I Have A Co-worker Issue

Co worker relationships...why is it such an issue?

It really depends on the kind of person you are, some people can do workplace relationships and even flourish at them, and I have seen others that ended up with horrible endings. Do people say it's weird if you dated someone from church, or school, ect... It's nothing more that a place where people get together and share some kind of goal, best way to know someone before you actually meet them.

How can I address this issue with a co-worker?

Posting again since someone moved it last time and I didn't get any helpful answers.

Part of my job is to filter the fryers on the other guy's (we'll just refer to him as A) days off.

Every time I come in after he's worked, the filter machine for the fryers isn't cleaned out. I've brought this to all of the managers attention and left A a note about it, since I never see him, and I'm technically his boss. But it's not getting done.
I brought it up again to my boss the other day and she said "well you'll just to clean it out for him when it doesn't get done because the fryers need filtering".

I'm given less time to complete the same tasks as A and yet I manage to clean out the filter machine every time I use it because that's not only a fire hazard to leave it dirty, but it's the right thing to do.

It's degrading to come in and have to clean up the mess of someone who I'm supposed to be the boss of and then be told that I need fo suck it up and clean it up for him when he doesn't.

So how can I handle this? Do I go over my boss's head to her boss and discuss it?

How do I tell a coworker about her halitosis?

She could just have bad breath due to many things to include health issues. Even people that tend to take on lots of protein (bulking up-working out) suffer from this as a side effect. With that being said, it depends on the rapport you have with said co-worker. I had a boss I had that same issue and I took him aside, mentioned it and he disclosed he had a health issue.Was he embarrassed ? YesDid I feel like a pie ? Yes but we also resolved it.I had a steady flow of mints and gum to his office ( I was an assistant at that time). Be very careful. If it bothers you that much, you may also opt to have HR handle it if they are tactful enough to do so as to avoid possible getting personally entangled.

An issue with a Mormon co-worker. How should I deal with this?

I have a co-worker who's mormon (well, many co-workers I have are mormon, but I'm talking about this one in particular). He's a nice enough guy, kind of dorky, married with kids and uber mormon.

The issue is that he's pretty sexist, being that it's relative to his belief and all, but he treats me like a 'weaker vessel', so to speak. He's very condescending and he talks down to me, even though I am not his subordinate nor (by far) his intellectual inferior. This has become very, very irritating.

Should I talk to him about this or just leave it be? I'm not going to change his opinion of my gender, but a part of me just wants him to know that just because I'm employed does not mean I'm a feminazi and I'm not here to challenge his meagerly endowed manhood.

Thanks for your input. I'm wearing spike heels at the moment.

My coworker is trying to get me fired.?

Sounds like this guy is not worth a penny.It would have been best for you in the beginning,was to document everything that he had done wrong,safety and otherwise.Hopefully,when you go back,You can start all over again.This time,don't say anything.Just do your job,watch him,like a hawk and write down any wrong thing that you see him doing.If you have a corporate office that is over you all,call human resources and let them know what is going on.If you have not been on this job for to long,start looking for another one.who knows what your boss is thinking,and This chubby dude may just be in cahoots with him and is slacking because he is your bosses friend.Be careful,and keep watch

Switching shifts with a coworker issue? Please help!?

I asked a coworker last week if there was any way she could switch shifts with me this Saturday as I was invited to a ball. I was really excited and expressed that she could choose any shift she had and I would gladly take it. She said she would go ask her husband and get back to me. Now today, (3 days before the day I need off) she literally said "well I do not have anything special planned but I just don't feel like working that night".

Now I know it's completely her right to say no, but I do feel a little upset that she waited so late to tell me and she couldn't even give me a valid excuse. I am wondering how I should approach this coworker or if I should say anything about it at all. Any advice or similar situations would be GREAT!! Thank you!!

What can I do to support a coworker who confided in me that they have mental health issues?

To avoid falling into a co-dependency situation, I recommend you first guide them to a search for a therapist. Encourage them but do not do the work for them. It is ok to sit beside them as they search on their computer but it is important that they take control of this activity. First, get the appointment, then get the diagnosis, then get the treatment. Tell them you are available to talk but you will not do things for them. Good luck and God bless. You’re a good friend.

If you knew a coworker was going to get fired for performance issues, would you warn them to give them a chance to improve or not say anything?

“If you knew a coworker was going to get fired for performance issues, would you warn them to give them a chance to improve or not say anything?”I was that guy who was to be fired and my buddy lets me know. Not that there was much to do about it or perhaps that I wanted to do about it. I was pretty tired of the incompetence so I didn’t put much effort into trying to keep my job.They asked me to describe what I did, which I assumed was for the purposes of replacing me. I did that but it was a bit vague. A lot of what I did was making decisions and that seemed to be a personal thing, which I could not seem to put down in words. Talking to people and getting their input which informed my decision making didn’t seem to do it for them.I listed and explained what I did which was actually hugely beyond the scope of work assigned to me. I think the list surprised them because I tried to limit what I told them due to the micromanagement.I don’t do much politics except for some defensive politics. Mostly this was being aware of what I considered obvious maneuvers to show me in a bad light and heading that off.Just my presence was off-putting to my boss and I don’t do ass kissing, so I was prepared to leave.This was a contract position and there was no chance of advancement. This was fine with me, I was happy to do a good job and go home.

What is the best way to deal with a very smelly coworker who has awful hygene issues?

I worked in a small office, and i have a coworker with serious hygiene issues- she clearly doesn't bathe, is severely obese, and I kid you not, the whole office smells like her privates- Anytime anyone hints to her she should bathe, she cops an attitude. the boss is afraid he'll be sued if he says anything, as she is extremely obese, which is a disability...Now whenever I got home, ive discovered this woman's stink is in my clothes...
HELP- if you have a smelly coworker, what is the best way to get them th 'clean up' their act?

Relationship Issues...Married & Lusting after co-worker?

2 issues at hand really. One is my current relationship. I am married going on now 6 years and we have 1 child. For the last 2-3 years things have not been great with our relationship to the point most days we just tolerate each other. Most days its fighting, arguing and as much as I try and to things right I don't feel much love from her. Our sex life is non-existent since our daughter was born. I think about divorce but being from a divorced family I know me and my siblings never had the best of childhoods in part due to that. I don't want the same for my daughter so I've been playing the "stick it out" game.

The other new issue is my desire to want to be with a girl I work with who is much younger then me (12 years). She is engaged and talks to me daily about her what seems are similar issues. She has a child with her fiance too. Our body language and other non-verbal say we both think the same thing but neither make the move to advance it due to our relationships. What do I do?