you, have it removed.